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Thoughts on my next backpack
  • A lot of photographers seem to like the Peak Design bags, that’s what led me to them. They don’t really have a water bottle solution but the quick access is definitely there and I like the organization setup a lot - very easy to customize. There wasn’t a price listed on the link you shared but I think the Peak Everday bag is about $260 USD.

  • Raivo wiped all of my TOTP codes
  • Thank you for the heads up. Mine had already updated this morning. Not sure if you were able to get yours working but in case others are having problems the new update splash screen prompts you to select a subscription option. If you close that prompt it will ask to choose local/cloud storage and enter your master password. Once I did that all of my keys showed up.

    Having said all of that I will be switching out of this app as soon as I find a replacement. Totally fine if developers want to generate revenue by adding features or services (I pay for plenty of great apps) but this is a clear attempt to generate revenue quickly. Even a simple splash screen warning users this was coming would have demonstrated some confidence in the new ownership, but they have traded any confidence for a quick dollar.

    Edit: they have locked the zip export feature behind their paywall 🤬 I would rather spend all day manually moving codes than give these scammers a single dime

  • U.S. Sues Apple, Accusing It of Maintaining an iPhone Monopoly
  • I think side loading is an important point. You can even side load apps on a Mac so Apple is going to have a difficult time arguing this one. It’s fine to not allow it by default and adding the extra steps to enable it.

    I’ll admit I am torn on this. Before the iPhone really took off in the US the mobile carriers were in control. Does anyone remember having to pay for GPS and navigation and similar things through Verizon or whoever as add-ons? I do not miss those days, Apple (and Google) have done a lot to improve mobile experience since then.

  • House likely to pass a bill that could ban TikTok, sending it to the Senate
  • I don’t use the platform so I’m not as familiar to if this is general nationalist issue or about specific practices in TikTok. I do think this is a slippery slope, though. Im afraid our elected officials are just too far behind on Technology to look at the broader issues on privacy and technology - this might pass simply because they can slap “not US = bad” on a campaign bus. It likely will boost VPN usage and/or drive people to less mature and even less privacy concerned services.

  • [New Release] Guster - All Day All Day by Guster

    Listen now on your favorite streaming service. Powered by Songlink/Odesli, an on-demand, customizable smart link service to help you share songs, albums, podcasts and more.

    All Day by Guster
    The fall of Firefox: Mozilla's once-popular web browser slides into irrelevance
  • I wouldn’t nominate either one for sainthood, no argument there. I walked away from Google because they are an ad company that makes devices and software - that has become increasingly more apparent in the last several years, I’m sure it was always true but less obvious in the early days.

  • GM Says It's Dropping Apple CarPlay And Android Auto Because They're Unsafe
  • It’s a very thin argument about it being buggy and/or users picking up their phones when that happens. There’s no way they have data to quantify that. I use voice commands exclusively and as others have said the only things I wrestle with are climate and non-integrated functions. It’s way safer to do AA or CarPlay in my experience.

    It’s GMs bet to lose here. I would immediately pass on a vehicle without CarPlay. My old Toyota had a horrible interface and I was quoted $300 just to update the map, not even a new radio, literally just a software update. No thank you.

  • Sunbird / ‘Nothing Chats’ is Not Secure.
  • If I understood correctly the Sunbird solution is basically setting up an account on a virtual computer and then relaying imessages? That has all kinds of red flags associated if true.

    The obsession with blue bubbles is really silly from all sides of it. Ironically I think Apple intended it to allow people to understand when a message was secure or not, I don’t think they thought it would become a social status marker. Don’t get me wrong, they could have put effort in to better integrate once this all started and clearly they’re leveraging the situation to retain customers - I’m one of them, I gave up and went to iOS because 99% of my family is there and I can’t convince them to adopt Signal, etc.

    Having said all of that, trying to build third party middleware at the expense of user security just to fake having an iPhone app is equally silly.

  • Steven Wilson - The Harmony Codex [New Release] Steven Wilson - The Harmony Codex

    Listen to The Harmony Codex by Steven Wilson.

    Steven Wilson - The Harmony Codex

    I didn’t see this one posted, it just released last week. Definitely continues along the same path as The Future Bites if you are familiar with Mr. Wilson. So far I’m really enjoying it personally!

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I’m skeptical that a FF with a majority market share would continue to be as user-centric as it is now. Honestly I sort of hope that a third option comes out, but FF is my go to option for now.

    I’ve lost faith in Google (nod to your username) for sure - in general I miss disruption, everyone used to believe they could do it better so no one shied away from the idea of building a better browser engine or any other technology for that matter.

    Google stopped making decisions in the best interest of anyone other than their shareholders a long time ago.

  • First Experience with Dahlias

    This is my first season experimenting with Dahlias and I’m pleasantly surprised at how easy they’ve been to care for. Zone 7 - they definitely seem to prefer morning sun. I tried two different areas and the ones in the afternoon sun did not bloom at all. I relocated those about a month ago into pots and they are blooming now.

    The ones pictured have been in the ground since spring and are thriving with little maintenance other than water and deadheading every week or so once they started to flower.

    I ordered the plants this year to try and based on my experience I think I’m going to start from seed next year. It’s really nice to have a thriving plant in the worst heat of summer. Everything else is sagging and stressed for a few more weeks at least.

    If Even Mark Zuckerberg Is Hiding His Kids’ Faces on Instagram, What Are the Rest of Us Doing?
  • For sure.. it’s really frustrating, though. Family members constantly post my kids’ photos and I am somehow the tin foil hat wearing bad guy in the situation when I ask to not do it and/or crop them out. Thankfully I feel like for the most part this has settled down from its peak but I still have relatives who literally dump dozens of photos into social media per week.

  • Wefwef for Lemmy feels exactly like Apollo.
  • As an Apollo user I was very (happily) surprised at how familiar this feels, thank you! Interesting note about this app is they have a Dockerfile available which means you could host the PWA/app in your own domain. Looking at the Dockerfile this would be super easy to deploy and update.

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