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What do you call a fake noodle?
  • False as in 'false step', perhaps. 'faux pas' is a well-established term for a social gaffe.

    Sorry, I see what you were going for, but IMO it doesn't quite land :(

  • I wish I was as bold as these authors.
  • Oddly, "bullshit" qualifies as a technical term in this context. The authors argue that chatgpt (and similar systems) emit bullshit.

    They don't lie or hallucinate because they don't know or believe anything. It's all just text modeling.

    The focus in this type of AI is to produce text that looks convincing, but it doesn't have any concept of truth/falsehood, fact or fiction.

    When this is the way someone talks, we say that they're bullshitting us. So it is with chatgpt.

  • Microsoft really wants Local accounts gone after it erases its guide on how to create them
  • I disagree. I think it's more helplessness than apathy.

    I don't approve of all the spying, but I don't "own" any congress critters, so what can I do? I can't even opt out of the spying by cancelling my Internet plan and smashing my phone -- there's still tracking through CCTV, face recognition, license plate scanners, etc. I'd have to move to some remote middle of nowhere and live as a subsistence farmer -- and even on the way there, I'd be thoroughly tracked. There's no escape, it's like we're all in a giant digital cage.

  • I put my number in a secure form for a trusted bank and immediately got spammed
  • I just hope they actually have their social security card. A quick googling told me that you need a current ID to get the social security administration to issue a replacement card. Talk about a vicious cycle!

  • How have your opinions on media you once enjoyed changed over time? Are there movies or shows you used to find funny but no longer do?
  • If that's what you got from my comment, you really shouldn't be participating in this comment thread. Please leave the conversations for the grownups in the room, thanks.

  • How have your opinions on media you once enjoyed changed over time? Are there movies or shows you used to find funny but no longer do?
  • Huh, I had the opposite reaction. I see your point about satirizing racism, but I couldn't get past the gratuitous n-bombs every other line.

  • How have your opinions on media you once enjoyed changed over time? Are there movies or shows you used to find funny but no longer do?
  • Mel Brooks

    aged pretty well

    Some stuff, yeah, but then you have Blazing Saddles. Woof.

  • Help Finding a Game
  • Hmm, and what about fish?

  • TIL That reddits "most addicted city" is eglin air force base FL
  • I used to be subbed to several local subreddits, including a [mylocation]-social.

    The difference in tone between people I knew from the `social meetups vs. the people in the generic city/state subreddits was truly amazing.

  • This is getting out of hand! Now there are more than 3 of them!
  • My reaction upon leaving the theater was "Wow! They did Star Wars almost better than Star Wars!"

    In the days that followed, the more I thought about the movie, the less I liked it in retrospect. I was hoping for a continuation of the saga, not "Star Wars: The Remake".

  • This is getting out of hand! Now there are more than 3 of them!
  • I thought the show did very well until they ran out of material to adapt and started having to improvise. The showrunners had a great talent for putting things on the screen, but they couldn't write their way out of a paper bag.

    (disclaimer, I only watched the first few seasons, plus a couple of episodes in S8 when a friend was organizing watch parties)

  • This is getting out of hand! Now there are more than 3 of them!
  • Are you kidding? Star Wars had amazing special effects for its day. Yeah, they look clunky now. But you know what? The special effects in Wizard of Oz looked clunky in the 1970s.

    As for good story telling...what? This is Star Wars we're talking about, not Fine Art. It's pretty much a reshooting of The Hidden Fortress ... in space!

    It's a fun movie, but damn do people lionize it far beyond what it ever actually was.

  • The Internet is becoming genuinely unusable without an ad blocker
  • I feel some guilt for using content blockers

    Please don't. The advertisers "defected" decades ago with popup windows (and probably before that, but popups in the late 90s/early 2000s stand out in my mind). It's only gotten worse since then.

  • If you don't work IT, retail, or food service what do you do for work?
  • Yep, that's basically my job ๐Ÿ˜‚

  • If you don't work IT, retail, or food service what do you do for work?
  • If we started putting server-class chips on board next to the current ECU, would "the cloud" start to mean "someone else's car"? ๐Ÿค”

  • If you don't work IT, retail, or food service what do you do for work?
  • Reasonable prices, too. With that clientele, you can't just charge an arm and a leg.

  • If you don't work IT, retail, or food service what do you do for work?
  • Software engineer, aka glorified code-monkey. Ook!

    You might say that my job fits under the umbrella of IT, but no, it's totally a different thing! ;)

  • Pros / cons of riding a bike?
  • I used to bike to work occasionally. It was maybe a 5 minute drive, 15 minute bike ride. I would bring a backpack with a change of clothes and change in the bathroom once I got to the office.

  • Broken direct links to comments

    As an example, if I go to the starting guide and click on the top comment, I get the following response:

    "This site canโ€™t be reached The webpage at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address. ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE"

    Dev tools shows response code: 400 (from service worker) for this request.

    I don't see this behavior on every single comment link, but it shows up for a lot of them, seemingly randomly.

    I see it across different browsers and normal vs. incognito mode.

    Any clues on what's broken?

    elephantium elephantium
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    Comments 429