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I refuse defeatism
  • For your first point, sure let’s consider that the case, then the old panels can be recycled and you get more efficient ones, not a bad trade.

    Also, share with your neighbour the extra energy? Or contact your municipal office to pass a tax cut/payback? There’s so much opportunity there! (Just imagine if your city passes such an initiative and others adopt too! Less reliance on fossil fuels!)

    On your second point, yeah, we need more innovation in recycling technology. Hopefully we get there too 😊

  • I refuse defeatism
  • I hate stocks, but I hope yours go to the moon!

  • I refuse defeatism
  • From your link it, for me, it seems like emissions are platooning, similar to a technological S curve. Even if China and India are growing exponentially, reduction in other countries are enough to slow down the process significantly (specially if you zoom in in the last 10 years).

    It’s very hard to predict change, but I suspect the deprecation of solutions that emit lots of emissions is about to skyrocket.

  • I refuse defeatism
  • Not just that, it’s a combination of factors. Sustainable thinking, independence, a connection to the world and self and much more.

  • I refuse defeatism
  • Precisely that, hydroponics to be more precise. It’s not everything, but a great start

  • [Request For Comments] Can you recommend any groups/books/papers/blogs/keywords/etc on the topic of UN reform and global constitutionalism?
  • I have no suggestions of groups, books, papers, blogs and etc regardin global constitutionalism, but I have an opinion.

    Creating bigger and stronger governments will only lead to the protection of an elite that is way too irresponsible with their powers.

    Right now the vibe is against oil, gas and pollutants and in favor of sustainability mostly globally. It’s genuinely very hard to find someone that says: “I don’t care about microplastics, “I have no issue with air pollutants causing cancer” and “I don’t care we are trashing the ocean”.

    And this is sort of where solarpunk fits extremely well in. I don’t know if governments and corporations will solve the climate crisis, but goddamn I’ll do my part and help businesses and others do their part too.

  • Introduction
  • Switzerland, not too far away

  • Introduction
  • Hello! I’m currently running an instagram page with the purpose to spread ideas similar to yours. Besides memes, I’ll be posting my journey making green tech projects (like indoor farms, a self sustaining moss wall and others still to be conceived).

    I’m fully convinced that in the next years we’ll see a shift towards grassroots environmental friendly communities that will shift the economic machinery to a better future. I’ll keep an eye on what you’re doing too!

  • Yes, Actually, Individual Responsibility Is Essential to Solving the Climate Crisis
  • This week I decided that my next six months will be dedicated to making solarpunk stuff, stay with an eye open for me and hopefully it encourages you to create some stuff to.

    There is an alternative, it is better and we are already making it true!

  • Conspiracy Theorists and Vaccine Skeptics Have a New Target: Geoengineering | Around the country, people with a deep distrust of government want to preemptively ban the use of aerosols to reduce heat
  • I mean, they might be against it for the wrong reasons, but it would be better if we tried to fix the climate without aerosol…

  • Ending Oil Subsidies, Taxing the Rich Could Help Free Up $5 Trillion a Year for Climate: Report
  • The reason for a lot of these subsidies is the dependence of other economies on oil. We need more open source solar and nuclear tech to make the planet resilient, then we can throw oil out of the window.

  • ecoenginefutures ecoenginefutures
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