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Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 14 July 2024
  • Can't wait to find out that the Perseid meteor shower, which has inspired humanity for centuries, is actually just Von Neumann probes from a long-dead civilization that spam their equivalent of pull requests on any planet that has advanced to hosting source forges.

  • Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 14 July 2024
  • "Any messages beyond this tweet from anyone claiming to be from Pendle is a scam"

    33 replies from scammers. Holy shit.

  • That tracing woodgrains peice on David Gerard is out
  • Trace RTs someone hoping aloud that his nonsense gets laundered by an RS, then breathlessly reports on his literal transparent brigade getting unbanned using a very strained appeal to WP:AGF, so I am starting to get a picture of his end-goal.

  • LLM vendors are incredibly bad at responding to security issues
  • What are the chances that the front end was not programmed to handle the LLM returning an empty string?

  • Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 14 July 2024
  • "disorderly cities are required by the state religion"

    When they are absolutely sure the tweet will not escape containment, they will just take assumptions like "a certain percentage of people has incurable Criminal Mind" as given and go from there.

  • We regret to inform you that Ray Kurzweil is back on his bullshit
  • I miss the good old days when they had to make sneersneerclub to talk behind our backs instead of chatting up a wall, oblivious.

  • We regret to inform you that Ray Kurzweil is back on his bullshit
  • I meant the user they're speaking to, compare to [removed link]

    EDIT: spoke to self, just more free jank, almost all of the visibility should be gone for the banned to howl into the void as intended.

  • We regret to inform you that Ray Kurzweil is back on his bullshit
  • As says, this is not just an eyesore for people not on awful.sys, but unmoderated bullshit that is, for some reason, being federated out to everyone (except awful.sys).

    I bring this up because this is some fresh new jank, not from concentrate: who is supposed to moderate hate speech or disinformation that is being spread in this way? Why does lemmy federate comments from banned people? This happens in techtakes as well, another user has no idea they're banned, posts regularly and is having conversations [removed link] with no indication that this guy is persona non grata.

  • Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 30 June 2024
  • I also use the new comments page, and when lemmy default frontend broke the next page, I looked around and found, which fixes this page. EG

    The downside is that, in implementing an infinite scroll, it unloads comments that you're not looking at, so ctrl-f will be unreliable.

  • Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 30 June 2024
  • go into about:config to kill even more things there. which I just wanted to share

    Well, looks like my custom pocket settings are preserved, if they're useful to anyone:

    browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.section.highlights.includePocket				false	
    extensions.pocket.enabled									false	
    extensions.pocket.onSaveRecs									false	
    extensions.pocket.settings.test.panelSignUp							v1	
    extensions.pocket.showHome									false	
    services.sync.prefs.sync.browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.section.highlights.includePocket	false
  • Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 30 June 2024
  • now at 79 upvotes on, but only eleven upvotes are visible from

    Fedi is weird!

  • TracingWoodgrains launches a defense of Manifest's controversial reputation, all without betraying a basic understanding of what the word "controversial" means.
  • I think he is trying to say something like "non-zero skew", but really, he just means "I subscribe to race science, but only for the articles".

  • TracingWoodgrains launches a defense of Manifest's controversial reputation, all without betraying a basic understanding of what the word "controversial" means.
  • TracingWoodgrains seems to have developed, in the process of leaving mormonism, an obsession with seeking out contrarianism. But more importantly, he openly admits to being racist/HBD "align[s] broadly with informed experts that the distribution of genetic traits associated with intelligence is non-zero" and "questions of genetics and IQ, including when it comes to group differences, are worth taking seriously". As such, he only considers it "racism" if it's "racial crassness and antagonism".

    In which TW names who he thinks is treating the topic with the seriousness it demands without sinking to crassness: our good good friend Cremieux.

  • EA is becoming a cult? It must be wokeism fault
  • Absolutely magnificent that this guy took a break from posting about OLED WLAN DNS SKU TCL and 800 ISO without bokah at like f/16 to come in here and chastise us for using in-group terms.

  • When this post is 6 hours old, will be going down for an upgrade [Edit: upgrade complete]
  • Since the update to "UI: 0.19.0 BE: 0.19.1-rc.1", pagination for comments seems to be broken? or disabled?, do you know if this is a thing or a lemmy thing? I don't see other people mentioning this when I looked for an issue.

    What I mean: go to, and scroll to the bottom. The "Next" button is disabled (and if you edit the html to enable it, pressing it does nothing).

  • Can I get a filesystem cleanup on aisle 6?
  • These kinds of public errors are almost always a hard drive failure.

  • earthquake earthquake

    I'm so tired.

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