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Internet users, especially right wing and "nonpolitical" ones, are weird as shit about sex and sexual content (CW sexual content obviously, also lots of text)
  • Just something that I feel like I have to remind people of whenever it comes up: mainstream psychology does not recognize porn addiction as a real thing, based on the lack of evidence/lack of consensus to support a consistent diagnostic criteria. The only actually recognized related condition is compulsive sexual behavior disorder, which is not using an addiction model.

    I'm quite sure that there has to be at least someone who has problematic pornography use habits which aren't just a symptom of another issue, but without anyone being able to pin down a consistent set of diagnostic criteria, then there's barely any way to identify who those people are separately from people who report it but whose distress is coming from something else. One study done on self-reported pornography addiction found that the strongest predictor was moral objection to pornography, not amount of porn use. Another two studies found that antagonistic narcissism is an even better predictor (might read it when it isn't 3AM). Your analysis is actually touching on this somewhat -- a narcissist's interest in "addressing their pornography addiction" is mostly that they think that it will elevate them above the porn addicts, or whatever other target.

  • Ukraine F-16 destroyed during Russian attack, BBC told
  • There is a third option you forgot.

    One of Ukraine's officials claimed that a Patriot missile took it out.

  • I'm an anti-natalist now
  • don't forget the absolutely inexplicable platform-specific bugs:

  • Did Bashar Al Assad gas his own people, or is that total bullshit?
  • this is a different attack from the ones people are usually talking about with Assad, that report is about a mustard gas attack (which ISIS has/had access to) and the notable attacks people accuse Assad of perpetrating were sarin gas attacks (which ISIS never had access to afaik)

  • Bumble’s Whitney Wolfe Herd says your dating ‘AI concierge’ will soon date hundreds of other people’s ‘concierges’ for you
  • they'll probably take information representing some aggregation of interactions for a user and make some scoring model that tries to learn from pairs of user data and outcomes (in terms of whether they successfully dated or whatever you do on these apps). 100% marketing bullshit, doing LLM inference for something like this would have costs spiral out of control FAST. But a scoring model is cheap, they have the data to make one, and it isn't really all that innovative either.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Honestly, if I was trying to manipulate online discourse to deliberately cause as much political turmoil as possible, not only would I do agitprop for the far left and far right to anger the other side, I would also make sure to post a large amount of centrist propaganda that is callously dismissive of legitimate issues and suggest that foreign manipulation is part of it. That would both piss off at least one side (depending on the issue) and cast doubt on the idea that foreign manipulation is actually even happening in the first place.

  • They're going to try to put AI in everything.
  • Main difference is that blockchain never had an actual use case (speculation doesn't count) beyond buying heroin and running ransomware. Machine learning had practical applications for years that nobody really thought much of at the time, and the marketers got a hold of it after it was fairly well established without them and right at the point of a massive wave of breakthroughs in the area.

    That being said, there is a fucking massive AI bubble. A large portion of the things we're seeing will survive when that pops, but boy are there a lot of very overconfident investors who are going to get burned hard on this.

  • Twitch Streamer Asmongold: I don't really give a fuck what Palestine's problems are... but if somebody's blocking the road... and I'm trying to get through... I will reflexively be against them.
  • They're fine as long as they're not in my house. I have grown up with large black flying roaches and cannot stand them, if I spot one I will literally not be able to relax at all until it is dead.

  • Republicans are moving to South Carolina.
  • At least in my experiences it hasn't been that bad here compared to other places? We're not passing Project 2025 shit at the same rate that Texas or Florida are, for instance, probably partially because there's no concern at all that we will become a swing state any time soon and therefore not nearly as much urgency to do things to try to drive people who would likely vote for Dems out of the state.

  • Protip: Bufferbloat and how to deal with it in OpenWrt
  • Should also probably include some recommendations for less expensive routers that can use OpenWrt along with this? Mine cost me $300... I don't regret it because I have found at least that much utility in it, from this and from finally being able to intercept my smart TV's hardcoded DNS requests and blocking the ads, but I'm pretty sure that there are better deals to be had that don't involve paying $300 for one of the radios to not work due to bad driver support.

  • Time published an article in which Eliezer Yudkowsky advocates for the use of preemptive nuclear attacks to prevent countries from researching AI
  • I think you forgot to include the part where he thinks this needs to be done so that we can, essentially, kill all of the dumb people who would get tricked by a rising superintelligent AI.

    There are so many cranks in "AI safety" stuff to the point where it is legitimately difficult to talk about what should be done that isn't very obviously slanted for some industry's benefit. You've got people like this, you've also got people like Gladstone that are LITERALLY EX-PENTAGON PEOPLE SPONSORED BY LOCKHEED MARTIN (who I am sure are very concerned about AI safety -- the only way I could be more convinced is if it was Boeing), who have suspicious demands that the publication of open-source models should be made illegal (probably out of concerns about China, as if half of the papers I read on new developments aren't already from them or the Noah's Ark lab in Moscow). There is no well that is unpoisoned here.

  • NSFW
    Least cumbrained AI enthusiast: "OpenAI should really allow people to make as much porn as possible with Sora. It's the right thing to do."
  • that person's comment history has it all. 821 mentions of the words "woman" or "women" (they insist they are done with dating), a bunch of posts in r/europe r/england and r/AskAnAmerican (they're probably american i think), and futurology posts. what an interesting and well-adjusted person.

  • holy fuck, r/neoliberal just disproved communism, shut this site down
  • If you go further down the thread, he is arguing back and forth with someone, and is basically proposing historical racism as an alternative to historical materialism.

  • (cw reference to CSA) never seen the show but this is making me THONK
  • deservedly so, there's enough Loona shit out there that I very regularly see people complain about there being too much of it. I think there's more stuff of her than of any other single character relative to the age of the source media.

  • ass thicc
  • ben_garrison 
    kangaroo macropod mammal marsupial 
    2021 colored english_text hi_res lol_comments url 
    abdominal_bulge ambiguous_gender anthro armband australia australian_flag belly big_belly canton covid_quarantine deformed_face dialogue element_drop_shadow 
    evil_grin evil_look feet flag flag_(object) for_a_head fully_inside holding_belly holding_stomach hyper hyper_abdominal_bulge imprisonment landmark macro 
    medical_instrument medical_syringe nazi nazi_armband organs pecs political_cartoon politics pouch_(anatomy) pouch_vore prehensile_holding prehensile_tail 
    propaganda scientific_instrument smile solo speech_bubble stomach_zipper swastika syringe tail_holding_flag tail_holding_object text text_drop_shadow trapped 
    uluru vore what what_has_science_done where_is_your_god_now why zipping_up 
  • ass thicc
  • ben garrison is obviously hiding an alt account where he posts fetish art

  • Mexico's Zapatista rebel movement says it is dissolving its 'autonomous municipalities' Mexico's Zapatista rebel movement says it is dissolving its 'autonomous municipalities'

    The Zapatista rebel movement in southern Mexico says it is dissolving the “autonomous municipalities” it declared in the years following the group’s 1994 armed uprising.

    Mexico's Zapatista rebel movement says it is dissolving its 'autonomous municipalities'
    "Why is /r/communism allowed, but not /r/nazism?" -- by far the worst thread I've seen on Reddit in YEARS.

    Found it linked on SubredditDrama. Here's what they linked: (just to clarify this isn't my write up except for the unquoted parts, I stole expropriated it straight from the SRD post)

    > Link to full thread. Honestly, there's no real reason to do highlights since the craziest of comments are mostly upvoted, but anyway > > "My family is Ukranian and Communism killed over 6 million of us, more than the number of Jews that were killed during the Holocaust." Bonus "why is there no r/askanazi"

    (I really wish I could tell this person that the Nazis were at best going to deport 2/3rds of the Ukrainian population to Siberia).

    > One user thinks it's Chinese influence over Reddit. Also claims fascism died in 1945 with the fall of Nazi Germany and no Fascist state has been allowed to exist since. > > "Because our school system does not teach the evils of communism." Galactic sized brain user responds with "It not so subtly promotes it". > > "Because Reddit is very very left wing, communism is just as if not more dangerous than facism . . . redditors on average know nothing about history" > > "Take a stroll over to r/politics - they serve up a comments section that would make Hitler swell with pride"

    (probably the closest thing to a true statement in the thread) :reddit-logo: :reddit-logo: :reddit-logo:

    > "Stalin killed 7 times more people than Hitler and Mao killed at least 20 times more people than Stalin" Upon being asked for a source, another user replies with "Yeah. Ask for sources. Very obscure fact that you would probably never be able to find. I wonder why we don’t get any of this in our beloved schools and universities?"

    I, too, remember when Mao killed the entire population of modern day China, then the entire population of modern day India for good measure.

    > Upon someone pointing out communism is just an economic ideology, OP claims it's not because communists want to destroy religion and "the family". Says they're still doing it in today in capitalist countries through Cultural Marxism. Goes on to say it promotes "feminism, the LGBT movement, promotion of fornication, promotion of degeneracy in general, etc." > > And of course, a lobster claims communism is worse than nazism because communism killed 100 million people.

    Bonus: The original poster is a fucking creationist.

    Edit: An Indian poster recounts the history of Bri*ish capitalism and its effects on India. Helpful Redditors explain how this isn't real capitalism.

    The entire thread is AWFUL. Every comment. I'm sorry for not having screenshots. But this garbage fire needs to be witnessed in person.

    drhead drhead [he/him]
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