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Two sides of the same coin

Was there ever any connection between the token and the security it claimed to be backed by? On the flipside, when done legitimately, a tokenized security could be a way to fix the fuckery. Digital dividend or FTX fraud, two sides of the same technocoin.

We’re living a cyberpunk novel from the 80’s, a warning that wound up a template, and the battlefield is the blockchain as we hold and hodl. It’s been a wild ride, and it’s going to get wilder. Gene Wilder wilder.

through the fud, through the great earnings reports, through the glitches, and for as long as it takes, apes are...

i can't seem to get Lemmy to load an animated GIF, anyone else have that? It throws me back a syntax error in the JSON file.

Sometimes they all move together

Curious it is, that unrelated businesses should behave so similarly on the stock market sometimes...

For the ape that taught us about keeping our word


84 years ago u/rick_of_spades taught us all what it means to keep your word by mashing a banana into his ass crack. For this I will be forever thankful, and the apes that followed with cucumbers, mayo jars, blended socks, and other dubious ban bets only helped to solidify my resolve and make me understand that apes keep their word. Be it hodling until life changing money for single digit shareholders, running 7.41 miles every day, peppering the SEC with questions, commenting on rule changes, or not cutting their hair until MOASS, apes keep their word. Apes together strong.

For the ape that taught us about keeping our word

84 years ago u/rick_of_spades taught us all what it means to keep your word by mashing a banana into his ass crack. For this I will be forever thankful, and the apes that followed with cucumbers, mayo jars, blended socks, and other dubious ban bets only helped to solidify my resolve and make me understand that apes keep their word. Be it hodling until life changing money for single digit shareholders, running 7.41 miles every day, peppering the SEC with questions, commenting on rule changes, or not cutting their hair until MOASS, apes keep their word. Apes together strong. !

This is not a forecast for 50 years time, it’s happening today.
  • dr. david suzuki pours himself another scotch and sighs.

  • Are these two part of the same picture?

    With RC showing up in the dockets and all the other cohencidences, I am still convinced there are connecting threads between these two entities. The past weeks of court dates have been both frustrating and tit jacking all at once, and soon we should know the who/what/how’s of it all.

    Scan the red packet to pickup one of these nft’s if you also think RC is not done with this play yet, and that it’s all going to tie together with a big green bow.



    how it feels to be on Lemmy rn
  • totalcommander.exe for the win!

  • how it feels to be on Lemmy rn
  • oh the turntables, back in the 90's the stereotype was the 10 year old showing the 60 year old how to use the "computator", nowadays maybe it's the 60 year old showing the 10 year old there are open source alternatives for image editing apps, office apps, and most things with a tappable tablet interface.

  • how it feels to be on Lemmy rn
  • yeah, we'd need more Geosities banner ads and <flash/> html tags to go back to the Macweb1.0/Mosaic era. ....Sometimes I still visit to feel young again.

  • how it feels to be on Lemmy rn
  • i share your memory

  • how it feels to be on Lemmy rn
  • kind of like when back in usenet days a usenet server could choose to not include certain newsgroups, such as someone not wanting to store all the data for alt.binaries.pron.hamsters on their server or whatnot?

  • how it feels to be on Lemmy rn
  • alt.lemmy.shitposting

  • A tip of the hat to our historian


    One of the moments when i knew this situation with wallstreet was serious was when posts started disappearing and one ape took it on themselves to start backing up the community’s communications. u/Elegant-Remote6667 has gone to amazing lengths to archive and, just as importantly, make available all the facts, fun, and fud of the last couple years and for that I am grateful. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it, so I am glad once all the shit goes down and fingers start getting pointed that apes will have a trove of date stamped proof that we were not the baddies, that we figured things out early, and that we tried our best to comment against and warn of what was coming.

    Thanks Elegant for and everything you’ve done, and as reddit comes off the rails, I hope our decentralizations don’t prove to be an end to the archive.

    ...haven't figured out how to crosspost on Lemmy yet...

    What are your thoughts on being called Lemmings if this platform becomes a staple?
  • instead of fediverse perhaps it should be fedoraverse

  • What are your thoughts on being called Lemmings if this platform becomes a staple?
  • Call me whatever you want, when I hear "Lemmy" I think Motorhead, so maybe we're "Kilmisters"

  • What's your email client of choice?
  • Thunderbird with Lightning to reproduce all the outlook functionality

  • Reactions to [REDACTED]


    hmmm, having trouble getting Lemmy to load all the pics in the post, keep getting a syntax error message with the first character or somesuch, so until that's sorted I'll just post this one pic here, but look around for other versions with the red packet for the NFT.

    As subs, posts, and people continue to be removed on Reddit, as banks look shadier and more suspect, apes have shown their resilience and adaptability by migrating their communications to multiple subreddits, multiple chats, multiple wallets, multiple brokers and DRS accounts...

    Now there’s places to find apes on Lemmy, Discord, Twitter and elsewhere, and apes using Loopring and Gamestop wallets for an array of functionality. We’re like a game of whack-a-mole for the status quo, but with hundreds of thousands of moles, a growing number of holes to pop out of, and still only one ban hammer.

    Let us know in the comments what decentralized service you’re liking these days, I’m digging Lemmy as a fallback when Reddit’s last embers fade.

    Power to the decentralized apes!

    ELI5 how do the posts we make on show up for the rest of the world or do we need to be posting on for that to happen?

    As in the title, is like r/all? I'm just trying to get a handle on how this decentralized server angle works, and sorting out how to post beyond people on the server. Can anyone explain it like I'm a moron, because I am.

    doctorplasmatron DoctorPlasmatron

    Dobbsian-Erisian Gravitational Calorist, doktor of psychic dentistry

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