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Biden’s Record Is Full of Climate Wins — So Why Don’t Voters Know It? Environmental groups are making a concerted effort to educate voters about President Joe Biden’s climate policies before election
  • I think it's a combination of:

    • Voters who believe climate change is a hoax so trying to claim victory here might not give returns, so it's better to do it quietly
    • Voters who believe climate change is real are going to be looking at this as not enough action given what the IPCC is saying

    So this spate of legislation is tepid for both sides, so it doesn't really "make" news. As far as Fox & other right wing media, going into the detail of climate change just hurts their message because no one can look at detail and not immediately realise that there's "something to this climate change mumbo jumbo", so covering this is actually toxic for them. They are better off sticking to the top-level "it's a hoax they want to kill your babies" or whatever.

  • Infected games under Proton.
  • In that case Steam flatpak isn't really what you want. You probably want to use Bottles, which creates a flatpak-like sandbox. This is not a guarantee or anything, but does give you some protection (at least, better than running it on Windows I guess).

  • The Biden administration’s new automatic braking rule is “impractical,” auto industry says
  • I think it's worth thinking about this in a technical sense, not just in a political or capitalist sense: Yes, car companies want self driving cars, but self driving cars are immensely dangerous, and there's no evidence that self driving cars will make roads safer. As such, legislation should be pushing very hard to stop self driving cars.

    Also, the same technology used for self driving is used for AEB. This actually makes self-driving more likely, in that the car companies have to pay for all that equipment anyway, they may as well try and shoehorn in self driving. On top of this, I have no confidence that the odds of an error in the system (eg: a dirty sensor, software getting confused) is not higher than the odds of a system correctly braking when it needs to.

    This means someone can get into a situation where they are:

    • in a car, on a road, nothing of interest in front of them
    • the software determines that there is an imminent crash
    • Car brakes hard (even at 90mph), perhaps losing traction depending on road conditions
    • may be hit from behind or may hit an object
    • Driver is liable even though they never actually pressed the brakes.

    This is unacceptable on its face. Yes, cars are dangerous, yes we need to make them safer, but we should use better policies like slower speeds, safer roads, and transitioning to smaller lighter weight cars, not this AI automation bullshit.

  • Xi is pushing climate, study shows
  • I love Lemmy. I often come in here thinking about the downsides of an article and it's usually the top voted comment. Contrast with the... other... site... where the top comment is probably racist posted by a bot.

  • Let housing market "slowly acclimate" to climate risk, Fannie Mae exec says
  • Also, it's clearly not working, because you can't buy insurance 100 years out. All the insurance companies do is jack up the prices every year until a property becomes uninsurable. As for house prices, the lower cost and therefore most at-risk ones are the only options for the poor. They have no options but to take the risk.

  • What Astrophysicists Think About Aliens

    OK I haven't seen the whole thing yet but I'm at the point of the video where I think she's going to say "Solarpunk" and I'm excite!

    How to Save a Drying City (BENGALURU)

    I know most Solarpunks already know about Andrew Millison from his permaculture work, but his new videos are both awesome and very solarpunk vibes, simple solutions for big problems.

    How to blow up a pipeline: the movie

    I like it, it's a good movie, and I want to make the (maybe hot take argument) that this is solarpunk!


    15 Minute Cities: A DISASTER waiting to happen

    Seriously fuckcars you need to hear this. Have we been fighting for the wrong side the whole time/???

    On civil disobedience

    Hi guys, I just wanted to call out an inappropriate term I've seen used sometimes: Civil Disobedience. It's not just civil disobedience when you pirate something privately, you need to do it publicly and dare the authorities to do something about it.

    So an example here would be to set up a massive leech party and advertise it specifically as civil disobedience. Say all manner of things from all manner of copyright holders would be transmitted, and try and get news coverage. That's civil disobedience.

    Just downloading a movie because you want to watch it is not. OK thanks for your time.

    Aaron Bushnell, Anarchist

    I don't have any words for this. The man is a hero.

    Luigi Colani exhibition at Design Museum London

    Colani is pretty interesting from a design standpoint. The biomimicry in his designs can be a sister to art nouveau and very reminiscent of Moebius. I think Colani is definitely a touch point for Solarpunk art.

    Solution for the Left? Gramsci, Mouffe and Laclau on Hegemony!

    New TTT just dropped. Sorry I know I keep sharing Youtube videos I'm probably just Basic like that.

    the Gen Alpha moral panic: education under capitalism

    Alice Cappelle generally tackles social issues, and here she shares the idea that school under capitalism is seen as transactional, and therefore this results in teachers being disrespected, which stymies education.

    Decision-makers to be grilled about modelling that failed to foreshadow Rozelle Interchange traffic nightmare Decision-makers to be grilled about modelling that failed to foreshadow Rozelle Interchange traffic nightmare

    A high-powered inquiry will examine what's caused the massive traffic problems in Sydney's congested inner west as well as the discovery of asbestos in garden mulch in the associated parkland.

    Decision-makers to be grilled about modelling that failed to foreshadow Rozelle Interchange traffic nightmare

    Whenever I feel sad I just think the words "Rozelle Interchange" and my life gets a little bit better...

    Idea for disrespecting cars

    OK so I came up with a slightly crazy idea. Do you know how cars are emblazoned with logos and emblems? Like the brand name (Toyota), the car name (Kluger), engine and other doodads (V6 etc etc). What if we made like jokey versions of these to replace on our cars? Like make a Toyota logo but it looks a bit more like a penis.

    Instead of car doodads we just make up acronyms with no explanation (AR-X, BFI, MIG-TL). We could also have unfortunate acronyms with explanatory text below it, like "AIDS" and then in smaller text it would say "Advanced Infra-red Drive System".

    If enough people do it to their cars then it will show that we don't respect them.

    Is it possible to create a copyright basilisk?

    Is it possible to create something where knowing about the thing constitutes copyright infringement?

    Protector’s Clearing House - Tech Edition Protector’s Clearing House -Tech Edition

    Tools for culture and resource protectors- by Save Elati

    Protector’s Clearing House -Tech Edition

    Wow that circuit board is so evocative, with such a clear and apparent link to Native American heritage. How cool would a Solarpunk story be about this?

    cross-posted from:

    > Excerpts: > > > Not only was the first female engineer at Lockheed and NASA(1) a citizen of The Cherokee Nation, a Native American Tribe, but she -Mary Golda Ross- was a pioneer and founding member of the renowned and highly secretive Skunk Works project at Lockheed Corporation... > > > > Like Jerry Chris Elliott High Eagle, one of the first Native Americans who worked at NASA. He’s best known as the lead retrofire officer during Apollo 13, where his actions saved the lives of the 3 astronauts & earned him the Presidential Medal of Freedom... > > > > Then there’s Dr. Fred Begay/Young of the Los Alamos National Laboratory & part of a NASA-funded space physics research team on the origin of high energy gamma rays and solar neutrons in the 1960’s & 70’s... > > > > And speaking of Navajo innovation, if you have ever wondered why computer circuits resemble Navajo weaving patterns then you will not be surprised to learn that this is not a coincidence but is in fact by intentional Navajo design. As one scholar put it upon discovering the connection “ I had no idea that indigenous people in the U.S. had played such an important role in the early history of computing devices. > > !


    Pretty strong solarpunk vibes from this one.

    How Talking With Animals Would Change Our World

    I don't think Solarpunk has normalised the idea that we could just routinely talk to animals.

    Was cyberpunk 2077 ruined by carbrain?

    The phantom liberty expansion is out now, and something to note is just how many roads and cars are in the game considering... well... how are they still burning fossil fuels in 2077?

    Something interesting about it is how the game now reads like Grand Theft Auto in the dystopian future. Cars exist so you must be able to drive and shoot out of them and there must be cops and there must be traffic and... all of that is sort of meaningless in that universe. So much of the marketing is set around cars, but if they got rid of the cars, if cars weren't there, then maybe they would have put more effort into the other systems.

    Maybe the broken systems just wouldn't need to be built, because so many of them are shoehorned in around cars.

    EDIT: wanted to address the comments here as they are all very similarly themed:

    I am not talking about the fiction, I am talking about the game design. Yes it's a dystopia but that's not why the game is buggy or boring. Having cars in the fiction means the game must add mechanics to drive and get new cars and vehicular combat. Once there's so much car stuff, the game feels like GTA, which prompts people to make comparisons, which means CDPR needs even more GTA-like mechanics. That's time which could have gone into more RPG mechanics, better missions, etc.

    The only time I was talking about the fiction was in reference to how much would cost to own a car, including roads and so on. Why isn't every road pay per use? Why isn't biofuel like $20 a litre? But that would be oppressive to drive in, and because it's a power fantasy, all of that goes by the wayside.

    Overall my point was that just as cars dominate the city scape of the present, so they dominate the game design of everything where cars are present.

    [RANT] I'm sick of the ocean boiling in Solarpunk fiction

    This is a Rant. I know I should write my own fiction with blackjack and hookers but just let me get it out of my system.

    I've read some solarpunk at this point (mostly short stories) and the number of times that I've read the equivalent of "and we all decided not to be jerks to one another and agreed to a bunch of stuff" it's basically a meme at this point. Yes, Solarpunk doesn't need to be hard sci-fi, there can be fantastical elements, but can we get over the "we magically work as one humanity now"?

    I think it's OK to have a world that, without mass media and government control, we would realise that people are friendly and getting things done is easier than it seems, but it's also OK for this to be done in pockets. It's OK for there to be raiders and selfish people and people who still endeavour to pollute and it's OK to have bad guys. It's OK for the indigenous ways to just be the norm rather than the exception, but there are still a lot of ancap crazies out there.

    So, if you're writing climate fiction / Solarpunk, please consider not doing that. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

    Singapore: Designing a Megacity in Harmony with Nature 🌳

    Surprised to hear Singapore has a law which states that any building must create equal square footage of green space as the footprint it occupies. That's pretty solarpunk, and probably something lawmakers anywhere could adopt.

    Soo I pulled out my ageing laptop

    Inspired by the posts here, I've recently tried to set up a garage electronics workstation, and part of that involves setting up a PC. Inspired by the posts here, I pulled out my old laptop and stuck Debian on it. The good news: Debian runs fine on Mate, and all the hardware which matters works properly. The bad news: The laptop not only screams like a banshee continually (the age and usage have worn out the fan bearings), but it also has a dual core processor with about a quarter (half the cores at half the IPC) the performance of a Pi 4, and half the RAM at 2gb. Wish me luck everyone.

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