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The life of two Boeing Starliner astronauts stuck indefinitely in space
  • ICBM development started decades before moon landing, same in USSR. It's true that first space rockets were reused ICBMs, but the tech diverged after that. ICBMs use different fuel because they need to be stored for years with full fuel tanks, for quick deployment. There is no such requirement for space rockets. Space rockets are also much more powerful - you could fit dozens or even hundreds of nukes on Saturn V which is impractical - you don't put all your eggs in a single basket. Saturn V was never intended to be used as an ICBM.

  • The life of two Boeing Starliner astronauts stuck indefinitely in space
  • Government-funded manned spaceflight programs aren't done for pure science either. It's a cool kids club where money is allocated for political reasons ("nation prestige" or some other bullshit). NASA didn't land on the moon because American senators were fans of science, they were tasked with it to "beat" USSR.

    Science-based space exploration should use automatic probes only, anything else is a waste of money.

  • NASA finds humanity would totally fumble asteroid defense
  • I remember that space is completely unforgiving and we just aren't up to the task for anything more than a token selfie by the best dozen humans we can possibly produce with great effort and training.

    Astronauts aren't superhumans and there is nothing "special" about their training. They are just pilots with stricter physical requirements. The reason why there aren't many of them is because there is no need for more. Our technology is not there yet for cheap and "boring" space travel beyond low Earth orbit (and probably won't be for a century at least). And there isn't anything worthwhile for humanity out there anyway. At least at the current stage in our "evolution". So for now manned spaceflight programmes are just vanity projects funded by politicians (for "national pride" or whatever) or some billionaire celebrities like Musk.

    Also I don't think that world peace would be necessary for space colonization. It could be born out of conflict or for economic reasons, like colonization of Americas. It's simply that it will take centuries for us to reach a point when the prospect of leaving Earth will become attractive for regular people (if we survive that much of course).

  • Mozilla restores Firefox add-ons banned in Russia
  • They absolutely can implement China-level censorship right now, they have technical capabilities. In fact there have already been tests of complete isolation from foreign internet in remote regions of Russia.

    They just don't use it much, yet. I guess they are afraid of consequences and prefer to let people live pretending that nothing has changed. He will go slow with it. Russia is still tightly integrated with western culture and economy (e.g. they have a strong IT industry and internet isolation will kill it for good). Russian culture has been aligning itself with European culture for centuries. They watch western movies and tv shows, read western books, half of the memes they use are from anglophone internet, etc. They are much closer culturally to Europe than to China, even despite all the politics.

    Also legally the initial versions of this thing are from 2005, I think? Rather old. Just nobody cared.

    2014 is when it started for real. At first the laws were rather innocuous (protect the children and stuff). But with each year they were "improved" to become more and more oppressive. Putin is smart enough to realize that if you do it incrementally then there will be less protests and he will appear as a good guy, "protecting the people". It was the same with "foreign agent" laws.

  • Fallout TV Show Could Now Last Five Seasons After ‘Immensely Surprising’ Popularity, Say Creators
  • Todd Howard already said that they aim to be as ambiguous as possible and not canonize any of player's choices. It will probably be "yeah there was a big trouble here a couple of decades back but it's all ancient history now so who cares". And the town's leader will be some schmuck who hasn't even heard of Mr. House.

  • C++
    An Extensive Benchmark of C and C++ Hash Tables | A comparative, extendible benchmarking suite for C and C++ hash-table libraries.
  • Well the author claims that it's not possible for std::unordered_map to get close to other implementations because of constraints that the standard imposes on it. I.e. faster implementations simply behave slightly differently (in ways that are not important to most users).

  • PlayStation's CEO drastically underestimates the Steam crowd's patience, thinks PC gamers will buy a PS5 for exclusive sequels
  • It's not even about waiting or patience. I'm not a teenager anymore, so I don't have as much to play games as I used to (and I have now other interests too). I have so many great PC games in my queue I literally won't have time to play them all until I die. The queue only gets longer with time. So what if I can't play some console exclusive? It's just one game in the long list of games I won't get to play and I have no problems with that.

  • Jolla's Sailfish OS is moving to a subscription model, new phone (and a privacy-focused AI device) coming soon - Liliputing
  • They have been owned by a Russian state-owned telecom corporation for a few years until recent events (Russia currently tries to push Sailfish OS fork as its "russian-made" mobile OS). Original Finnish management has split off to a new independent company with the same name last year, and this looks like their last ditch attempt to continue existing. I don't expect they will last much longer (the reason why they were bought by Russia in the first place was that Jolla failed as a business).

  • KDE6 release: D-Bus and Polkit Galore KDE6 release: D-Bus and Polkit Galore

    In the context of the KDE desktop version 6 major release we looked into a series of D-Bus services using Polkit for authentication. This led to a couple of interesting findings and insights.

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