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Congressman warns Biden to “wake up” after over 100K Michigan Democrats vote “uncommitted”
  • If you are set on not voting in the presidential election, I would like to encourage you to still vote (if you didn't already intend to) and just not vote on that question on the ballot, for two reaons:

    1. Local ballot measures and politicians are still quite relevant and your vote is still fairly impactful there relative to the federal election (depending on your state) and

    2. it sends a significantly stronger message to both parties that they are putting forward garbage candidates to vote and just abstain from the one question. Not voting is easy to mislabel as voter suppression by the opposition or any number of other misleading causes when voting, just not for Biden or trump is much more clear what you are mad about.

  • (Canada) An M&M vending machine error revealed facial recognition was used to illegally snoop on students (boycott Mars if you aren’t already!)
  • While what your saying is fundamentally true, it is worth noting that companies do notice declines in sales even very slight ones, and while there isn't ethical consumption there is certainly still a wide range of how unethical companies are. Just cause none are great doesn't mean they are all equally bad.

    It is also worth noting that mass voting with dollars is one of the most effective peaceful tools currently available in a capitalist system to drive change (for non essential/non monopolized goods). Things like fair trade chocolate and sustainable packaging types exist because consumer demand for them is real, and if enough consumers demand and change spending habits for fair wage practices and bare minimum corporate ethics standards it will start to happen too.

    Obviously this is all easier with more coordination among the consumers but even without it, we see companies change their practices due to consumer backlash that hits sales now. This is more effective than you may be giving it credit for, even if not as much as we would like

  • Do you tip for takeout? (How much?)
  • An alternative way to view this: if I order three sodas at a fancy restaurant vs three top shelf alcohols, the service is functionally the same but the bill is wildly different. Would you still say I should tip on pure percentage in the latter scenario?

  • What recent video game do you have buyer remorse for?
  • I absolutely love DE but I agree the trailer is a bit misleading and dialogue isn't typically about the case. That said some of the best writing I have seen in a game full stop.

    I also died immediately though on my first attempted "playthrough". Damn you tie....

  • It seems like all packaged foods do this now
  • Actually it's usually closer to 5%, but to avoid consumers getting mad most companies have internal variance limits of less. Still, 2% is pretty tight for manufacturing equipment. Despite the mass prevalence of corporate greed, it does end up being better for most companies overall to be on the slightly heavy end of net weight rather than lower end and most manufacturing guardrails and in line weight checks are calibrated with that in mind.

    This is entirely due to the risk of images like this going viral and causing blowback for the company. So, to keep products on average a little heavier, posting things like this is great

  • me🗽irl
  • Legitimate question: what is the concern with declining birth rate? Im no expert but it seems like the world currently has way more people than it ever had before and even in specific developed nations those nations were arguably doing just fine 50 years ago when they had lower populations too. What is the risk here?

  • Biden repeatedly interrupted by pro-Palestinian protesters at abortion rights rally
  • I think the general feeling of disenfranchisement comes from the DNC influence in primaries. Who they throw their weight behind in terms of advertising dollars and publicity makes a big difference in how the primaries go. Also very relevant is which states have their primaries when, as most times the primaries are called before every state has theirs. This is also hearsay and way harder to substantiate, but there are also some that cry foul that there isn't actually much in place to monitor primaries like there are in standard elections and there is significantly higher potential for fudged numbers and misrepresented results.

    Of course I would still love to see more left candidates get the nomination despite that, but it is certainly still possible that I am in the minority in that desire.

    For 2024, though, it doesn't much matter if Biden is who the left wants. When running against a literal fascist, there isn't really as much room to voice complaints about the alternatives. I voted for Biden in 2020 and will again in 2024 even though he is much further right than my political leaning, and even for those of us on the left who are not happy with how Biden has been doing, there isn't really room to show that with voting because the alternative is so much worse. In this scenario, votes for Biden can easily be misconstrued as support for Biden which is not really the case

  • Biden repeatedly interrupted by pro-Palestinian protesters at abortion rights rally
  • A lot of us live in states that didnt get to vote in the primaries, and a lot of us show up to every election even when neither option really represents our views (albeit one much more than the other). To say we aren't getting our way cause we aren't voting, though undoubtedly true for some, is a bad take

    This is not even touching on the DNC putting their finger on the scales in the primaries that did happen

  • industry rules
  • Love me some outward. I still want to play that game. Magic system is super weird in particular. Can never talk friends into it though, it's the static map that scares them I think

  • Control - the first game to get me to turn on cheats in decades
  • Fwiw I share your comments pretty closely, just finished it myself a few weeks ago. Navigating the map was unbelievably tedious especially with random trash mob spawns whenever you took a wrong turn. I also found myself totally apathetic about the side missions or random task missions and just focused main story the whole time. It took me a long time to finish for those reasons but did really enjoy the plot. Gameplay I just built myself into a rock chucker like you and ignored all guns. Certainly a very neat concept, just wanted waaaaay more map help. Hardest part for me was the theme song bit through the shifting map thing (maybe that's what you were referring to?) But enjoyed the music there so was alright with all my deaths. Rest was easier by comparison

  • Japan Travel 🇯🇵⛩️ danciestlobster
    First trip in February

    We are planning our first trip to Japan in this upcoming february after a long postponing due to covid. Would love some tips from others here! We have dates but no specific ideas while there yet. More specific questions:

    Recommended budget per day based on general costs of food and lodging there?

    Recommendations for places to go while generally trying to avoid touristy locales?

    Train for getting around while there or is there a better option?

    How important to study basic Japanese?


    title menu size

    I am struggling with mods that replace the title menu. I am using main menu randomizer, skyui, and have tried several different main menu image mods, but all of them do not fill the screen.

    Is there somewhere where there is a setting for how large the title image should be or how blown up or anything like that? Given how many mods this has happened with I am thinking it is not an attribute of the images themselves but rather how they are displayed, or maybe an issue with randomizer

    Any help would be appreciated!

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