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Gaming with Wayland with NVidia 550 and 555 drivers
  • Oh yeah! I haven't tried it out yet. I've been testing some distros on VMs (I know, not the best way to test but that's the best I can do.) It has a patched kernel for gaming and everything. That's nice.

    I'll give it a shot. :)

  • Gaming with Wayland with NVidia 550 and 555 drivers
  • Yeah I've looked into other distributions. So far Kubuntu fits the bill just fine for me.

    I don't have enough spare time to mess around with troubleshooting issues, so stability is what I'm looking for and the Ubuntu flavors provide just that without being too outdated. And they provide 3rd party drivers out of the box.

    I hear Fedora might be a good alternative, but I heard it's a bit more difficult to find 3rd party support for hardware.

  • Gaming with Wayland with NVidia 550 and 555 drivers
  • I'm on Kubuntu so still using version 5.x.

    The symptoms I got was like when a Windows app crashes and does this "Solitaire" effect. It did that with the mouse pointer and everything else. Windows, taskbars and menus all displayed as outlines only with no icons or decorations inside. It was weird.

  • Gaming with Wayland with NVidia 550 and 555 drivers

    Hi y'all,

    So I read recently that the latest NVidia drivers (550 I think) had some big performance and compatibility improvements to work with Wayland. So I went and gave it a shot. I went ahead and upgraded my drivers to the aforementioned version, installed plasma-workspace-wayland and rebooted.

    For your info, I have a 1440p 144Hz monitor and a NVidia GeForce RTX 3070. My CPU is a AMD Ryzen 9 3900X and I got 32GB of RAM.

    I tried Mullet MadJack and GhostRunner, which are running fine using X11 on current drivers btw. The performance was awful. I was getting no more than 10 FPS. I did a bit of searching and found I was missing the libnvidia-egl-wayland1 package. Installed it, rebooted just in case and tried again. The FPS was much better. 144FPS for Mullet Madjack and in the 100+ FPS for GhostRunner.The problem I noticed however was how BAD the shearing was in the image in both games. Even if it had no problem running the game.

    I went ahead and upgraded the NVidia driver to 555 since some other Reddit post recommended it. But I ran into a slew of other issues. The Plasma compositor crashed all the time, and if my PC went to sleep, my desktop and windows, menu, everything wouldn't get drawn completely and the mouse cursor left a trail everywhere. I had to eyeball click through my menu to log out and go back to X11.

    It looks like there's still some improvements that need to be made. Until then I'll stick with X11.

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