cimbazarov @ cimbazarov Posts 0Comments 3Joined 2 yr. ago
Feels bad 😞
Yea that's what I'm thinking. We shouldn't forget that he hasn't done anything to close military bases overseas (yet?), so he's not completely pulling out of these vassals.
But keeping these countries inline with threats only and no economic incentives will probably make them reconsider their relationship to the US especially if they can't placate their population while the US puts pressure on them with tariffs, annexation etc.
Idk I feel Trump doesn't understand that America already pretty much owns Canada. Given all the things he says, I don't think he understands how American imperialism works in general. Otherwise I can't comprehend why cutting USAID, defunding CIA, tariffing Taiwan etc. helps his class other than some short term gains that will be long term disasters (for the US)