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How socially conservative are China and Vietnam, and how can they realistically become more progressive?
  • Gender fluidity has been acknowledged by most human societies going back thousands of years though. It's disappoint but slightly understandable that people in China use "helicopter" jokes, but the "I want to screw a tank" is funny AF

  • NATO starts deploying troops as Russia races to win
  • I admit I'm not a military expert, and this is just stuff that I've read that China currently has, but hot damn, this situation is even more serious than I thought, which is saying alot.

    I've done a surprising amount of reading about the after effects of nuclear war, and I'm very familiar with that phrase "the lucky ones will die in the first blasts". My contentions are that different studies say wildly different outcomes. One recent study I found says that over 99 percent of humanity would die, and others I've read have said that a nuclear exchange would be more limited and less catastrophic than most people think. But regardless, a burning white hot anger is inside me right now. The fucking fascist Amerikkkan states, why can't the country just leave the goddamn world alone?

  • NATO starts deploying troops as Russia races to win
  • I figure that at least some of the U.S. government/bourgeoisie would surrender, at least enough to spare their own lives, and they will need to be hunted down and rooted out over time to prevent their resurgence among the levers of power.

    I'm not saying the U.S. will discover restraint, especially after firing nukes. I'm just stating that at least some of the Amerikkkan imperialists must have a degree of self-preservation to not want to risk the entire globe when they could scatter away and fight later.

    The U.S. Empire is fascist and short-term thinking, but it's not completely stupid, it's evil usually makes some kind of twisted sense. It's better to plan for the worst and hope for the best, but I believe overestimating your enemy is almost as bad as underestimating.

  • NATO starts deploying troops as Russia races to win
  • I think people slightly overestimate NATO, but it makes sense why people do. All Russia and China have to do is call their bluffs, aim at London, D.C., Brussels, encircle their proxy armies, disable missiles, stop launches, and things will start descending. Not saying it will be easy or fast or peaceful, but I think the situation calls for more hopeful optimism.

  • NATO starts deploying troops as Russia races to win
  • I don't assume that people are always or automatically perfectly rational, and of course timing and emotions and short-term thinking play a huge role as well, and yes, the U.S. using nuclear weapons against Japan was a horrific war crime and wasn't even necessary or justified, on any level.

    What I am saying is that, when the chips are down, I highly doubt that the capitalists/imperialists/NATO/the Global North/military operators are going to be like:

    Guy 1: "Okay, we sent out dozens of nukes at Beijing and Moscow, and things still aren't in our favor. Let's start targeting farms in China, and populated cities and farms and the dams in China next, then Moscow."

    Guy 2: "Dude, China has fighters, sensors, drones, heat-seeking missiles and deflectors and all kinds of shit surrounding the Three Gorges Dam, and Shanghai and Shenzhen. This is just inviting more and more violence."

    Guy 1: "That's CCP propaganda"

    Guy 2: "It's fucking not! We can't possibly sustain more launches, and China and Russia are preparing to launch theirs, actually, scratch that, we're 10 minutes from being destroyed. We have to hope that troops in Ukraine can hold off Russia from-"

    Guy 3: "We've gotten orders to suspend missile launches, we gotta move the brass to a different location"

  • NATO starts deploying troops as Russia races to win
  • Modern nuclear weapons are way more efficient, of course, but the overall payload of most nuclear weapons is way lower than it was during the cold war.

    I know that the destruction of industry and infrastructure, chaos, and loss of lives isn't in a vacuum, and there is a metric-shit ton of overlap. I never said it was going to be easy or that the loss of life wouldn't not be tragic.

    I don't think it's wishful thinking, it's what I've been reading about China's technological capability, and Russia to a lesser extent. Again, not saying that China or Russia are invincible, and I think that neoliberals commentators have a huge tendency to downplay or underestimate Russia. Russia is a fucking workhorse, and while it still takes massive effort and loss and labor and resource intensity, keep in mind that the special military operation is relatively small in the grand scheme of things. I figure that Russia's full potential hasn't even begun to be utilized or unleashed yet, and Russia is saving it's best toys and shit for when it truly needs them. The problems in the early phase of the SMO were caused by some combination of corruption and underestimating NATO's support for Ukraine, but the cuffs are off now. Unless I'm missing something, Russia's SMO is still only a partial mobilization.

    Imminent potential destruction is one thing that motivates Russia as a whole, for the better part of a century now, roughly speaking.

    I've been reading reports about the SMO lately, and I'm continuously surprised by Russia's thriftiness and multi-faceted approach to countering Ukraine/NATO.

    I don't claim to be a military expert, and I understand the situation is extremely dire, and I always advocate being prepared and reasonable and assuming the worst, but I think that time and reality is on our side, for now.

  • NATO starts deploying troops as Russia races to win
  • I really hope you are wrong and/or just being facetious, and I hope my copy paste will help at least somewhat:

    I’m highly skeptical that this conflict would go nuclear. It’s unfortunately always a possibility, and people, especially Amerikkkan imperialists nutjobs, can and will do stupid things without thinking about the actions of their consequences, but my two-fold thinking is that not only is nuclear-war really unlikely to happen (or way less than most people think) I think it would very likely also be less destructive, depending on how things go.

    People always imagine that in a nuclear war scenario, all bets are off, but I don’t think so. There is usually some sense, even in chaos.

    Most or all of the most devastating nuclear weapons were disarmed several decades ago, and the most powerful nuclear weapons today would be able to destroy or damage large cities, even at the most. And yes, there are thousands of nuclear weapons.

    But due to the decreased potency of even the strongest nuclear weapons, and there still being a very finite number, even the capitalists probably understand that an irradiated world would be a terrible place to lord over, even if you survive.

    Nuclear weapons would most likely and would best be used to damage, delay and destroy military and industrial centers, and with how interconnected the world is now because of the internet, gps, cell phones, and supply chains, a country would be way less likely to get involved in combat when it’s industrial bases, bourgeois palaces and military-intelligence strongholds are utterly demolished, out of basic resources and power and labor, things would resolve relatively quickly, pacifying countries out of a fight with relatively few deaths, since there is no point in launching weapons at massive populations centers if it can be helped, since it would just invite more war, death, destruction, disease, sadness, vengeance, danger.

    I can’t speak for the Global North, but I find it hard to believe that those launching nuclear weapons would just shoot them everywhere all over the place at civilians, that would be ridiculously stupid, even in an extreme scenario, all but signing the death warrant of the human species, and targeting civilian and food storehouses and infrastructure would be worse than pointless, it would be stupid.

    I think/hope/imagine that if or when NATO is stupid enough to use nuclear weapons, that China, Russia, Iran, Palestine and the DPRK would already be 20 steps ahead, they have been planning for this for decades.

    China and Russia’s advanced and partially automated and augmented defense systems would scramble, hack into, shut down, disable, redirect, or outright destroy or prevent nuclear missile launches. Drones would hack into and shut down facilities or weapons themselves. Infrastructure could be shielded and damage minimized in various ways, and supply chains are something that Global South understands intuitively more than the Global North.

    I hope it never comes to it, but I think a potential World War 3 would be mostly conventional warfare, and even if it isn’t, a nuclear war wouldn’t mean the death of all or even most of humanity (hopefully) and things would resolve in the Global South’s and socialism’s favor no matter what.

  • NATO starts deploying troops as Russia races to win
  • I gotta copy and paste this:

    I’m highly skeptical that this conflict would go nuclear. It’s unfortunately always a possibility, and people, especially Amerikkkan imperialists nutjobs, can and will do stupid things without thinking about the actions of their consequences, but my two-fold thinking is that not only is nuclear-war really unlikely to happen (or way less than most people think) I think it would very likely also be less destructive, depending on how things go.

    People always imagine that in a nuclear war scenario, all bets are off, but I don’t think so. There is usually some sense, even in chaos.

    Most or all of the most devastating nuclear weapons were disarmed several decades ago, and the most powerful nuclear weapons today would be able to destroy or damage large cities, even at the most. And yes, there are thousands of nuclear weapons.

    But due to the decreased potency of even the strongest nuclear weapons, and there still being a very finite number, even the capitalists probably understand that an irradiated world would be a terrible place to lord over, even if you survive.

    Nuclear weapons would most likely and would best be used to damage, delay and destroy military and industrial centers, and with how interconnected the world is now because of the internet, gps, cell phones, and supply chains, a country would be way less likely to get involved in combat when it’s industrial bases, bourgeois palaces and military-intelligence strongholds are utterly demolished, out of basic resources and power and labor, things would resolve relatively quickly, pacifying countries out of a fight with relatively few deaths, since there is no point in launching weapons at massive populations centers if it can be helped, since it would just invite more war, death, destruction, disease, sadness, vengeance, danger.

    I can’t speak for the Global North, but I find it hard to believe that those launching nuclear weapons would just shoot them everywhere all over the place at civilians, that would be ridiculously stupid, even in an extreme scenario, all but signing the death warrant of the human species, and targeting civilian and food storehouses and infrastructure would be worse than pointless, it would be stupid.

    I think/hope/imagine that if or when NATO is stupid enough to use nuclear weapons, that China, Russia, Iran, Palestine and the DPRK would already be 20 steps ahead, they have been planning for this for decades.

    China and Russia’s advanced and partially automated and augmented defense systems would scramble, hack into, shut down, disable, redirect, or outright destroy or prevent nuclear missile launches. Drones would hack into and shut down facilities or weapons themselves. Infrastructure could be shielded and damage minimized in various ways, and supply chains are something that Global South understands intuitively more than the Global North.

    I hope it never comes to it, but I think a potential World War 3 would be mostly conventional warfare, and even if it isn’t, a nuclear war wouldn’t mean the death of all or even most of humanity (hopefully) and things would resolve in the Global South’s and socialism’s favor no matter what.

  • NATO starts deploying troops as Russia races to win
  • I'm highly skeptical that this conflict would go nuclear. It's unfortunately always a possibility, and people, especially Amerikkkan imperialists nutjobs, can and will do stupid things without thinking about the actions of their consequences, but my two-fold thinking is that not only is nuclear-war really unlikely to happen (or way less than most people think) I think it would very likely also be less destructive, depending on how things go.

    People always imagine that in a nuclear war scenario, all bets are off, but I don't think so. There is usually some sense, even in chaos.

    Most or all of the most devastating nuclear weapons were disarmed several decades ago, and the most powerful nuclear weapons today would be able to destroy or damage large cities, even at the most. And yes, there are thousands of nuclear weapons.

    But due to the decreased potency of even the strongest nuclear weapons, and there still being a very finite number, even the capitalists probably understand that an irradiated world would be a terrible place to lord over, even if you survive.

    Nuclear weapons would most likely and would best be used to damage, delay and destroy military and industrial centers, and with how interconnected the world is now because of the internet, gps, cell phones, and supply chains, a country would be way less likely to get involved in combat when it's industrial bases, bourgeois palaces and military-intelligence strongholds are utterly demolished, out of basic resources and power and labor, things would resolve relatively quickly, pacifying countries out of a fight with relatively few deaths, since there is no point in launching weapons at massive populations centers if it can be helped, since it would just invite more war, death, destruction, disease, sadness, vengeance, danger.

    I can't speak for the Global North, but I find it hard to believe that those launching nuclear weapons would just shoot them everywhere all over the place at civilians, that would be ridiculously stupid, even in an extreme scenario, all but signing the death warrant of the human species, and targeting civilian and food storehouses and infrastructure would be worse than pointless, it would be stupid.

    I think/hope/imagine that if or when NATO is stupid enough to use nuclear weapons, that China, Russia, Iran, Palestine and the DPRK would already be 20 steps ahead, they have been planning for this for decades.

    China and Russia's advanced and partially automated and augmented defense systems would scramble, hack into, shut down, disable, redirect, or outright destroy or prevent nuclear missile launches. Drones would hack into and shut down facilities or weapons themselves. Infrastructure could be shielded and damage minimized in various ways, and supply chains are something that Global South understands intuitively more than the Global North.

    I hope it never comes to it, but I think a potential World War 3 would be mostly conventional warfare, and even if it isn't, a nuclear war wouldn't mean the death of all or even most of humanity (hopefully) and things would resolve in the Global South's and socialism's favor no matter what.

  • The amount of racist white supremacist and capitalist bootlicking lies and reasoning on this page is astounding. TV Tropes are fucking crackers. Maybe edit bomb the page? China Uncensored (Web Video) - TV Tropes

    China Uncensored is a thrice-weekly satirical show on YouTube in the vein of The Daily Show or The Colbert Report, hosted by Chris Chappell. China Uncensored is highly critical of the current regime in China, raising issues relating to China's …

    China Uncensored (Web Video) - TV Tropes
    The amount of racist white supremacist and capitalist bootlicking lies and reasoning on this page is astounding. TV Tropes are fucking crackers. Maybe edit bomb the page? China Uncensored (Web Video) - TV Tropes

    China Uncensored is a thrice-weekly satirical show on YouTube in the vein of The Daily Show or The Colbert Report, hosted by Chris Chappell. China Uncensored is highly critical of the current regime in China, raising issues relating to China's …

    China Uncensored (Web Video) - TV Tropes
    Venting: I just came out to my family as being bisexual and partially non-binary. Feels like a weight is off my chest

    And they took it slightly better than I thought they would!

    I was born and raised Catholic, and so were my grandparents. Due to multiple reasons, such as having a cocktail of mental disorders or conditions, I live with them.

    My grandparents are from a different era, and they used to be vehemently homophobic. But they've told me that across the previous decades and numerous social movements, their views have softened and changed.

    My grandfather is agnostic and my grandma is a moderate Catholic, but because of my knowledge, love, care and my passion, I have actually converted both of my grandparents into being hardcorre communist sympathizers. My grandpa loves Fidel Castro, Stalin, and even got a Che Guevara shirt because of me.

    They were stunned today when I came out. While people often say they will love and understand no matter what, its different when its your own family, and actions speak louder than words.

    My grandfather was in tears, but not because of me being bisexual. He was in tears because I had been "hiding" or not talking about it for so long, and that I was never upfront about it, and he feels fucking ashamed and guilty that I was ever afraid of telling him and that I shouldn't keep shit to myself.

    I feel like I climbed fucking Mt. Everest. Imagine telling your Southern and Texan former Latino gangster grandfather that's covered in tattoos and with a criminal record and a dark past and previous intense homophobia that you're bisexual.

    Or your German immigrant grandmother that was abused and forced to become a perfect Catholic, now feels thankful and non-judgmental, and how it feels to feel safe around your family.

    They both have lots of questions, but they don't want to pry and they don't know where to start, and they know I'll tell them more when I feel like it.

    I'm still fucking reeling, but I think I'll be able to sleep moderately better tonight.

    I'm so happy and fucking tired.

    Updates on Alexander Finnegan

    This guy and his family are homeless in Guatemala currently, and being hunted by U.S. mercenaries for speaking the truth about Ukraine. I hope the family can get asylum in Russia, like he says in the comments.

    Anti-communists being saltines again

    "Lenin was a big meanie for waging a democratic revolution against the co-opted provisional government that sided with the tsar"

    I wish people would shut the fuck up about Ukraine already

    For roughly 10 goddamn months now, I've been reading constant articles, reddit posts, tweets, and seeing news segments throwing hissy fits and slandering Russia's anti-imperialist liberation war against Ukranazi Imperialism.

    I'm fucking pissed off and sickened by the amount of hackneyed overdramatic sympathy that Ukraine gets, the amount of jokes about neckbeard redditors wishing Zelenskyy would plow their wives, about how poor Ukraine just needs another few hundred billion dollars to destroy big bad Putin, about how the Russian army are monsterous rapists, and how NATO is a defensive organization, and how Putin is a dictator for setting up schools and hospitals in liberated areas in Ukraine.

    It brings my piss to a boil. I'm just trying to read actual news, have my coffee, play Destiny 2 and Gotham Knights, but nooo.

    It genuinely seems like 70-80 percent of Amerikkkans are window-licking tools that believe everything they read.

    I swear to fucking Christ, I can't look at anything even remotely resembling the color combination of gold, yellow and blue without wanting to punch a rhinoceros.

    (Of course I'd never hit or take my anger out on an animal or innocent person, I'm expressing my anger in a humorous way)

    But I guess I'm an "evile tankie Putin bootlicker" for wanting the Ukranazis to get what they deserve.

    Some cracker piece of shit flew into a mayo rage at me a few weeks ago because I dared to say that I wouldn't mind Zelenskyy being killed and Ukraine being liberated and Russia returning to socialism if I had to "sacrifice" Putin for it to happen.

    Crackeroids piss me off

    I was browsing the r/IsaacArthur subreddit, and found this word salad. They get wall.

    The Family Code has passed! Woohoo! Cuba dijo Sí

    La mayoría ha elegido un nuevo Código de las Familias, uno que retrata el país que somos y el que queremos ser

    Cuba dijo Sí

    cross-posted from:

    > I was honestly very worried that the gusanos and papists would have prevented the passing of this family code. I doomscrolled on Twitter and saw a surprising number of anti-communist Cubans, CIA cutouts and reich-wing fascist rejects either refusing to vote or admitting to voting no or advocating for regime change, but this warms my heart.

    The Family Code has passed! Woohoo! Cuba dijo Sí

    La mayoría ha elegido un nuevo Código de las Familias, uno que retrata el país que somos y el que queremos ser

    Cuba dijo Sí

    I was honestly very worried that the gusanos and papists would have prevented the passing of this family code. I doomscrolled on Twitter and saw a surprising number of anti-communist Cubans, CIA cutouts and reich-wing fascist rejects either refusing to vote or admitting to voting no or advocating for regime change, but this warms my heart.

    Cracker ass-racist bullshit from a Youtube channel I previously had some respect for

    cross-posted from:

    > cross-posted from: > > > cross-posted from: > > > > > The comments of the video are mouth-breathing capitalist bootlicking pond scum feigning moral outrage as the U.S. sanctions DPRK

    Cracker ass-racist bullshit from a Youtube channel I previously had some respect for

    cross-posted from:

    > The comments of the video are mouth-breathing capitalist bootlicking pond scum feigning moral outrage as the U.S. sanctions DPRK

    Alex Rosen, the fascist capitalist-bootlicking cracker in a livestream described his hatred of LGBT folk and pronouns. Needs to eat concrete, and is linked to the Proud Boys

    This dude annoys me by the day. He's a paper tiger anti-communist who has uploaded videos of himself harassing, threatening and doxxing students of color and socialists. He lives in Texas.

    Alex Rosen projecting by calling Antifa pedophiles. He needs to eat concrete. Fellow Texas comrades, we need to make him eat food through a straw for the rest of his life.

    cross-posted from:

    > cross-posted from: > > > cross-posted from: > > > > > I live in/near Denton. I'm wondering how we can expose and take down this fascist alt-reich bootlicker and child diddler. This man is a horrible cracker monster. Street justice.

    Alex Rosen projecting by calling Antifa pedophiles. He needs to eat concrete. Fellow Texas comrades, we need to make him eat food through a straw for the rest of his life.

    cross-posted from:

    > cross-posted from: > > > I live in/near Denton. I'm wondering how we can expose and take down this fascist alt-reich bootlicker and child diddler. This man is a horrible cracker monster. Street justice.

    Alex Rosen projecting by calling Antifa pedophiles. He needs to eat concrete. Fellow Texas comrades, we need to make him eat food through a straw for the rest of his life.

    I live in/near Denton. I'm wondering how we can expose and take down this fascist alt-reich bootlicker and child diddler. This man is a horrible cracker monster. Street justice.

    Attention Texan comrades, Alex Rosen needs to be doxxed and exposed. Anxiety War and Dream Floral are white supremacists

    cross-posted from:

    > I've been following the online Youtube Predator Poachers and vigilante pedophile-hunting organizations on Youtube for years, and I have been watching from the sidelines and collecting evidence of these crackers for a while now. > > Hunting down and exposing pedophiles is a commendable, heroic act. My issue is that many of these pedophile hunters are themselves pedophiles or are Alt-Reich white supremacist affiliated capitalist bootlickers that spread toxic anti-communist delusional nonsense to their platforms of other alt-reich fans numbering in the millions. > > I live in Texas, and I won't divulge any major personal details unless necessary, to reduce the risk of being doxxed and assassinated by these whiteoid crackers. > > Alex Rosen, aka Chet Goldestein and Gordon Flowers is a part of the nation-wide coalition of Predator Poachers, and a prominent public figure known for exposing pedophiles Chris Hansen style. > > But over the years, pieces of evidence have illustrated that Alex and other affiliated predator hunters and Youtube channels are right-wing nazi sympathizers and fascist, racist bootlickers. > > > Alex is a narcissistic, sociopathic paper tiger. DO NOT underestimate the agonizingly evil manipulation and primal cunning and misery this man hides beneath his dozen dumbass demeanor. He is a useful cracker and bootlicker of fascist Proud Boys and has a special hatred of people of color and left-wing activists, and hides behind a cowardly veneer of humor and friendliness to cover his ass. > > Alex is merely an animal (and that is an insult to animals) that needs to be shamed and denigrated and humiliated and made to submit like the pathetic, grifting dog or leach that he is. Knowingly violent psychopaths only understand force, so Alex needs to be doxxed and shamed out of the public eye. He is an enemy of humanity and socialism. I should also note that Anxiety War is himself a white supremacist, and the affiliated youtube channel Dream Floral is a nazi bootlicker masquerading as an activist, and both of these tools harassed left-wing activists and people of color by attending protest events and doing cracker bullshit. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Alex is in his early-mid 20's and lives in or around Austin or Houston TX

    Attention Texan comrades, Alex Rosen needs to be doxxed and exposed. Anxiety War and Dream Floral are white supremacists

    I've been following the online Youtube Predator Poachers and vigilante pedophile-hunting organizations on Youtube for years, and I have been watching from the sidelines and collecting evidence of these crackers for a while now.

    Hunting down and exposing pedophiles is a commendable, heroic act. My issue is that many of these pedophile hunters are themselves pedophiles or are Alt-Reich white supremacist affiliated capitalist bootlickers that spread toxic anti-communist delusional nonsense to their platforms of other alt-reich fans numbering in the millions.

    I live in Texas, and I won't divulge any major personal details unless necessary, to reduce the risk of being doxxed and assassinated by these whiteoid crackers.

    Alex Rosen, aka Chet Goldestein and Gordon Flowers is a part of the nation-wide coalition of Predator Poachers, and a prominent public figure known for exposing pedophiles Chris Hansen style.

    But over the years, pieces of evidence have illustrated that Alex and other affiliated predator hunters and Youtube channels are right-wing nazi sympathizers and fascist, racist bootlickers.

    Alex is a narcissistic, sociopathic paper tiger. DO NOT underestimate the agonizingly evil manipulation and primal cunning and misery this man hides beneath his dozen dumbass demeanor. He is a useful cracker and bootlicker of fascist Proud Boys and has a special hatred of people of color and left-wing activists, and hides behind a cowardly veneer of humor and friendliness to cover his ass.

    Alex is merely an animal (and that is an insult to animals) that needs to be shamed and denigrated and humiliated and made to submit like the pathetic, grifting dog or leach that he is. Knowingly violent psychopaths only understand force, so Alex needs to be doxxed and shamed out of the public eye. He is an enemy of humanity and socialism. I should also note that Anxiety War is himself a white supremacist, and the affiliated youtube channel Dream Floral is a nazi bootlicker masquerading as an activist, and both of these tools harassed left-wing activists and people of color by attending protest events and doing cracker bullshit.

    Alex is in his early-mid 20's and lives in or around Austin or Houston TX

    I found this neoliberal bullshit take from ex-Soviet "dissidents"

    cross-posted from:

    > I looked up Boris Kagarlitsky, and I'm not surprised to find that he was likely a Russian gusano. > > This article peddles liberal BS behind a veil of objectivity.

    I found this neoliberal bullshit take from ex-Soviet "dissidents"

    I looked up Boris Kagarlitsky, and I'm not surprised to find that he was likely a Russian gusano.

    This article peddles liberal BS behind a veil of objectivity.

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