carealot @ carealot Posts 0Comments 11Joined 17 hr. ago
In one occasion, the israeli blowed up 23 residential buildings just to kill a "hamas operative". He was just a regular soldier.
You ARE the terrorist, you evil twat.
yea it's still bombing human. Not great
LMAO you literally support terrorists who blow up schools for the “crime” of educating little girls, so I’m not surprised you go straight to violence to solve your problems.
your country marries girl at 14 you whorediot
Every arab is a terrorist wife beater for you? What a racist pos, you're exactly like trump lmao.
Oh and I'd never hit my wife you racist piece of shit. Never did, and if it ever happen I'd be gone for good. I love her.
They aren't stupid, they know exactly where they interests are. Short term, sure, it sucks, but long terms, they will benefits from a tough immigration, economically.
I'm not americans and I think nazism suck. I'm saying you can't deny it's to the benefits of americans as a whole. Your country's supremacism means you gets at least something in return.
But hey, go tell that to the covert racists
generally speaking, if the US calls you terrorist, you're probably on the right side of things. Mandela was considered terrorist by the US until 2008. I embrace terrorism. You people are the ones doing the bombing most of the time, it's only fair you get a taste of your own medicine one in a while.
I wish it kills your mummy, yacunt
Bill gates is certainly a bitch who did awful shit, nobody needs conspiracy to hate this guy.
He made windows, for example, that's evil enough already.
you're a nazi too, bitch.
The nazis always called freedom fighters terrorists. They did it in europe, they did it in algeria and vietnam, they did that to mlk, they did that to mandela, and they did that to hamas.
Mandela was considered terrorist by the US until 2008