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2 yr. ago

  • No it's more like if a kettle met another kettle that was using that vanta black paint

  • back in the day

  • No it doesn't

  • Why does he look like lil bow wow

  • It's crazy the cognitive dissonance, there was a post back on reddit on r/futanari and someone was like "if you like her check out (trans pornstar)" and there was a heavily upvoted response that said "ew no, that's a man, I like futas" like brother what, just accept that you like femme dick and stop telling yourself that it's weird!

  • Last year I got my buddy who's into cars for secret Santa. Along with his real gift, I got him a gag blinker fluid bottle and filled it with fireball lol

  • The tech industry is so very capitalistic, so many companies see devs as min max churn machines, tech debt? Nah FEATURES! AI! MODERNITY! That new dev needs to be trained in the basics and best practices? Sorry that's not within scope

  • Empathize, "I can imagine how much that must have hurt, I'm sorry you had to deal with that"

  • The cloud bad. It was all a lie. Self hosting is more energy efficient and cost effective

  • Yeah I say glitch because there are reports that, despite disabling it, and fully shutting down your PC, it still doesn't release the lock, it does that for me. I guess really I should call it intentional malware.

  • I really think they need to change the meaning of their person of the year, it gives people the wrong impression

  • According to another forum, the first boot on this board/cpu can take several minutes, have you tried just turning it on and waiting awhile?

  • Makes Tesla look bad??? Try reveals what death traps they are

  • You can, you just need to make sure you run ntfsfix to remove the write hold windows puts on NTFS drives. See my other comment

  • Windows writ locks NTFS drives, it's a hibernation glitch, to fix:

    • Unmount the NTFS drive
    • in terminal run sudo ntfsfix /dev/DRIVENAME
    • remount the drive

    A lot of Linux distros have ntfsfix installed but you may have to add it yourself via apt, dnf, or yum depending on your distro

  • Yup

  • Nah I think a lot of people would also be gloating, like obviously fuck trump, Kamala would have been better, they'd be gloating too