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UK: Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine – 27 August 2023

>As tensions remain high in the Black Sea, skirmishes have taken place between maritime and air forces around strategically important gas and oil platforms between Crimea and Odesa. Last week, a Russian combat jet shot at a Ukrainian military small boat operating near a platform in the north-west of the sea. > > The platforms are operated by the Chernomorneftegaz company, which was seized by the pro-Russian occupation authorities in Crimea during the 2014 annexation. Since Russia’s full-scale invasion in 2022, Ukraine has struck several Russian-controlled platforms. Both Russia and Ukraine have also periodically occupied them with troops. > > The platforms command valuable hydrocarbon resources. However, like Snake Island to the west, they can also be used as forward deployment bases, helicopter landing sites, and to position long-range missile systems.

UAF: Losses of the Russian military until 27.08.23

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 27.08.23 were approximately:

  • personnel - about 260820 (+550) persons,
  • tanks - 4396 (+6) units,
  • armored personnel carriers - 8554 (+15) units
  • artillery systems - 5403 (+24) units,
  • MLRS - 728 (+2) units,
  • air defense systems / Anti-aircraft warfare systems - 498 (+1) units
  • aircraft - 315 (+0) units
  • helicopters - 316 (+0) units,
  • UAV operational-tactical level - 4378 (+11),
  • cruise missiles - 1411 (+0),
  • ships / boats / warships / boats - 18 (+0) units,
  • vehicles and fuel tanks - 7854 (+31) units,
  • special equipment - 808 (+4).

Data are being updated.

UK: Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine – 26 August 2023

>The Ukrainian counter-offensive has put Russian forces under pressure in Bakhmut and southern Ukraine. Despite this, Russia’s Western Group of Forces has continued small-scale attacks in the north-east, in the Kupiansk-Lyman sector, and has made some limited local advances. > > As Ukraine continues to gradually gain ground in the south, Russia’s doctrine suggests that it will attempt to regain the initiative by pivoting back to an operational level offensive. Kupiansk-Lyman is one potential area for this. > >There is a realistic possibility Russia will increase the intensity of its offensive efforts on the Kupiansk-Lyman axis in the next two months, probably with the objective of advancing west to the Oskil River and creating a buffer zone around Luhansk Oblast.

UAF: Losses of the Russian military until 26.08.23

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 26.08.23 were approximately:

  • personnel - about 260270 (+640) persons,
  • tanks - 4390 (+12) units,
  • armored personnel carriers - 8539 (+18) units
  • artillery systems - 5379 (+18) units,
  • MLRS - 726 (+2) units,
  • air defense systems / Anti-aircraft warfare systems - 497 (+2) units
  • aircraft - 315 (+0) units
  • helicopters - 316 (+0) units,
  • UAV operational-tactical level - 4367 (+11),
  • cruise missiles - 1411 (+2),
  • ships / boats / warships / boats - 18 (+0) units,
  • vehicles and fuel tanks - 7823 (+33) units,
  • special equipment - 804 (+2).

Data are being updated.

UK: Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine – 24 August 2023

>On 19 August 2023, President Vladimir Putin made a rare visit to Southern Military District HQ at Rostov-on-Don, approximately 160km from the front line. > > The HQ hosts the staff running the war in Ukraine. > > Putin held a meeting with senior officers, including Chief of the General Staff General Valery Gerasimov who continues to command the operation in Ukraine. > > Wagner Group briefly seized the HQ in June 2023. Putin highly likely wishes to project his authority and to portray the senior military command as functioning as usual.

UAF: Losses of the Russian military until 24.08.23

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 24.08.23 were approximately:

  • personnel - about 259160 (+340) people / persons,
  • tanks - 4375 (+2) units,
  • armored personnel carriers - 8511 (+23) units
  • artillery systems - 5333 (+15) units,
  • MLRS - 723 (+1) units,
  • air defense systems / Anti-aircraft warfare systems - 494 (+3) units
  • aircraft - 315 (+0) units
  • helicopters - 316 (+0) units,
  • UAV operational-tactical level - 4344 (+20),
  • cruise missiles - 1406 (+0),
  • ships / boats / warships / boats - 18 (+0) units,
  • vehicles and fuel tanks - 7773 (+28) units,
  • special equipment - 801 (+1).

Data are being updated.

UK: Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine – 19 August 2023

>Over the last week, most of the front line has remained static. However, in the south, Ukrainian forces have continued their advance along the course of the Mokri Yaly river, securing the village of Urozhaine in the face of stiff Russian resistance. > >In the north, Russian forces have continued probing attacks in the Kupiansk area but achieved no significant advances. > > Across the front, both sides confront a similar challenge: attempting to defeat well-entrenched forces while having limited uncommitted forces to open new assaults.

UAF: Losses of the Russian military until 19.08.23

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 19.08.23 were approximately:

  • personnel - about 257010 (+500) people were liquidated,
  • tanks - 4340 (+8) units
  • APVs - 8424 (+14) units
  • artillery systems - 5212 (+19) units,
  • MLRS - 714 (+0) units,
  • air defense systems / Anti-aircraft warfare systems - 486 (+0) units
  • aircraft - 315 (+0) units
  • helicopters - 316 (+0) units,
  • UAV operational-tactical level - 4282 (+6),
  • cruise missiles - 1406 (+0),
  • ships / boats / warships / boats - 18 (+0) units,
  • vehicles and fuel tanks - 7665 (+7) units
  • special equipment - 785 (+2).

Data are being updated.

UK: Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine – 18 August 2023

>On 15 August 2023, First Deputy Head of the Russian Presidential Administration Sergey Kiriyenko travelled to Donetsk in Russian-occupied eastern Ukraine to visit schools and check their integration into the Russian education system. > > In Zaporizhzhia Oblast, the occupation administration received instructions from Russia regarding the introduction of new standards for the accreditation of educational institutions. Journalists from Russia are also being employed in media outlets in the occupied regions. > > A new textbook on the history of Russia will be issued to schools in the occupied regions of Ukraine and throughout the Russian Federation from 1 September 2023. The book praises the so-called special military operation and describes Ukraine as an ultra-terrorist state. > > Russia’s aim is to create a pro-Kremlin information space in the occupied regions in order to erode Ukrainian national identity.

UAF: Losses of the Russian military until 18.08.23

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 18.08.23 were approximately:

  • personnel - about 256510 (+460) people were liquidated,
  • tanks - 4332 (+3) units
  • APVs - 8410 (+12) units
  • artillery systems - 5193 (+24) units,
  • MLRS - 714 (+0) units,
  • air defense systems / Anti-aircraft warfare systems - 486 (+0) units
  • aircraft - 315 (+0) units
  • helicopters - 316 (+2) units,
  • UAV operational-tactical level - 4276 (+4),
  • cruise missiles - 1406 (+0),
  • ships / boats / warships / boats - 18 (+0) units,
  • vehicles and fuel tanks - 7658 (+17) units,
  • special equipment - 783 (+10).

Data are being updated.

UK: Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine – 17 August 2023

>Despite the consistent pressures of war, Ukrainian efforts to build up fuel stockpiles will likely be successful in ensuring that it will have sufficient fuel reserves during the approaching winter period. > >Ukraine has been effective in mobilising its mining sector to maintain output, ensuring a continuous supply of coal is available for thermal power and heating plants in the winter, with substantial gas stocks providing a further reserve. > >Despite Russian attacks on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure likely continuing this winter, Ukraine demonstrated last winter that it has the skilled workforce and expertise needed to operate and maintain the power network, even in wartime conditions.

UAF: Losses of the Russian military until 17.08.23

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 17.08.23 were approximately:

  • personnel - about 256050 (+480) people were liquidated,
  • tanks - 4329 (+5) units
  • armored personnel carriers - 8398 (+18) units
  • artillery systems - 5169 (+17) units,
  • MLRS - 714 (+0) units,
  • air defense systems / Anti-aircraft warfare systems - 486 (+1) units
  • aircraft - 315 (+0) units
  • helicopters - 314 (+0) units,
  • UAV operational-tactical level - 4272 (+24),
  • cruise missiles - 1406 (+2),
  • ships / boats / warships / boats - 18 (+0) units,
  • vehicles and fuel tanks - 7641 (+27) units,
  • special equipment - 773 (+0).

Data are being updated.

UK: Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine - 14 August 2023

> Over the last week, there has been an uptick in small-scale combat along the banks of the lower reaches of the Dnipro River. > > Ukrainian forces have worked to raid or set up small bridgeheads at new locations on the Russian-held east bank. This is in addition to expanding the bridgehead Ukraine has maintained near the ruined Antonivsky Bridge since June 2023. Some of these operations likely took advantage of a local Russian force rotation. > > The combatants also continue to skirmish for control of small islands in the Dnipro estuary. Russian commanders face a dilemma of whether to strengthen this area or to deploy troops in the areas of Ukraine’s main counter-offensive operations, farther to the east.

UAF: Losses of the Russian military until 14.08.23

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 14.08.23 were approximately:

  • personnel - about 254380 (+530) people were liquidated,
  • tanks - 4306 (+8) units
  • APVs - 8354 (+19) units
  • artillery systems - 5099 (+27) units,
  • MLRS - 714 (+1) units,
  • air defense systems / Anti-aircraft warfare systems - 479 (+2) units
  • aircraft - 315 (+0) units
  • helicopters - 313 (+0) units,
  • UAV operational-tactical level - 4213 (+9),
  • cruise missiles - 1379 (+0),
  • ships / boats / warships / boats - 18 (+0) units,
  • vehicles and fuel tanks - 7562 (+19) units,
  • special equipment - 766 (+6).

Data are being updated.

UK: Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine - 13 August 2023

>The Wagner Group is likely moving towards a down-sizing and reconfiguration process, largely to save on staff salary expenses at a time of financial pressure. > > Since the abortive mutiny of June 2023, the Russian state has acted against some other business interests of Wagner owner Yevgeny Prigozhin. There is a realistic possibility that the Kremlin no longer funds the group. > > If the Russian state no longer pays Wagner, the second most plausible paymasters are the Belarusian authorities. > > However, the sizable force would be a significant and potentially unwelcome drain on modest Belarusian resources.

UAF: Losses of the Russian military until 13.08.23

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 13.08.23 were approximately:

  • personnel - about 253850 (+560) people were liquidated,
  • tanks - 4298 (+3) units
  • armored personnel carriers - 8335 (+11) units
  • artillery systems - 5072 (+19) units,
  • MLRS - 713 (+0) units,
  • air defense systems / Anti-aircraft warfare systems - 477 (+5) units
  • aircraft - 315 (+0) units
  • helicopters - 313 (+0) units,
  • UAV operational-tactical level - 4204 (+3),
  • cruise missiles - 1379 (+0),
  • ships / boats / warships / boats - 18 (+0) units,
  • vehicles and fuel tanks - 7543 (+20) units,
  • special equipment - 760 (+1).

The figure of total enemy losses in cruise missiles has been updated to take into account reconnaissance and search activities - this is not the loss of a cruise missile by the occupiers yesterday!

Data are being updated.

Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine - 12 August 2023

>Russia has likely redeployed airborne forces’ (VDV) units from the Kherson region to the heavily contested Orikiv sector in Zaporizhzhia Oblast. The 58th Combined Arms Army (58 CAA) has been in combat facing Ukrainian assaults since 4 June 2023. > > As early as 11 July 2023, the then commander of 58 CAA was sacked, likely partially because of his insistence that elements of his force needed to be relieved. > > Reports suggest that the 70th and 71st Motor Rifle Regiments have faced particularly intense attrition and heavy combat on the front line. There is a realistic possibility that the arrival of VDV will finally allow elements of these regiments to be pulled out for rest and recovery. However, the redeployment will likely leave Russia’s defences near the east bank of the Dnipro River weaker, where they are increasingly harassed by Ukrainian amphibious raids.

UAF: Losses of the Russian military until 12.08.23

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 12.08.23 were approximately:

  • personnel - about 253290 (+510) people were liquidated,
  • tanks - 4295 (+5) units
  • armored personnel carriers - 8324 (+6) units
  • artillery systems - 5053 (+10) units,
  • MLRS - 713 (+0) units,
  • air defense systems / Anti-aircraft warfare systems - 472 (+1) units
  • aircraft - 315 (+0) units
  • helicopters - 313 (+0) units,
  • UAV operational-tactical level - 4201 (+4),
  • cruise missiles - 1378 (+1),
  • ships / boats / warships / boats - 18 (+0) units,
  • vehicles and fuel tanks - 7523 (+12) units,
  • special equipment - 759 (+3).

Data are being updated.

UK: Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine - 11 August 2023

> On 7 August 2023, the Belarussian Ministry of Defence announced that the 6th Separate Guards Mechanised Brigade (6 SGMB) would conduct an exercise in the Grodno area of north-western Belarus, near the Polish and Lithuanian borders. > > The ministry said that the exercise intended to incorporate lessons learnt by the Russian military in Ukraine. There is a realistic possibility that the Belarussian troops will be joined by a small number of Wagner Group advisors acting in a training role. > > These specific exercises are highly likely part of the Belarussian military’s routine training cycle. 6 SGMB’s home garrison is in Grodno, and it is unlikely that the formation is currently deployed with the enablers it would need to make it combat-ready. However, Russia is almost certainly keen to promote Belarussian forces as posturing against NATO.

UAF: Losses of the Russian military until 11.08.23

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 11.08.23 were approximately:

  • personnel - about 252780 (+580) people were liquidated,
  • tanks - 4290 (+12) units
  • armored personnel carriers - 8318 (+15) units
  • artillery systems - 5043 (+15) units,
  • MLRS - 713 (+2) units,
  • air defense systems / Anti-aircraft warfare systems - 471 (+2) units
  • aircraft - 315 (+0) units
  • helicopters - 313 (+0) units,
  • UAV operational-tactical level - 4197 (+18),
  • cruise missiles - 1377 (+0),
  • ships / boats / warships / boats - 18 (+0) units,
  • vehicles and fuel tanks - 7511 (+16) units
  • special equipment - 756 (+10).

Data are being updated.

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