bobs_monkey @ bobs_monkey Posts 3Comments 2,995Joined 2 yr. ago
Looks like someone moved to San Francisco with some money and had "an idea"
Yeah, laws don't really have any basis in reality when the current administration treats the like concepts of a plan.
Interesting, I have to bowl-like version and I wish I knew that was a thing beforehand.
That Ninja company has a model called the Foodie that is an all in one air fryer/pressure/slow cooker. It's absolutely fantastic. Granted I have my trust crock pot that I found at a yard sale for $20 but that option is there.
That screwy spacing up top is Facebook nudging over to make room for Instagram. It's just taking a minute because Facebook is a bloated and attention-whoring piece of shit.
Yup, I've made that mistake a few times. The mug itself is fine, but the graphic evaporates after a single cycle. But I sure as shit didn't pay $38 for it. I have a $10 limit on coffee mugs, maybe $15 if it's super rad.
Could've also been a shit contract, though I suspect much propaganda was at play.
Debian, Fedora, Arch, Gentoo, Slackware, LFS, Mandravia, OpenSuse, Knoppix, Puppy
And an honorable FreeBSD mention
I've spent a lot of time on the toilet looking at this.
That's assuming they're following the letter of the law. If I worked there and happened upon that drive, and it turned out to be viable, I'd disappear very quickly.
I'm wondering if it might have. Just about everyone I know has been destructively I'll in the past couple weeks (myself included), and everyone's just chalking it up to a seasonal flu and carrying on.
Not OP but I use Noctuas in both my server cases, and they're fantastic. Super quiet and efficient.
If there was a chance of recovering a hard drive worth around $750mil, you bet your ass I'd exhaust every option possible.
That said, there's a pretty good chance the landfill owner and all their employees have been ransacking that place to beat him to it.
I mean, that's the kind of money you and your entire family for generations don't have to do shit.
Probably make sure you have your own firewall on your private network, and if anything is exposed to the internet, make sure it's locked down as tight as you can. For the record, very few people outside of professionals and enthusiasts are running Cisco equipment in their homes.
The masses are mostly medium to low information people and none the wiser, especially regarding tech. To them, the phone in their hand is not a computer, but a shiny toy that lets them look at pictures and videos that distracts them from their screaming kids or mundane job. Your average person doesn't really think past their own hand, they just kinda "do" without considering the wider implications of their actions.
There's an old adage from I want to say George Carlin (and I'm paraphrasing heavily here), "Think about how dumb the average person is. Remember that 100 is the median IQ, median being middle of the road. Now realize that half of all people are even dumber than that." Obviously IQ is quite antiquated, but it summarizes the point pretty well.
And set the user age requirement to 99, promptly violating your own TOS!
Y'all hear that? It's our fault companies, particularly good companies, raised their prices to obscene levels because we kept buying them! Like we had a choice.
In-person work “fosters a clear boundary between work and personal life, enhancing productivity and mental well-being,” Aytekin Tank, founder of Jotform, wrote in a July 2024
I wonder how long he had to spit the corporate cock out to write that line, what a tool.
Probably heading to or from the Red Sea via the Suez Canal
More for tracking you as you move around stores