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We just survived the hottest 36 days ever recorded
  • Apparently the average is up in Germany, you just haven’t had any extremes this year.

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    Insurance Company Flew a Drone to Take Photos of Man's House and Canceled His Policy
  • If it’s not built to code to code it can pose all sorts of safety hazards to your neighbours or future owners of your property. If you don’t bother getting approval you didn’t bother building it properly either.

    At the slightly more silly end, your shed could lower the value of the neighbours property (because it looks like a meth lab, or just a general hillbilly grotto) and the law holds financial harm higher than physical harm most of the time.

    Edit: also it’s not just you, it’s any meth head who decides to build their own shed. Laws need to cater for the lowest common denominator.

  • Sarah Silverman sues OpenAI, Meta for being “industrial-strength plagiarists”
  • I see a lot of people claim the training model included copyrighted works particularly books because it can provide a summary of it. But it can provide a summary of visual media too, and no one is claiming it’s sitting there watching films.

    If the argument is it has quite a detailed knowledge of the book, that’s not convincing either. All it needs is a summary and it can make up the blanks, and get it close enough we can’t tell the difference. Nothing is original.

  • Removed
    Insurance Company Flew a Drone to Take Photos of Man's House and Canceled His Policy
  • Why do you think the laws exist in the first place. Because there is some hurt to somebody else. You just can’t see it.

  • Will this also affect
  • Just checked all 43 unis in this list and only Monash and carangie melon, which is an international uni, break the trend.

  • Will this also affect
  • Australia doesn’t. We’re all

    Edit: here is the list of who uses it. Stands for academia if it wasn’t self evident to anyone else either.

    2nd edit: having trouble with escaping characters in the link so it’s defaulting to the ac page when it should be

  • in Australia, when we pay taxes, we get a receipt. The receipt shows what our taxes were spent on
  • What @hanni said. But they also split out the unemployment payment as the disability support payment. So it’s all the disabled pension too.

  • joining the fediverse to bitch about reddit is the same as going on a date, and spending the whole night talking about your ex
  • To be fair that is a national treasure in my country. And we’re happy to share.

  • has now blocked / Meta

    I think the idea is that by being the largest player they could take over and add features that the rest of the fediverse didn’t have. And then the people here (mastodon) would move there to keep following their favourite celeb.

    I don’t think there’s any good argument why you couldn’t keep both for different things. Or why Facebook would even care about the ~200k users on mostodon when they cracked 70M in 24 hours

  • Second largest Lemmy instance preemptively un-friends Facebook
  • Okay. The person you replied to was talking about subscribing to a threads user in Lemmy.

  • Second largest Lemmy instance preemptively un-friends Facebook
  • What are you on about? Thread’s algorithm only affects what you see in the threads app home page. If they federate fully/properly it’ll operate no different than mastodon does now.

  • Highly rated book you DNF
  • The colour of magic isn’t highly rated by anyone. Most discworld fans will tell you to skip the first two books and don’t really count them. I hope you didn’t skip discworld based on that. If your willing to give it another go, most fans suggest starting with Guards Guards! as the feel of discworld is well established by this point and the Watch sub series is a fan favourite.

    There are 5 main sub series; the Witches, Death, the Watch, Industrial Revolution and Rincewind. Rincewind is the least rated. You can read them in pretty much any order but each sub series is recommended to read in the reading order:

  • What's your favorite RSS Reader?
  • What AI stuff? I use freedly as a backend for Reeder so never touch the website. This might be the push I need to either go local or roll my own.

  • Historic Indigenous voice referendum bill passes parliament
  • Thanks. I hadn't seen your message, but I did come to the same conclusion. I do honestly want to have my mind changed. It seems to be the progressive stance, but I cant see any upside and there is plenty of downside.

  • Historic Indigenous voice referendum bill passes parliament
  • Correction. I don’t believe anyone can be trusted to run their own affairs. And I’ve explained why. The best we can do is group together and try and make the world a better place.

    Why do you think it would be a good idea? And do you think that marginalised groups losing rights and equality is an acceptable trade off ?

  • Historic Indigenous voice referendum bill passes parliament
  • Dear god your reading comprehension is terrible.

    Who is “we”?

    Society, everyone, progressives, anyone who agrees everyone was created equal and deserves equal respect, anyone who agrees the system is still fucked and we can and should change it for the better.

    What do you mean by “our job”?

    Improving the system to improve the rights, respect and outcomes for everyone.

    We only just legalised gay marriage and homosexuality was still illegal in some places in Australia under 25 years ago. There is still plenty of discrimination going on in this place that needs sorting out.

    Stop trying to play the white saviour card. It’s bullshit. I fully acknowledge the British invaders where shit to the First Nations and committed genocide. It’s been a shit time for the original inhabitants for the first two hundred plus years of colonisation. No white saviour going on there. But now we have an option to decide what we can do to make the world a better place and it’s not to set up hundreds of semi-sovereign enclaves that will turn out shit for the marginalised individuals in them.

  • Historic Indigenous voice referendum bill passes parliament
  • No I didn’t ? I specifically called out that this exists in modern Australian society? I provided examples of indigenous issues so you couldn’t accuse me of making this out of whole cloth.

    I don’t think every aboriginal community will have these issues. I think it’s a bad idea to have multiple (hundreds of) smaller governments where these issues could pop up. Every Australian deserves the same and the best rights we can give them. Our job isn’t done in that regard and it would be a backward step to allow small communities to “decide for themselves” in these regards.

  • Historic Indigenous voice referendum bill passes parliament
  • What a strange assumption to make. Why would Indigenous Australians be any different in this regard? This sounds like some flawed “white knows best” thinking.

    These are contemporary modern issues too. Plenty of the rest of Australia have backwards beliefs on these issues. Our society has only made progress on these issues in the last decades. Other contemporary societies haven’t made any progress on these issues. (See the Middle East or Africa.)

    I would like to take a moment to acknowledge this argument does lear close to white-supremacists white-society arguments. I don’t think race has anything to do with it. I think economics do. Prosperous societies become more liberal. Western society has just been the most prosperous society in the last few hundred years. Previous nonwestern societies have had periods of liberalism during prosperous times (see the Middle East). I think this is also an argument that giving sovereignty to non-prosperous regional communities is a bad idea.

    Men and Women’s business is a thing in aboriginal lore. With “harsh punishment” if the rules are broken.

    The elders of 70 aboriginal communities delivered a petition against gay marriage to the government.

    Corporal (and capital) punishment was used in aboriginal lore.

    Your “white knows best” comment reeks of moral relativism. And while I’m not a moral realist you’d be pushing shit uphill to win an argument against individual rights.

  • Historic Indigenous voice referendum bill passes parliament
  • Anyone but I don’t think it would affect anyone but first Australians. I think everyone in Australia deserves the same rights. Having a seperate or parallel legal system/government doesn’t seem like a good idea. What if they have some backwards ideas on the rights of women, the lgbt or on corporal punishment.

    To be fair I haven’t looked to see how it works in other countries with the similar First Nations issues, but the Indian Reservation system in the US doesn’t seem like something to copy.

    The argument that they never conceded defeat doesn’t hold much water with me; it was an assimilation that’s not how that works.

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