This person had a long history of saying terrible stuff. Like borderline fash stuff. Homophobia etc.
I have no idea why people would say cumtown is leftist at all... it isn't, its a podcast about dick jokes and how funny it is to say the N word as a white person. There are funny bits, Adam and Stav seem like genuinely good dudes but I'm convinced Nick is a sociopath, and that his "joking" racism isn't all that joking.
They got big by being friends with Chapo. That's the only reason they pop up in leftist circles.
Played thru halo 1 and 2 on legendary in the master chief collection a few months ago and it was just as fun if not more fun than the first time in the 2000s. Amazing games to this day fun all the way through.
Halo 1 and 2 are my favorite shooters ever. AI and gameplay FAR beyond anything else at the time including Half-Life 2 which IMO is overrated. That's not even considering the multiplayer.
Wolfenstein: The New Order deserves a mention as well for putting single player shooters back on the map. Incredible game not afraid to push the envelope.
Thanks to another commentator I realized that Disco Elysium counts for this category and absolutely has to get my vote. Dark Souls is solidly second place.
There has never been a game yet that has the massive fucking balls of Disco Elysium. Imagine releasing a game about substance abuse, mental illness, and communism to critical AND mass market appeal.
Think about how many games don't bother to say ANYTHING at all. And then there's Disco.