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The Saudi Crown Prince is Talking About An Assassination. His Own.
  • Their legitimacy have always been found in being the absolute sellout to empires and willing enforcers of colonists against their own people though. Anything else is just pandering to the sold out victims so they stop fighting back and make the sub pressor job a little bit easier. Normalize relationships with Israel will absolutely be fine with the Saudi as long as the US want it.

  • What are some things that absolutely should NOT be recycled?
  • That's only half the story they told you. After you dice, grind and melt the original material. You have to use some virgin materials as binder to get all that stuff together. The amount of virgin materials can sometimes surpass even the amount of old stuff and render the whole recycling process moot for those nasty material. That's why you should have better just burn them all in a furnace or just bury them back in the ground where they belong.

  • What's the cheapest thing you had bought that by the end of its usefulness made you say "wow, this was worth a lot more than what I've paid for!"
  • I grew up in a third world country and one of the first gift my immigrant relatives got for my parents was a microwave oven. That was way back in the early 90s when almost nobody in my country knew what a microwave oven was. The same microwave had been going strong for more than 30 years before the buttons finally broke last year. All for around $200 back in the day.

  • China to see biggest millionaire exodus in 2024 as many head to U.S.
  • Well, you just need to read between the lines there.

    uncertainty over China's economic trajectory

    Read: uncertainty over ability to continue exploiting labors using your accumulated surplus

    geopolitical tensions...

    Read: closing window of opportunities to freely move your accumulated surplus elsewhere

    This is just like those immigrated nobles running from liberal revolutions in the past.

  • Vietnam ban access to Steam
  • Doesn't seems to be an official ban. My friends in Vietnam are still able to access Steam just an hour ago. This is most likely a situation like those manga websites black listed by Comcast or AT&T DNS.

  • Fanfiction Community Rocked By Etsy Sellers Turning Their Work Into Bound Books
  • I kinda understand the pain of those fanfic writers who sent time to write those stories. But book printing and binding for small numbers of print is really expensive. And I'm sure a lot of book lovers would love to have physical versions of their favorite works. So I am sure the situation will continue until things change in the publishing industry.

  • Israel says commandos kill 3 militants in West Bank hospital raid
  • Pretty sure killing wounded combatants who have no means of resistance is a war crime. It's even worse since it happened inside a hospital which should be shield from any fighting. Most moral army is acting as a bunch of war criminals as usual.

  • Reddit Advised to Target at Least $5 Billion Valuation in IPO
  • Whatever already existed won't be thrown away regardless of the ruling. It's like throwing all the gold already dug up just because it was done by slave labor. The law and legal actions are mostly just a moat around the pile of gold already dug up. Sure AI companies will have to pay more for the new data from other sources. However that would be peanut compared to how much they will have to pay starting from zero.

  • Tachiyomi War begins
  • Well, it's better to be worried when official copyright holders are going after you and not a bunch of troll bots. Bullying using the legal process and fee is a common tactic. It's better to legal up and be ready to fight in court than ignore their attacks and get raided by the Fed.

  • Why Personal Cloud Storage is so bad on Linux?
  • Most people I know who use Linux wouldn't trust Cloud services cause that's just storing your stuff on somebody else machine. You can self hosted service like Next cloud on a raspberry pi or just get comfortable with networking enough to setup VPN and ssh into your home computer from the net to get your stuff.

  • US, Europe Growing Alarmed by China’s Rush Into Legacy Chips
  • no, the desired outcome for the West is another hundred year of humiliation for China where they can carve the country up, region by region, and freely looting Chinese wealth while waxing poetically about the white man burden. The Chinese fighting back is entirely inconceivable.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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