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He did it all for the cookie...
  • And stuck it up his (yeah)

  • Harris' FDA is staging the listeria outbreak to stop you from consuming meat
  • Make sure to rebel by eating plenty of raw bear meat

  • There's more evidence supporting Biden not stealing the 2020 election than there is JD Vance not having a sexual encounter with a couch.
  • I heard that he shamed and belittled the couch for not getting pregnant, and said if he ever had the power, he would revoke its right to vote

  • Fox host demands video of JD Vance having sex with a couch
  • Double bonus if he shames and belittles the couch for not getting pregnant, and says if it were up to him, it would not be allowed to vote

  • Donald Trump sues Gretchen Whitmer for making VA medical centers a designated voter registration site
  • Seriously!

    Democrats have a historically atrocious record of showing up at midterms, letting all the branches go back to heavily Republican control for the second half of the term, and then bitching and moaning about how they didn't accomplish anything.

    Like, it's amazing to me what both Obama and Biden accomplished under Republican heavy House, Congress, and Senate! And now with the stacked SCOUTUS...

    We must reverse this trend going forward, and start showing out for every election! Local, State, and federal if we hope for any real change

  • Is anyone else highly concerned with the SCOTUS ruling that the POTUS is immune from criminal liability?
  • Just the once though. Then balance/expand the SCOTUS. Give the Republicans a few to make it fair. Vote to overturn, and forget it ever happened. Logical people can't get that upset that the only thing he did with his new king powers is do what it takes to save democracy

  • The DNC is the only reason you're not currently enjoying a second-term Sanders and a sane Supreme Court.
  • I voted Hilary because lesser of two evils. But I despise her snake in the grass ass! And me not liking her has absolutely nothing to do with her gender.

    But you are right that there are many that hate on a strong, vocal female (AOC).

    There are still many strong females out there that would have done better than Hillary and would make great leaders

  • Is anyone else highly concerned with the SCOTUS ruling that the POTUS is immune from criminal liability?
  • Just throw the six that voted for immunity in prison for treason. A fate worse than death

  • 'Babbling' and 'hoarse': Biden's debate performance sends Democrats into a panic
  • I absolutely love AOC as well, but she'll be in the Bernie boat. Too "socialist", and would push many centrist to vote red.

    I don't think Michelle is really interested, but it was just an exciting thought to me when I was seeing it pop up.

    I don't know if I'd love it, but Andy Beshear could pull his Kentucky magic, and possibly steal a bunch of Trump voters with the hayseeds.

    It's all looking like wishful thinking though, regardless

  • 'Babbling' and 'hoarse': Biden's debate performance sends Democrats into a panic
  • I didn't say it wasn't risky. I'm saying what I heard. But, I also don't think it's that risky.

    She would be a much better debater and candidate, and it would likely erase much of the voter apathy with the huge 40 and under group. Especially with abortion and womans rights on the table.

    And I'm a huge Bernie supporter, but we've seen several times now that the DNC isn't going to give him a chance. So who else you got cause Bernie's chance died in 2016

  • 'Babbling' and 'hoarse': Biden's debate performance sends Democrats into a panic
  • I heard quite a few people earlier in the year stating that the plan was for Joe to bow out last minute due to health issue, and announce that Michelle Obama would be the candidate. I know it's probably not likely, but it's an exciting thought. Someone like Newsom would be another decent option

  • My anaconda
  • I vote everyone continue to use this template for memes, as Drakes faces makes me physically ill

  • NASA is scaling back its Moon plans, and saying a 2026 human landing on the Moon is unfeasible.
  • Ah, the Uber space Tesla option. Classy!

    I'll take a whalers on the moon shirt if you make it to Luna Park

  • The Government Can Spy on You Using Your Wireless Headphones
  • You and all your upvoters like to visit sites about privacy, and give people a hard time for taking measures to protect themselves. Lame

  • The Government Can Spy on You Using Your Wireless Headphones
  • I went back to wired. I'm aware the government will get it elsewhere.

    Not paying Bose to have access to it, and sell to whomever they want. Fuck that

    Also, you don't know jack shit about my tech. I go out with nothing but a DAP very often.

  • Removed
    Guy who tortured a wolf and paraded it's body around is now receiving death threats
  • I grew up on 10000 acres of farmland. My entire family were proud "poachers". I've seen some shit, including a bullet riddled bald eagle behind the barn.

    Some of my earliest childhood memories were of my grandfather and deaf uncle chasing around coyotes like unhinged psychos with the dog waggon. Watching the greyhounds run them down, and tear them to shreads while they laughed and had a great time. Coyote pelts used to bring a lot of money as well.

    Now, I never liked this behavior even though I was raised and forced to participate, but I certainly understand how these morons become this way. They mostly behave this way with predatory animals like wolves, coyotes, hawks, etc. Animals that kill all their chickens. Break their cattles, or horses legs and may or may not kill them. They take pride and satisfaction in ridding the earth of these "varmint".

    Now I am mostly vegan, aside from my love of raising chickens, and eating their free range eggs. And I love all animals! But, I want to murder the fuck outta those rat bastard possums when they weasle their way into my henhouse at night, and I wake up to my babies feathers and caucuses splayed across the yard.

  • The Government Can Spy on You Using Your Wireless Headphones
  • I once lost a pair of expensive Bose wireless headphones. Somebody told me that I could use the app and track their location. I said, oh hell no, they can keep them! Nice as they were, I will not be purchasing again.

  • Bill to make marrying your first cousin illegal in Tennessee passes but not without a fight
  • Must have more babies for capital greed.

    Also, must end Medicaid. There will be no financial help for all the handicapped inbred kids

    Edit: /s 🙄

  • Videos show Chicago police fired nearly 100 shots over 41 seconds during fatal traffic stop
  • You seem to have gathered that the murder victim shot at the police. Unless you have another source, you are clearly not reading the linked article. It states that no footage shows that the victim ever shot, or had a gun in possession. States that he had no gun on or around him when they cleared the slumped body. The did however find a (most likely planted) gun in the car later. Do you need a class on reading comprehension or something?

  • Arizona State Senator Leads Prayer In Tongues On Floor Before Abortion Ruling.
  • Wasn't fun loving, southern Baptist. It was crazy ass non denominational, fire and brimstone, revolations, scaring kids about hell. Kenneth Copeland visits, and the like always went this route. Nothing entertaining about it. It was scary as fuck! And if I didn't act right, it was paddle board time when we got home

  • Vote to Restore Net Neutrality

    Stop enshitification 3 years ago!

    FCC to vote to restore net neutrality rules, reversing Trump By David Shepardson April 2, 20243:51 PM PDTUpdated 4 hours ago People look at data on their mobiles as internet wire cables on switch hub are shown in background People look at data on their mobiles as background with internet wire cables on switch hub is projected in this picture

    WASHINGTON, April 2 (Reuters) - The U.S. Federal Communications Commission will vote to reinstate landmark net neutrality rules and assume new regulatory oversight of broadband internet that was rescinded under former President Donald Trump, the agency's chair said.

    The FCC told advocates on Tuesday of the plan to vote on the final rule at its April 25 meeting.

    The commission voted 3-2 in October on the proposal to reinstate open internet rules adopted in 2015 and re-establish the commission's authority over broadband internet.

    Net neutrality refers to the principle that internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites.

    FCC Chair Jessica Rosenworcel confirmed the planned commission vote in an interview with Reuters. "The pandemic made clear that broadband is an essential service, that every one of us - no matter who we are or where we live - needs it to have a fair shot at success in the digital age," she said.

    An essential service requires oversight and in this case we are just putting back in place the rules that have already been court-approved that ensures that broadband access is fast, open and fair." Reinstating the rules has been a priority for President Joe Biden, who signed a July 2021 executive order encouraging the FCC to reinstate net neutrality rules adopted under Democratic President Barack Obama. Democrats were stymied for nearly three years because they did not take majority control of the five-member FCC until October.

    Under Trump, the FCC had argued the net neutrality rules were unnecessary, blocked innovation and resulted in a decline in network investment by internet service providers, a contention disputed by Democrats.

    Rosenworcel has said the reclassification would give the FCC important new national security tools. The agency said in its initial proposal that rules could give it "more robust authority to require more entities to remove and replace" equipment and services from Chinese companies like Huawei (HWT.UL) and ZTE (000063.SZ)

    Republican FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr opposed the move, saying that since 2017 "broadband speeds in the U.S. have increased, prices are down (and) competition has intensified." He argued the plan would result in "government control of the internet."

    Despite the 2017 repeal, a dozen states now have net neutrality laws or regulations in place. Industry groups abandoned legal challenges to those state requirements in May 2022.

    badbrainstorm badbrainstorm


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