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A symbol for the fediverse ⁂
  • I wrote about this on my blog. I like the notion and points made here, but I also think we're not helping by re-inventing things that already exist, so I'm torn on it. I have been happy with the existing one.

  • Release v4.3.0-beta.1 · mastodon/mastodon Release v4.3.0-beta.1 · mastodon/mastodon

    WarningThis is a pre-release! This has not been as widely tested as regular releases, although it is still tested on and some other servers. If you update to this release, you will ...

    Release v4.3.0-beta.1 · mastodon/mastodon

    The beta for the next major Mastodon release is now available for testing.

    GoToSocial is a new ActivityPub social network server for the Fediverse
  • "new" == ~3 years old (but looking to move from alpha to beta in 2024 IIRC). It's a good server!

  • Mastodon forms new U.S. non-profit
  • That's not what the story is here - this is an additional fund raising entity to support the independence of the platform. The post is very clear that Mastodon (the project) remains a European organisation

    However, it’s also important for us that Mastodon is one of the few, if not the only social media platform that operates out of the EU, and we would like to keep it that way.

  • Mastodon forms new U.S. non-profit Mastodon forms new U.S. non-profit

    As part of our commitment to supporting the growth and operational capabilities of Mastodon, we have established a 501(c)(3) non-profit entity in the United States aimed at facilitating our efforts, including being able to receive tax-deductible U.S. donations.

    Mastodon forms new U.S. non-profit
    Made a polargraph with leftover parts from a Prusa i3 MK3.9 upgrade
  • Way cooler than the one I built a few months ago, but I didn't reuse parts of a Prusa! 😮

  • Fediverse Developer Network | Announcement: Online meeting on March 7, 2024, focused on FediTest

    Hey all - Johannes Ernst and I are going to get the Fedidevs meetups going again, starting next Thursday March 7.

    Main topic: FediTest early show-and-tell and ask for feedback. More details:

    Have topics for future meetups? Bring them on!

    Mastodon 4.2 released, with (opt-in) search, and UX improvements
  • I think forcing all posts to be opted-in to the search, and depending on users to opt-out, would be far more controversial? Either way, the user does get to control this within the platform.

  • Mastodon 4.2 released, with (opt-in) search, and UX improvements
  • There's also a really nice deep dive into the updates here.

  • Mastodon 4.2 released, with (opt-in) search, and UX improvements Mastodon 4.2

    In this massive update we've added search and removed friction. What's not to love?

    Mastodon 4.2

    Lots of small improvements across the user experience, and opt-in search, make this an important release.

    Mastodon 4.2 released, with (opt-in) search, and UX improvements Mastodon 4.2

    In this massive update we've added search and removed friction. What's not to love?

    Mastodon 4.2

    Lots of small improvements across the user experience, and opt-in search, make this an important release.

    With Postmarks, social bookmarking is back -- but this time it's built on the fediverse | TechCrunch
  • At the moment it is explicitly designed as a single-user implementation, although I'm sure it could be pivoted to become multiuser. I've simply set up my own on Glitch and it is working great! ->

  • open source app
  • For what platform?

  • Fedora really needs a backup tool
  • I do not know if it is on the Fedora roadmap, but I can recommend taking a listen to the most recent episode of Linux Matters, where the three hosts talked a lot about backup strategies, and also mentioned GUIs.

  • TV and Tunes Tuesday!
  • I've been enjoying the first couple of episodes of Strange Planet on Apple TV. I wasn't sure they could translate a comic strip into something that runs 20(ish) minutes, but it has had me laughing a lot.

    Oh, and listening to Messy, the new album from Cindy Alexander. She did a super intimate (audience of 3, me being one of them) livecast the other night, it was really nice.

    Also: they remastered the Lush albums? I'll have to check that out.

  • My first own-designed printer
  • Reminds me a little of the Rook design. CoreXY right? Tell us more about it!

  • How to see posts from another Mastodon instance in a smooth way in one's own instance?
  • understandable! No problem, just thought it could be useful, but realise you should make those choices carefully.

  • How to see posts from another Mastodon instance in a smooth way in one's own instance?
  • You can use the Graze browser extension that will help with this.

  • Any Cool Games To 3D Print?
  • Just about to finish printing this, it looks really fun.

  • Just finished my Prusacaster
  • It looks great. Curious how it plays.

  • A 3D print, 8 years in the making
  • Yeah, the decimation in the low poly app was particularly aggressive around the mouth! The original scan of course was not a huge resolution, and I had glasses on which was a mistake. Came out ok for my vanity purposes though :-)

  • A 3D print, 8 years in the making A 3D print, 8 years in the making

    I finally printed a 3D scan of myself, that was taken 8 years ago!

    A 3D print, 8 years in the making

    Printed an 8 year old hacked Kinect 3D scan of myself, now I finally have a printer to do it!

    Twitter warns it could sue Meta over “copycat” Threads app
  • This is hilarious and I am here for it. They can't pay their bills, can't imagine they have funds to get a legal case together.

  • Why is the community icon the OSHW logo?

    I assume the community is using the Open Source Hardware Logo as it looks technical?

    andypiper andypiper

    Mostly on the #fediverse - more links here.

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