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Algerian man found alive after 26 years in neighbour’s cellar
  • I just watched that movie, it was pretty decent imo

  • Hot turkey
  • Thank god my brain chemistry makes it near-impossible to form addictions


  • Euro bottles are so much better now
  • Im interested too on the data

  • Websurfx 1.15.0 release
  • As soon as you'll get ARM support I'm definitely going to check this out!

  • Prison officers traumatized by rate of executions in US death penalty states
  • mock executions staged on a rolling basis.

    I feel like a sweet summer child, but what are mock executions and probably more importantly, why are mock executions? Edit: looked it up. Holy shit. Just unreal.

  • How a second Trump presidency could tear Europe apart
  • We are a post-war society.

    Uh, there is a war on European soil today.

  • PSA: Nova Launcher is owned by an analytics company
  • Yeah me too! o/ I honestly don't know why more people aren't using it, the customisability is off the charts

  • What're some of the dumbest things you've done to yourself in Linux?
  • Oh shit that's right, totally missed that! :D

  • What're some of the dumbest things you've done to yourself in Linux?
  • There's nothing wrong with that command, per se. You must've ducked up something else?

  • What's your fave movie of all time that you love to recommend to people?
  • The Fountain. I was just in the right place in the right time in my life when I first saw it, left an unforgottable memory.

  • Removed
    "Yeah, but what if we used AI?"
  • what is a HOA?

  • How to learn Windows?
  • I've been using for debloating my Windows VM (Yeah I forgot to mention I have one installed which I use for some school related activities, mostly Office 365 stuff), but a script would definitely streamline the debloating process.

    Winget seems interesting, going to check that out!

    Powershell, while it seems like a useful tool, is just gibberish to me. Somehow the syntax is just so weird for my brain to wrap around (this is no criticism towards Powershell, more like "I'm too stupid to understand PS")

    I do like Control Panel, as it reminds me of the sweet sweet XP times. And I've fiddled around the registry a couple of times, always blindly trusting what some random blog post advices while having no idea what I'm actually doing. It's kinda daunting, but I guess that's just the way it is. Maybe it gets easier over time :D

    Thanks for your answer!

  • How to learn Windows?

    Hey all!

    I’m a long time Linux user, and I’ve been avoiding it for the good part of the last ~15 years. Most of my Windows experience is from the XP times.

    I’ve changed careers from agriculturing to ICT a few years ago (almost done with school), and while I can say I know my way around Linux pretty well, Windows is an alien landscape to me.

    I got a job a few years ago as sysadmin (not so much, but still) / IT-support (more), and I find myself struggling to help customers with Windows / handle Windows servers. I would like to change that.

    I have no intention on moving my personal computing to Windows due to privacy concerns, which is a bit contradictory to my goals, because AFAIK learning things this way is the “best” approach. It was the case with Linux for me, at least.

    While i do learn Windows at my job, I’d like to compliment it with another approach, too.

    Do you guys have any suggestions how I could learn Windows (the whole ecosystem, not just end-users computers)? I’d like it to be fun, as I get bored easily (breaking my Linux time and time again was really fun learning method) Maybe fire up some VMs and go from there, somehow? What do you think are the most essential skills for a Windows sysadmin? Active Directory, sure, but what else?

    Return to monkey then?
  • less brutal for us, more brutal for everyone else

  • When people complain about systemd "violating the unix philosophy", this is what they actually mean
  • I'd like to know too, a ELI5 version if possible. Somethingsomething monolithic, but what does that actually mean for me as an end user?

  • Microsoft starts testing ads in the Windows 11 Start menu
  • Some people probably did the switch

  • What happened to all the baddies you knew growing up?
  • One bully of mine actually beat a young girl to death at a private party some (~10) years ago. Served just a few years prison sentence. I heard that when I was still on facebook, and I'm glad I'm not there anymore.

  • anarkatten anarkatten
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