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À dérouler | An art project by a friend

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> I love this person and everything they do. > > Here's his take on the latest project, in this video: > > This year I attended an art workshop on publishing and print-making. The goal was to make an art book, with total freedom of form and design. Here is "unrolling", my take on the (broad) concept of a book, with scrolls, spools and rolls.

À dérouler | An art project by a friend

I love this person and everything they do.

Here's his take on the latest project, in this video: > This year I attended an art workshop on publishing and print-making. The goal was to make an art book, with total freedom of form and design. Here is "unrolling", my take on the (broad) concept of a book, with scrolls, spools and rolls.

Looking for some advice
  • That sounds like pretty great care! I'd recommend using a conditioner that's made for coloured hair, otherwise I think you're good to go! (And don't shampoo it too often, twice a week should be enough for most people - bleach dries up the hair and so does shampoo, and dry hair means dandruff & greasy hair!)

  • I'm sick of social media. What are some good RSS feeds that you would recommend? (Yours count too!)
  • Two websites that I use quite a lot to find cool personal blogs/RSS feeds:

    • Ye olde blogroll is a hand-curated list of interesting personal blogs in English
    • The IndieWeb webring is a webring where people with indie blogs (ie. no substacks, no big websites, etc.) can sign up to get more visibility, it's a real treasure trove
  • [@asklemmy]( How do you listen to music / podcasts? At what places?
  • Music: I have a few CDs that are in need of a CD player and also have Jellyfin (no server, only local) to listen to my downloaded music on my TV (which mostly comes from Bandcamp). For my phone, I have the Bandcamp app, it's basic but it does what I need from it.

    Podcasts: via Podcast Addict on my phone (unfortunately no browser version, but that's gotten less important with the years as I spend less time on my computer and the time I do spend requires enough focus that I don't listen to podcasts), during sports sessions (podcast for warmup & cooldown, audiobook for the session itself), commutes, walking, cleaning & cooking.

  • Nobody cares about your blog | Reasons to Maintain a Personal Blog
  • I really liked this read! I blog, and I like my blog, but sometimes get stressed out because I feel like nobody's reading it (I've removed all analytics on purpose because I used to get obsessed with them). Blogging for the simple act of blogging, and not for engagement, is the best!

  • Yet another simple introduction to the Fediverse A simple introduction to the Fediverse | Alex

    Alex goes from Twitter to Mastodon, then explains how Mastodon is part of a nebula of platforms called the Fediverse, in a very simple way.

    A simple introduction to the Fediverse | Alex

    This was originally built to explain Meta's P92 to some people, and I slightly edited it to make it a bit more general. It starts with Twitter, then Mastodon, then the Fediverse as a whole in what I hope is an intuitive manner, and requires no "tech literacy" outside of knowing what Twitter and Facebook are like.

    Why do Mastodon posts don't get many likes?
  • As said above, likes are virtually useless. They're more like "noticeable bookmarks". Mastodon etiquette is to boost rather than like, if you enjoy a toot, and that's also how it was when the Twitter timeline was chronological and didn't include likes, a very long time ago.

  • Lemmy Communities alex [they/them]
    Olympics community on Olympics -

    Everything related to the Summer and Winter Olympics and Paralympics. — # Other communities you may like ## Sports (general) * ! [/c/] [!] ## Sports (specific) * Alpine Skiing * ! [/c/] * Artistic Swimming * !swimming@d...

    Olympics -

    publication croisée depuis :

    > Hi! I just created this Olympics community, if anyone would like to participate :)

    Olympics community on Olympics -

    Everything related to the Summer & Winter olympics. — # Other communities you may like ## Sports (general) * ! [/c/] [] * ! [/c/] [] ## Sports (specific) * Alpine Skii...

    Olympics -

    Hi! I just created this Olympics community, if anyone would like to participate :)

    Sondage : la société française est moins transphobe que ses élus le croient Sondage : la société française est moins transphobe que ses élus le croient

    À l'occasion du mois de la Pride, un sondage Ipsos met en lumière une large acceptation en France de la nécessité de défendre les droits LGBT.

    Sondage : la société française est moins transphobe que ses élus le croient
    Users from before the current wave of Reddit refugees, how do you feel about the incoming monsoon of refugees?
  • Well:

    • I'm annoyed at calling people who dislike an app and choose another website "refugees"
    • I'm happy that we're going to have more activity
    • I hope more instances will be built and maintained, because I don't think the large number of new members can be moderated effectively if they keep flocking to the same handful of instances
    • When in doubt, I hope moderators will be too strict rather than not enough, especially in the beginning to make sure the behavioural expectations are very clear
  • You need two women in your org (yes, even and especially in a heavily male-dominated field) You need two women in your (heavily male-dominated) org | Alex

    In May 2021, I thought «hey, I really need to write an article on how you need two women in your org, not just one». This was for an esports organisation, in a field where we were struggling to reach 5-6% women, the organisation itself having fewer than 10 people. Having one woman was pretty […]

    publication croisée depuis :

    > > In May 2021, I thought «hey, I really need to write an article on how you need two women in your org, not just one». This was for an esports organisation, in a field where we were struggling to reach 5-6% women, the organisation itself having fewer than 10 people. Having one woman was pretty progressive and cool at the time; and here I was, thinking «I can’t do this alone». And then I burned out and quit the game and never wrote the blog post.

    La réfugiée, Rabih Alameddine La réfugiée, Rabih Alameddine | Un genre à soi

    L'avis d'une personne transgenre sur La Réfugiée de Rabih Alameddine, qui met en scène une médecin trans chez les réfugiés de Lesbos.

    La réfugiée, Rabih Alameddine | Un genre à soi

    Mon avis sur le roman "La réfugiée" (the wrong end of the telescope).

    Résumé :

    >📖 Mina est médecin. Elle part donner un coup de main, quelques jours, à Médecins Sans Frontières, sur l’île de Lesbos où se situe un camp de réfugiés pour la plupart syriens. Mina y trouve son ancienne amie Emma, un écrivain qui l’encourage à raconter ses histoires (« mais je t’en supplie, ne l’appelle pas Lesbienne libanaise à Lesbos« ), un homosexuel palestinien avec qui elle se prend immédiatement d’amitié, des enfants malins et étonnants. Elle y retrouve aussi son frère. Ils discutent de leur vie, de leur famille, une famille qui a tourné le dos à Mina quand elle a entamé sa transition et est partie vivre aux États-Unis. Enfin, il y a cette famille syrienne et Sumaiya, la matriarche, atteinte d’un cancer en phase terminale, avec qui Mina se lie d’amitié.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    alex [they/them]
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    Comments 24