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Holy shit they're cooking
  • Elon Musk Batman would be the worst superhero ever

  • Holy shit they're cooking
  • Same thing happened to me I’m so disappointed

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from July 29th to August 4th, 2024 - Haters Stay Mad(uro) - COTW: Venezuela
  • Please give me some stuff to read about him, it’s embarassing to admit but I haven’t heard of him until today

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from July 29th to August 4th, 2024 - Haters Stay Mad(uro) - COTW: Venezuela
  • Yeah makes sense. I just didn’t want to be a dick and just deny it based off nothing LMAO

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from July 29th to August 4th, 2024 - Haters Stay Mad(uro) - COTW: Venezuela
  • My friend’s Venezuelan roommate is saying that his family is calling him and telling him Maduro was sending police to indiscriminately murder people last night at protests, and the police murdered some people in their neighborhood. What’re the possibilities this is true? I googled it and found nothing which is surprising because I feel like the media would eat that up

  • Happy Anniversary Hexbear!
  • I can’t believe it’s been around longer than r/cth

  • Is anyone else attracted to Menaker?
  • Tbh Felix still manages to get a few good laughs out of my every episode

  • chat is this true?
  • when i was 15 i unironically listened to both but quickly stopped listening to jre when i got to episodes with political guests on there

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from July 8th to July 14th, 2024 - Nevertheless, He Persisted
  • reading that quote made me actually laugh out loud

  • Who would be the funniest (mostly) plausible Trump VP pick?
  • seriously why hasn’t trump at least dropped one rap verse? he’s tapped in he was just with ot7 quanny, surely he could lay down a 16

  • Based JT on Russia
  • good comment

  • The Supreme Court rules that Trump has "absolute immunity" from criminal prosecution for all "official acts" he took while in office. The vote is 6–3.
  • sorry i hated learning government in school, i know the president could pack the court but you’re telling me they aren’t even obligated to honor their decisions and ignore them?

  • I really hope they dont make MGS political :/
  • rip debord you would’ve loved r/chapotraphouse

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 6th to May 12th, 2024 - The Nagorno-Karabakh Nosedive - COTW: Armenia
  • fuck it i’m full k-anon now, this kendrick drake beef leads into the deepest rabbit hole of conspiracies

  • Git Gud and Helldivers
  • true but at the same time taking every fight is fun

  • "All My Heroes Are Nazi Collaborators"
  • went from “i wish varg would come to bmore and see” to this 💔

  • ethical philosophers compatible with materialism?

    copy and pasting this from the daily discussion thread: “struggling so hard with my philosophy paper where we have to analyze any philosopher’s thoughts on ethics we agree with and abide by because i disagree with everyone we’ve learned about in some way 😭 aristotelian virtue ethics, kantian ethics, existentialism, and utilitarianism just have way too many idealist and individualist flaws for me to get behind

    are there any prominent philosophers whose thoughts on ethics are compatible with materialism, determinism, etc., and advocate for things like empathy, liberation, etc.?”

    alternatives to minoxidil finasteride?

    i’m fairly young (20M) but i’ve been experiencing some hair loss since i’ve been about 16, i’m pretty healthy i just have the genes for it since every man on both sides of my family is bald & maybe some hormonal factors driving it idk. my hair loss rn isn’t THAT bad, my hairline has receded to the point that i definitely have a pennyworth style widow’s peak (the batman tv show) when i lift my hair up and the top in general is much thinner than it used to be but i don’t have any bald spots and you’d have to try to see through to my scalp (probably also helps that i have semi-curly medium-long hair).

    anyways, to stop my hair loss from getting any worse, i’ve been taking topical minoxidil finasteride for the past 9ish months (dermatologist recommended it since they said the side effects were worse for the pill form) and honestly it seems like it’s been working, my hairline hasn’t receded anymore and my hair feels much thicker even if it isn’t the same as it was before.

    however, the topical minoxidil finasteride gives me the WORSE dark circles around my eyes like i look like a panda or a raccoon. and it’s more than that i look like a zombie, like my face is slightly more pale/grey than the usual white/olive skin color. i recently ran out and couldn’t refill before i went on a family trip and my dark circles were completely gone by the end of the week and my skin in general looked so much healthier.

    so i’m stuck wondering what should i do? i can’t get a straight answer out of google so hopefully someone in the comments can help (i should probably schedule another visit with the dermatologist but i just haven’t had the time yet). i want my hair and don’t want to lose it, especially so young, but i hate my eyes and face looking like that and i’m sure i’m harming my body by using it if it’s having that effect, so i’m wondering if there are any other solid options i can do for my hair? anyone else with similar experience that found something that worked for them?

    can someone explain the material reasons for russia annexing crimea?

    i’m sorry if this makes some users here feel old lol but i was a preteen and apolitical obviously when this happened so i genuinely know nothing about this situation. does it have anything to do with nato? i’m just curious to get a marxist analysis of this situation

    European Parliament recognizes Ukraine Holodomor as genocide European Parliament recognizes Ukraine Holodomor as genocide – DW – 12/15/2022

    The European Parliament passed a resolution that declared Holodomor — the starvation of millions of people in Ukraine in the 1930s under Soviet leader Joseph Stalin — a "genocide".

    European Parliament recognizes Ukraine Holodomor as genocide – DW – 12/15/2022
    do i have grounds to sue?

    i got written up at work today for “not smiling” and in their rule book it mentions smiling at customers, representing the company in a positive manner, etc., and about a half hour of research has led me to believe that my employer is violating federal law as the nlrb ruled that your employer can’t force you to act happy/smile/be positive at work

    i know it’s small but still fuck them

    Yeat Yeat [he/him]

    21 | r/cth veteran | only real leftist on this site | militant vegan

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