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Applying the same standards
  • I don't think that the dishonesty and hypocrisy is actually lost on them. The difference is that the US is always the "Good Guy", and whatever enemy of the moment is the "Bad Guy". When the bad guy does it, it's because they only do bad things. When the good guy does it, it's because they had no choice. It also makes it easy to just make up whatever you want about the bad guy, such as this garbage, even when they're actually doing what they claim the bad guy is doing.

  • Always amazing to watch people realizing how they're being brainwashed about China by western propaganda.
  • My sister can pass for Japanese. She doesn't dissuade people from thinking this, as natives are not well loved where she lives. It's a hellhole.

    (She also has taken a sharp turn towards fascism, and claims there's no racism there while simultaneously doing this... But that's another story).

  • Washington has lost touch with reality. If it doesn't adapt, the world will pay
  • I've read a whole lot of US history last year. I've never seen the country in this big of a public debacle before. They've usually been pretty good about making dissent quietly disappear. But they're spinning so many plates right now, and the cracks in their "good guy" facade are just growing deeper and deeper. It really makes me wonder if this is what's going to finally break their back. More and more people are waking up to the reality that they've lived their whole lives in the worst kind of propaganda. Something's gotta give. I think Vietnam was the closest we've seen to this, and it was just one war. Now the US faces trying to start shit with China, fighting a proxy war with Russia, and somehow coming up with a way of demonising Palestine and Iran. Their propaganda machine is failing quite badly.

  • Opinion: Why I’m resigning from the State Department | CNN Opinion: Why I’m resigning from the State Department | CNN

    I’m unable to serve an administration that enables the atrocities in Gaza, so I have decided to resign from my position at the Department of State, writes Annelle Sheline.

    Opinion: Why I’m resigning from the State Department | CNN

    One more disillusioned by the lies.

    >Whatever credibility the United States had as an advocate for human rights has almost entirely vanished since the war began. Members of civil society have refused to respond to my efforts to contact them. Our office seeks to support journalists in the Middle East; yet when asked by NGOs if the US can help when Palestinian journalists are detained or killed in Gaza, I was disappointed that my government didn’t do more to protect them. Ninety Palestinian journalists in Gaza have been killed in the last five months, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists. That is the most recorded in any single conflict since the CPJ started collecting data in 1992.

    My safety razor has arrived. No more plastic waste from shaving! :D
  • Unless you're blonde or going grey. I really wish I'd gotten started earlier in life, but I'd already started going grey when I did laser. The laser got most of it, but I had to finish with electro. Much more costly, painful, and time consuming, but effective on all hair.

  • I'm back
  • Welcome back comrade!

    EDIT: LOL! I just tried to set my bio to use the hexbear pronoun tags per this post and I just found out that I'm banned too. Irritating, but not the end of the world. I still love my comrades here, and many on hexbear. Just some power drunk anarchist mods with no dialectical analysis.

  • muh lesser evilism
  • Showmanship.

  • Henry Kissinger Dead
  • Good.

  • China’s new cancer drug is approved in the US but will cost 30 times more: US$280 in China, US$8,892 in the US
  • I'm on a drug that costs even more than that. The whole process is bizarre, and appears to be scams all the way down.

    What happens for me is that my insurance covers a big chunk of it, which still leaves me with a bill for thousands of dollars. But the drug manufacturer provides me with a card that covers that amount. So the whole thing costs me $5 out of pocket.

    The aim seems to be inflating the drug prices to an insane degree to extract more money from the insurance companies. Who then fleece my employer for more money. Who then pay me less, as the insurance is such a huge benefit. And I can't afford to lose that insurance, so they have a captive employee. And I'm supposed to marvel at all the money I saved.

  • US ruling class be like
  • It's not just Grampa who is a Nazi.

  • milei won, we're dead
  • I'm sorry comrade. That's rough.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • If I read a comment on here about mass sterilization of all white people, I might upvote it assuming it was a joke.

    Pretty much exactly what I thought. The original post in the modlog was a little extreme, and I probably wouldn't have upvoted. But certainly nothing ban worthy. White people ACTUALLY DO THAT to my people. Don't they always say "do unto others as you would have them do to yourself"? I can certainly see blowing off some steam now and then.

    But yeah. This post? Wow.

  • A journalist told a Pentagon spokesman that he and other Biden officials could face prosecution under international law.
  • Yes, but we all know that US presidents are above all laws. The system needs to be dismantled first.

  • Which horror/scary movies do you recommend for today? Here's a tier list of everything I watched
  • I'm not a big horror fan. They just don't do much for me. But I want to suggest Jacob's Ladder to all my comrades. A fantastic movie.

  • Most people saying this are transphobes anyway
  • That is just not true. Homosexuality was absolutely a crime.

    Karl Gorath, a gay man, was first convicted under the law in 1934. He was sent to the Neuengamme concentration camp and later to Auschwitz, where he survived until its liberation by the Soviet Red Army on Jan. 27, 1945.

    In 1946, more than a year after the end of the war, Gorath was prosecuted again. During a court appearance, the same judge who had convicted him during the Nazi era greeted him with the words: “You’re here again.”

    Gorath was sentenced to five years in prison and later spent decades battling to undo the injustices done to him. His Nazi-era conviction was annulled shortly before his death in 2003. Post-war convictions were only annulled in 2017.

  • Most people saying this are transphobes anyway
  • Yes. Sorry, best source I could find in the time available. But it's true and well documented. West Germany specifically, although other western countries weren't great either.

  • US and Israel rewrite history of UN resolution that declared Zionism is racism US and Israel rewrite history of UN resolution that declared Zionism is racism

    Forty years ago the UN General Assembly adopted Resolution 3379 which declared "Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination." At the UN on November 11, US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power…

    US and Israel rewrite history of UN resolution that declared Zionism is racism

    This is a great editorial I came across today about the history of the UN declaration that Zionism is a form of racism. It's a bit on the old side, but still very relevant today.

    Today in History: The Los Angeles Rebellion Remembering, Rethinking, and Renaming the Watts Rebellion

    Stop referring to what happened in Los Angeles from August 11- 16, 1965 as the Watts Riot. Call the events the Los Angeles Rebellion recognizes the voice and agency of the people. Several works chronicle the decades long unequal and oppressive racialized power dynamics and relationships with police

    Yesterday in the Tienanmen Square post, someone mentioned to me that US atrocities are taught and remembered by the US population. In light of that, I thought it would be fun to do a series of This Day in History posts with a brief blurb on whatever vile thing that the US did on that day in the style of western reporting on China. I would like to continue these until I get bored/busy/hungover (as Karl would do), or the US somehow fails to do something awful on any particular day.

    Today is the anniversary of the Los Angeles Rebellion (also known as the Watt's Riot) which happened from August 11 - 16, 1965. A brutal traffic stop of an unarmed young black man sparked thousands in the black community to rise against the oppressive racist regime. 14000 soldiers were called in to squash the fledgling rebellion, and after 6 days of urban guerrilla warfare, the fledgling rebellion was crushed. Government propaganda framed the issue as a riot, and little was changed. However, the black population continues to fight for equality against the authoritarian government to this day.

    WhatWouldKarlDo WhatWouldKarlDo

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