People are so worried about this information and I'm over here like, yeah... if I could have something I want today, ordered for me yesterday without me having to even do it.. that'd be great.
Like, oh, I need a size 10 6.0mm tunisian crochet hook that imma use to make an afghan tomorrow for my niece. I want to have that size 10 6mm tunisian crochet hook at the ready. Ain't nobody got time to mess around. 😂
Twitter has seriously turned into a right wing cess pool. :( 😞
Can't even watch porn on there anymore. LOL
I was watching one of my favorite gay porn stars and swiped up foe the next video and it was this couple that had like 45 guns strapped to them out shooting printed out faces of Democrat politicians.
Talk about a damn boner killer.
Also, the only comments that show up are right wing nut jobs as well. Idk what the hell is going on there.
I have lgbt friends in corbin/barbourville :( It's awful. I'm glad I moved out of Kentucky, even if it was to West Virginia. At least I moved into a gay friendly-ish town for work. I absolutely love the Appalachia area, but I fucking hate the people and politics here. :(