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Biden promised to install thousands of EV charging stations. Only 7 have been built [so far]
  • Biden didn't do jack shit, face it libs, your president sucked. Maybe trump was rotten in some ways but he got shit done. I bet you're all voting for genocide joe anyway, Libtards never learn.

  • Locked
    I'm a trans girl 🏳️‍⚧️ !!
  • Keep telling yourself that bud...

  • temperature timeline
  • This is such fake liberal shit, everyone knows the polar ice caps are thicker than they've been in the last thousand years. If you believe this liberal doomsday shit you are one sorry individual SMH.

  • Locked
    I'm a trans girl 🏳️‍⚧️ !!
  • You got no arguments because you know it's true

  • Locked
    I'm a trans girl 🏳️‍⚧️ !!
  • You think I'm filled with hate, and yet your the one lashing out at me SMH.

  • Locked
    I'm a trans girl 🏳️‍⚧️ !!
  • You're talking about convincing kids that they are girls just because they like to dress up, do you not see how fucked up that is? Really, honestly, if a kid liked playing dress up and would grow out of it but you coerced them into gender transitioning and they end up miserable and confused for the rest of their life, you don't see what's wrong with that? Really? WTF is wrong with you??

  • About the troll problem
  • Look at you, seething away

  • Locked
    I'm a trans girl 🏳️‍⚧️ !!
  • Have you ever thought that "trans kids" might just be some poor confused kids just playing dress up and having fun, that's what I was growing up. It would've fucked me up beyond belief if someone made me become a girl. Yet that's what you're suggesting for these other kids who are likely in similar situations.

  • Locked
    I'm a trans girl 🏳️‍⚧️ !!
  • I got a gun just like. Cope, Seethe, and dilate, you libs haven't won the gun war yet.

  • Locked
    I'm a trans girl 🏳️‍⚧️ !!
  • So you think kids should be made to transition their gender, even if they're just playing pretend?

  • Exploring my gender identity trough games
  • Yes because I totally wasn't playing dress up as a kid and was just a girl, funny how that logic works out because I grew out of that shit and ended up being a strong and fierce young man. Turns out boys go through sissy phases and it doesn't mean they ARE Women.

  • Locked
    I'm a trans girl 🏳️‍⚧️ !!
  • Not momentarily confused, I mean deeply confused for a long period of time, are you deliberately misunderstanding me?

  • Locked
    I'm a trans girl 🏳️‍⚧️ !!
  • You are right, a woman also cooks, and cleans for her man, get cooking sweetie

  • Locked
    I'm a trans girl 🏳️‍⚧️ !!
  • Ooh I struck a nerve didn't I, keep coping loser 🤣

  • Locked
    I'm a trans girl 🏳️‍⚧️ !!
  • Do you really want children to be confused and mutilate themselves under the false idea that they are girls when they're really just using their imaginations?

  • Locked
    I'm a trans girl 🏳️‍⚧️ !!
  • I fought for this country, what have you done for this country, get a Gender studies degree? LMAO

  • Deleted
  • Maybe you're right, jacking off is pretty fun though, can't do that when your dick is cut off.

  • Slowly accepting that I'm a girl
  • Back when I was a little boy I would pretend I was a girl, me and my sis would play dress up together. I'm so glad I grew up then and not now, if I grew up now everyone would've told me I'm a trans girl and gotten me to transition, then when I outgrew it I would be so miserable and sterile.

  • Locked
    I'm a trans girl 🏳️‍⚧️ !!
  • Nothing I said is in any way wrong my dear. A man's role isn't to bear children, it is to meet a woman and father a child with her. I don't know if you noticed but we aren't capable of bearing children, we're not seahorses, we're mammals, and in mammals the females bear the children. It's just basic biology my man 😎

  • nice argument however i have depicted you as a rule
  • He does have a point you know, the Palestinians are not known for their tolerance of homosexuality, nor are muslims in general for that matter.

  • VeganTomato VeganTomato
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