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Trump is now threatening to deport legal immigrants
  • Twice last century the US deported legal US citizens along with the undocumented. First in 1930's and the again in 1954

    If Trump assumes power, it will happen again.

  • Tim Walz is younger than Brad Pitt & Tom Cruise!
  • I think Tom also worked at a fudge packing plant.

  • Tim Walz is younger than Brad Pitt & Tom Cruise!
  • Do not forget twenty years of military service.

  • There you go little guy
  • If only there was a way to remotely monitor and cite speeders

  • Tim Walz is younger than Brad Pitt & Tom Cruise!
  • Phrased another way, Waltz worked, while Pitt and Cruise had work done.

  • There you go little guy
  • Another reason for a dash cam.

  • There you go little guy
  • All true. It could be a positive step but very small change by itself. Police are one part of criminal justice system that need massive reform.

  • There you go little guy
  • In California the duration of yellow is determined by a formula incorporating the roads speed limit. If yellow light duration is less than the formula would set, the traffic ticket is dismissed. I'm guessing most states have a similar law.

  • There you go little guy
  • Going the posted speed limit is not going slow.

    Speed is a leading factor in collisions resulting in serious injuries and death.

  • There you go little guy
  • Force = Mass times Acceleration.

  • What a musical genius
  • Red Green salted the Iced path, at least he's handy.

  • There you go little guy
  • If speed cameras are less biased than humans when issuing tickets, I see them as a fairer method of speed enforcement. Also safer for BIPOC individuals to receive a ticket in the mail, as opposed to a roadside traffic stop.

  • Whoa
  • Based

  • Bizarro Kool-Aid Man
  • A Cask of Amontillado Kool-Aid


  • Headlamp tech that doesn’t blind oncoming drivers—where is it?
  • I believe you've veered into possible but far from practical territory.

  • United States | News & Politics Vandals_handle
    Arnold Schwarzenegger protected by Pecker's capture and kill scheme while running for governor of California. Arnie Schwarzenegger dragged into Trump trial during tabloid boss’s testimony

    David Pecker testified that The Terminator actor asked him not to publish negative stories about him while he was running for governor of California

    Arnie Schwarzenegger dragged into Trump trial during tabloid boss’s testimony

    Although this came to light in the past, it was again reveled during Trump's election interference trial. In a quid pro quo arrangement, Arnold agreed to remain editor of Muscle & Fitness and Flex magazines, if the National Enquirer would kill stories that could damage Arnold's carefully crafted image.

    Osprey with its catch, Shellmaker Island, Upper Newport Bay Nature Reserve, Orange County, California

    Lighting, background and subject matter came together on this one, I was just there to record.

    Flowers become incels due to climate change. Flowers ‘giving up’ on scarce insects and evolving to self-pollinate, say scientists

    French wild pansies are producing smaller flowers and less nectar than 20 to 30 years ago in ‘startling’ act of evolution, study shows

    Flowers ‘giving up’ on scarce insects and evolving to self-pollinate, say scientists

    cross-posted from:

    > Flowers are “giving up on” pollinators and evolving to be less attractive to them as insect numbers decline, researchers have said. > > A study has found the flowers of field pansies growing near Paris are 10% smaller and produce 20% less nectar than flowers growing in the same fields 20 to 30 years ago. They are also less frequently visited by insects. > > “Our study shows that pansies are evolving to give up on their pollinators,” said Pierre-Olivier Cheptou, one of the study’s authors and a researcher at the French National Centre for Scientific Research. “They are evolving towards self-pollination, where each plant reproduces with itself, which works in the short term but may well limit their capacity to adapt to future environmental changes.” > > Plants produce nectar for insects, and in return insects transport pollen between plants. This mutually beneficial relationship has formed over millions of years of coevolution. But pansies and pollinators may now be stuck in a vicious cycle: plants are producing less nectar and this means there will be less food available to insects, which will in turn accelerate declines.

    Bonaparte's Gull, Upper Newport Bay, Orange County California

    Caught this juvenile stalking its prey on the mud flat in the salt marsh.

    Yellow-rumped Warbler, Santa Ana, California

    Caught this bathing beauty in the courtyard at Bowers Museum

    Red-shouldered Hawk, Upper Newport Bay, Orange County, California

    A Red-shouldered hawk perched on a Sycamore branch. One talon on the branch, the other talon tightly clutching its prey.

    Hummingbird, possibly an Anna's X Rufous Hybrid, Orange County, California

    Red crown and throat of Anna's Hummingbird, Rufous colored sides. Taking a break from sipping Bird of Paradise nectar, crown and throat coloration was obvious while feeding.

    White-faced Ibis, San Diego Creek, Orange County, California

    Flock of Ibis' on a sandbar preening and drying in the mid-day sun. Light was right to capture a little of their iridescence.

    American Ornithological Society (AOS) Council Statement on English Bird Names - American Ornithological Society

    Would be right to use the names that Indigenous peoples had been using for millennia. Traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) should be respected as equal to western scientific knowledge. If a species was already known to Indigenous people, it was not discovered by western scientists.

    Addendum for clarity. Initiative is to change common names of birds that were named after people. AOS creating a panel to draft new names based off birds features. I think using pre-existing Indigenous names for birds should be considered.

    Green Heron, Upper Newport Bay, Newport Beach, California

    Many mornings this individual can be found been hunting on the rocks by the Jamboree bridge where the San Diego Creek enters the bay. Its nest site was on the other end of the bay near the Newport Dunes.

    80's Music Vandals_handle
    1982 - Malcolm McLaren - Buffalo Gals (Scratch Version) (Island Records - DMD 374) ROBOT DANCE

    Round the outside

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