You know how to can get turned off of eggs if you get the egg ick.
I don't think I do know actually. But here's an attempt at answering this question anyway:
And bonus, anybody know why that happens?
We are usually very quick at relating sickness or even discomfort to the food we ate at the time or slightly before. This is a very valuable trait to avoid food that is unhealthy or even poisonous. But it's only based on correlation, so it can turn us off food that is not actually causing the sickness but we just happened to eat at the time.
a lot of the stigma surrounding sex work in the modern day (that doesn't just boil down to misogyny/gender norms/religion) is based on the fact that selling intimate aspects of one's self places a set value on something that many see as sacred
The fact that most of the times the stigma only clings to the person selling and not the person buying makes me think that this is actually a negligible part of the stigma.
Are you telling me your fairytale wedding does not include doves hacking out the eyes of your stepsister or your stepmother dancing to her death in shoes of red hot iron? Boooring.
No, MareOfNights, I also find that weird.
Start with praise and honest opinion.
So which is it?
Seriously though, I hate it when people throw in some praise completely unrelated to the thing we are talking about at the moment in an attempt to soften the criticism. It just seems really transparent and fake to me. Praise people for things when they are doing them, not as sugarcoating for your criticism. That just devalues the praise and your criticism. But maybe that's just my stereotypical German directness.
the bill's language and topic caused confusion; a member proposed that it be referred to the Finance Committee, but the Speaker accepted another member's recommendation to refer the bill to the Committee on Swamplands, where the bill could "find a deserved grave".
An assemblyman handed him the bill, offering to introduce him to the genius who wrote it. He declined, saying that he already met as many crazy people as he cared to.
I hope medicine in 1897 was up to the treatment of these burns.
That's why I use LaTeX. (I also use Arch btw.)
To be fair though, there are way more cows than crocodiles, snakes, sharks or deadly spiders in the UK.
Adding to what the other comments have already said: Don't bring an unleashed dog on a cow pasture. You'd think that's common sense, but apparently it's a bit of a meme in Austria and Switzerland that every few months some German get's trampled by cows because their totally friendly dog ran towards the cows and they felt threatened.
Legendary you say? Relatively unknown outside of Germany (and other German speaking countries) you say?
Let me introduce you to Dschinghis Khan by Dschingis Khan
(99 Luftballons, which was mentioned here before, is arguably the bigger hit that really everyone knows. But I couldn't resist throwing this out there. It was a huge hit and is still known.)
Einfach direkt Kinder verbieten. Löst auch das CO2-Problem langfristig.
Gehört zu den "vielen mehr" nicht auch der Kinderschutzbund? Diese Kinderschutz-Gegner immer!
Catholics also have patron saints for nearly everything from infants to ice skaters that they pray to but that are totally not gods because there is only one god. I mean, yeah, their second most important prayer is directed at the Virgin Mary, but that doesn't mean they worship her or anything.
What happens to people who rent out an apartment in the house they are living in? This is not uncommon, where I live. Grandma lives in a small separate apartment in the house, she dies, the apartment is rented out. Sometimes a child moves in later or the parents move in and a child takes over the house.
If these people risk losing a part of the house by letting someone else rent it, my guess is that they would just stop renting it in order to be able to leave the whole house to their children. Which would leave even less homes on the renting market and a bigger share to big corporations.
You don't get it. Katara should have put on some facial hair. And judging by the second place's "epic costume" not changed her clothes at all.
Ich weiß nicht, ob das woanders anders war, aber als ich letzte Woche in Stuttgart war, hab ich "Lasst euch nicht die Autos wegnehmen" Wahlplakate der CDU gesehen. Das ist ein wörtliches Zitat, kein sinngemäßes.
Ever heard someone say "I really put my foot in my mouth"? That's what they are trying to find out.
I'm almost of average height for a woman in my country. Even if I thought height mattered, I would have very little reason to feel insecure about it. But since men are on average taller, I still count myself as being part of the short people.
Wenn meine Sprachkenntnisse und meine aktuelle Konzentrationsfähigkeit es zulassen, konsumiere ich Medien eigentlich am liebsten in Originalsprache. Vor allem Bücher von englischsprachigen Autor:innen lese ich eigentlich gerne auf Englisch. Bisher hab ich sie mir dann meistens gekauft. Bei deutschen Büchern bin ich mittlerweile fast komplett zum Ausleihen, meistens in EBook-Form, übergegangen und würde das für Englisch auch gerne tun. Das Angebot an englischsprachigen Büchern und EBooks ist in meiner Bibliothek und auch bei anderen, bei denen ich geschaut hab, allerdings eher... dürftig. Hat jemand einen Tipp?
Wenigstens sind es glückliche Kinder aus Ferienhaltung.
Weitere Sozialreformen werde es mit ihr nicht geben, betont die FDP. Die Regierungspartei argumentiert dabei ähnlich wie die oppositionelle CDU. Deren Chef Merz warnte vor einem Überbietungswettbewerb bei Transferleistungen.
Among the many things I love about the Discworld novels are the descriptions of people. Terry Pratchett often manages with a few sentences to paint a picture that is often a bit funny, sometimes slightly weird but always hits the nail right on the head.
As an example, these descriptions of the witches in Lords and Ladies:
>"The first one - let us call her the leader - flies sitting bolt upright, in defiance of air resistance, and seems to be winning. She has features that would generally be described as striking, or even handsome, but she couldn't be called beautiful, at least by anyone who didn't want their nose to grow by three feet."
>"The second is dumpy and bandy-legged with a face like an apple that's been left for too long and an expression of near-terminal good nature. She is playing a banjo and, until a better word comes to mind, singing. It is a song about a hedgehog."
>"The third, and definitely the last, broomstick rider is also the youngest. Unlike the other two, who dress like ravens, she wears bright, cheerful clothes which don't suit her now and probably didn't even suit her ten years ago. She travels with an air of vague good-natured hopefulness. There are flowers in her hair but they're wilting slightly, just like her."
I also found this one in my collection of quotes, but I can't find out where it is from. Does anyone know? I think it might be my favourite.
>"Many people could say things in a cutting way, Nanny knew. But Granny Weatherwax could listen in a cutting way. She could make something sound stupid just by hearing it."
Do you have more examples?
Da ja gerade Gewittersaison ist, liest man öfter wieder die Empfehlung, dass man – sofern man nicht in einem Auto oder Gebäude Schutz suchen kann – eine möglichst tief gelegene, freie Fläche aufsuchen soll, in die Hocke gehen, die Füße eng nebeneinander stellen und die Arme um die Knie legen soll. In der Realität habe ich das aber noch nie jemanden machen sehen. Abstand von Bäumen halten die meisten noch, aber darüber hinaus überwiegt "wird schon nicht ausgerechnet hier einschlagen". Ich schließe mich da selbst mit ein. Seid ihr da weniger nachlässig und haltet auch an die Empfehlungen?
I have selected Subscribed as the default in my General settings:
When switching from my instance ( to the Everything feed, I end up in Subscribed no matter which option I choose in the menu shown below. This is expected behaviour if I select Subscribed but not for Local or All. With pictures:
Choosing one of these
Also leads to this result
I used Subscribed as an example, but the same thing happens with Local or All as default, then Local or All will be shown respectively.
The weird thing is, it only happens switching from my instance, not if I was in one of the feeds or already in Everything (so selecting the intended option again a second time works, but I guess that's not how it's meant to work).
Are you going to binge watch the whole thing? Savour every episode? Read the webcomic again to compare every last detail?
I'll probably do my usual approach – plan to stretch it out and then end up binging it anyway.
Ngl this post is partly to create some activity and thus visibility, so that maybe we can gather enough people to have discussion threads. I'd love that.
I just tried to delete my display name in the account settings and it didn't work. I deleted the name in the box and pressed the save button at the bottom. Then I returned to my profile and the display name was still there. Refreshing and reopening the app didn't change that. Returning to the account settings, the display name was back in the box. I tried several times with the same results. Changing the name does work, but removing it doesn't. I thought at first it might just not be possible in Lemmy, but I successfully removed it in Jerboa.