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Most fat people are fat because they don't have enough willpower
  • Please. It's not about "willpower." Poverty plays a part. Genetics plays a part. Our unhealthy lifestyles under capitalism plays a part. But go ahead and blame people for things that might just be beyond their control. That always makes a difference. /s

  • How often do you upgrade your phone?
  • Only when forced to by the phone breaking, switching providers, or, as in the case of my last phone, when they shut down a network (2G).

  • HP is in the rent-a-printer business now
  • I got a Pantum laser printer and it's free of all the rent-a-printer crap that the big ones are pulling now. It was easy to set up with my Linux system too.

  • Lauren Boebert Attacks 'Biden Crime Family' Hours Before Her Son's Arrest
  • "The thief thinks everyone steals."

  • Deleted
    If UBI (universal basic income) is ever implemented it will be used to control people.
  • They already do all this with social safety net programs like Social Security and HUD/Section 8. Go to jail, lose your benefits. Every year is a ton of hoop jumping and massive stress while I recertify for my housing voucher and the measly $2 in food stamps they give my family per month. And that's without me even going to protests anymore.

  • Do you do YouGov surveys?
  • I don't do surveys of any kind. They aggregate so much data on me as it is, I don't want to give them my opinions also.

  • Relationship advice?
  • Playing hypothetical games like this are poisonous to a relationship. My advice is to not do that kind of thing anymore.

  • A record number of Americans can’t afford their rent. Lawmakers are scrambling to help
  • Until and unless they break up these predatory property management companies, anything they do push through won't be anywhere near enough.

  • If you had to adopt one of these exotic pets, which one would you choose?
  • All parakeets are parrots but not all parrots are parakeets.

    Eclectus are gorgeous. The males are emerald green with orange beaks. They have the most sexual dimorphism of any of the parrot family.

  • If you had to adopt one of these exotic pets, which one would you choose?
  • Just a nitpick, that bird is not a parakeet. It's a female eclectus parrot.

    There are a number of parakeet species so referring to a bird as a parakeet isn't specific. The most common parrot kept as pets are budgerigars, or budgies. Which is the one I think you were referring to.

    Parrots being a special interest of mine I had to drop this on impulse.

  • Republican voters were always going to embrace January 6 — it was just a matter of time
  • They should live within their means like they're making the rest of us do. If I can support a family of 3 on less than 25K a year, then they make more than enough.

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    Bill Maher Goes on Anti-Vax Tirade During Heated Covid-19 Debate With 'Family Guy' Creator Seth MacFarlane
  • Yeah, like 20 years ago. He's gotten so horrible over the decades.

  • As if the tip actually goes to the dashers.
  • I did once because the driver completely ignored my delivery instructions and I called to cancel the tip. They refunded it immediately.

    Our building has a problem with theft, which I noted in my instructions, and they left the order in the lobby despite my clear warning to the contrary.

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    A woman who had a miscarriage is now charged with abusing a corpse as stricter abortion laws play out nationwide
  • I seem to have misplaced my violin as it's so tiny.

    But to quote their ridiculous ancient book of nonsense, you reap what you sow.

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    A woman who had a miscarriage is now charged with abusing a corpse as stricter abortion laws play out nationwide
  • The day they stop trying to shove their own personal religious choices down everyone else's throat and criminalizing what should be a woman's own bodily autonomy is the day I stop feeling this way.

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    A woman who had a miscarriage is now charged with abusing a corpse as stricter abortion laws play out nationwide
  • Too bad medical science can't invent a killer virus that takes out right wing fundamentalists with pinpoint accuracy.

  • Former religious lemmings, what made you quit religion or stop being a believer?
  • My family was secular so I didn't have religion shoved down my throat as a kid. I got curious about church when I was around 8. I went for a year or so then had an epiphany about how nonsensical it was that a loving god would consign people to hell and stopped going.

    I toyed around some with occultism in my teens but have been an atheist ever since. Nothing about religion makes sense and I live in the material, rational world.

  • Am I the only one pissed off at these holiday sales? (US)
  • I feel the same way about grocery store club cards. "Let us vacuum up your buying habits to sell to information brokers while simultaneously ripping off everybody that doesn't use a card."

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Give "The Christ Conspiracy" by Acharya S a read. It goes in-depth into how the whole Jesus thing was a myth based on other myths.

  • Do people really hate the New War and Kahl's Garrison so much?

    I'm a relatively new player, been at it for three or four months now. I mostly play solo so I'm figuring things out on my own and sometimes it's slow going; I resort to googling things quite often because I don't quite understand what's going on. I've gotten up to MR14. Been unable to beat the MR15 test so far as I'm pretty bad at interceptions.

    I finally decided to buckle down and do the New War quest over the weekend and I really enjoyed it. I liked all the different perspectives and switches to game play style, plus the lore and plot line were amazing. I finally understand what's going on in the game. But there were a few places I got stuck so I looked things up and saw how many posts there were by people complaining about the quest line and hating on it.

    I found it to be pretty forgiving of an old(er) person whose reflexes, reaction time and visual processing are going to shit. The boss fights weren't that bad, really. Since I solo and haven't gotten anywhere near the kind of strength I see the Steel Path folks putting out when I'm grouped with them during Circuit, the purported tediousness folks were complaining about was just par for the course for how I usually do boss fights: run around like a chicken on fire and get off a shot or two occasionally until it's over. The four hours the quest is supposed to take was more like nine hours for me but all in all it wasn't too bad and I was able to finish it in time for Circuit.

    Then I hopped into Kahl's Garrison and the first mission I got was Sneaky Sabotage and that was a bit of a slog because I didn't know WTF was going on and the deacons were everywhere. I did finish it, barely. I did the next one yesterday night and did much better. I like the different game mode and having to adapt to different rules of play. But again, I saw tons of people complaining about it during various web searches. I didn't see anyone talking about how they enjoyed either of those scenarios.

    Surely there are other people out there that like some or all of this content? Or am I just the weirdo who's about to be downvoted to oblivion?

    UziBobuzi UziBobuzi

    Reddit refugee, gamer, bird and kid mom, crocheter, curmudgeon, post-civ anarchist

    My bird's channel:\_bo\_becko

    My gaming channel:



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