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A Perfect Day for Bananafish by J.D. Salinger A Perfect Day for Bananafish – Original Text | shortsonline

"Miss Carpenter. Please. I know my business," the young man said. "You just keep your eyes open for any bananafish. This is a perfect day for bananafish."

I was about ten years old (too young) when I read this for the first time. At that age I was accustomed to banal stories about clever grasshoppers and friendly bears.

I'm sure my jaw literally dropped when I got to the end-- but I also realized how powerful a story could be. I'll never forget that first time.

NaNoWriMo and AI Clash
  • They're kind of vague on what they mean when they say "AI." Are they asking a chatbot for a synonym, or feeding it a prompt and sitting back while it creates a manuscript from whole cloth?

    Either way, it's none of my business. There's no prize to be won, the gains are all personal. For the first in my life, my teacher's words ring true: "You're only cheating yourself."

  • Why “Lord of the Rings” feels real and “Narnia” doesn’t
  • They are both well written, and when I'm in the middle of either book I'm completely absorbed in its world. In that moment, I'm not thinking about realism at all.

    It's only when I put the book down that questions like that come up.

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