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"An oppressed class which does not strive to learn to use arms, to acquire arms, only deserves to be treated like slaves" - Vladimir Lenin
  • Yeah I've been involved with them in varying degrees for the last several years, and I've never seen anything questionable from the leadership or regular members. Save for the occasional troll that gets into the Slack just to start drama, and is promptly kicked out

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 2nd to September 8th, 2024 - We Love Our Trans Comrades - Chemicals of the Week: Estrogen and Testosterone
  • As far as I know, which to be fair isn't much, it's more of a landback kind of thing. Same deal as tribes in the US purchasing land in recent times, just involving the government directly rather than buying it from individual owners.

  • Invites for Valve's new game "Deadlock" here
  • If you're still sending invites, my friend code is 52692266. Thanks in advance!

  • Is there any Podcast players that autoskip ads?
  • I'll have to look into that. I switched to Pocket Casts years ago specifically for the cross-platform sync feature, and haven't really given it any thought since lol

  • Is there any Podcast players that autoskip ads?
  • It's not quite the same, but Pocket Casts lets you customize how many seconds the skip buttons go forward and back by, which can at least make it a little less tedious

  • Is PSL any good?
  • I feel like I'm in a tough spot, where I'm close enough to a major city that I can potentially go to events, but far enough away that the time commitment involved means I need more advanced notice than there typically is between the announcement and the event itself. Especially since I have a kid and both my wife and I work, I can't be gone all day without prior planning.

    I was trying to go through the process to join, and did a phone interview with a guy, after which he wanted to meet in person for the next step. He suggested I come to one of their events and we'd meet up there, but I never had one line up where I could make it. We were going to try and plan a meet up, but I needed to let my work schedule settle out first, and at this point my last three messages across the last several weeks haven't been replied to.

    I'm not really sure where I was going with that lol, but I don't really know what to do from here

  • Anyone have experience with Freedom Road Socialist Organization?
  • You're welcome, it's the episode titled "Dialectical Materialism w/ Josh Sykes", uploaded June 3rd

  • Anyone have experience with Freedom Road Socialist Organization?
  • From what I've been able to tell, most if not all of their members are MLs, and it's generally considered an ML party, but they don't advertise a specific tendency. IIRC they started more or less as an ML split from a Trotskyist party. (Now I'm not sure if it was PSL or FRSO being referenced lol, but this was about PSL.)

    I've also had issues trying to join. I did sort of a phone interview, and the guy wanted to meet me in person to continue the process. He suggested attending one of their protests and we'd meet up there, but they don't get announced publicly far enough in advance for me to make it. My last message about trying to arrange a meeting didn't get a reply, so who knows at this point lol

  • Anyone have experience with Freedom Road Socialist Organization?
  • There was an FRSO guy on the Upstream podcast recently, explaining dialectical materialism. The host also asked him about the org, so he explained a good bit there

  • “But white people don’t have culture!” — You were saying?
  • I know Yugopnik posted in the last couple of days that he had just met JT and Hakim in person, so that would explain JT being outside the US at least lol

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from July 22nd to July 28th, 2024 - Fracas in Dhaka - COTW: Bangladesh
  • Lol I've been waiting to see some takes on it. I haven't read too much into it yet, but it seems like it could potentially be a big deal

  • Gov. Gavin Newsom issues executive order for removal of homeless encampments in California | CNN
  • And the christo-fascist president in Parable of the Talents using the campaign slogan "Make America Great Again". I wish she had been able to write the third book

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from July 8th to July 14th, 2024 - Nevertheless, He Persisted
  • I feel like the execution could have been better as well. I don't know how many people actually listen through albums from start to finish nowadays, but for anyone who doesn't it's just random hatred with nothing to contextualize it. Especially since they may never even hear the latter half of the album if they only listen to playlists or something. I was interested with the concept of the album before it came out, and there are a few good songs on there, but I'm pretty disappointed with the way he chose to do it

  • Headphone Reccomendation
  • I second the Audio-Technicas. My headphones are the ATH-M50x, I've used them almost every singe day for almost a decade, and they're still going strong. I've had to replace the cord twice, the ear pads twice, and I put a cover over the top once the fake leather started falling apart ~5 years in. The sound is still good, they're still comfortable, and they show no signs of falling apart or anything, even though they get dropped on the floor at least once a week lol.

    Apparently they have the M50xBT2 now, which is a bluetooth version, for $200. If the quality is the same as the wired version, I'd say it's worth it, but that does put it $50 over budget.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 3rd to June 9th, 2024 - Morena Reigns More - COTW: Mexico
  • Can anyone suggest a good current events recap video or something similar? Some of my siblings were recently homeless for several weeks, and now that things have improved and stabilized for them, one of them mentioned feeling like they don't know anything that's going on right now. I was hoping there's something out there that would help them get caught back up, without me sending them like ten different videos on individual topics

  • happy birthday solider
  • The pants probably wouldn't fit over the cardboard embedded in his legs anyway

  • Things to do in DC
  • I thought the MLK memorial was pretty cool when I went. It's kind of tucked away near the Lincoln memorial, and not on all the tourist maps you'll see, but well worth the visit in my opinion

  • Loving these NCR New Yorker style cartoons
  • I think a big factor as well, on the meta side of things, is that the majority of the Legion's planned content was cut in order to get the game out on schedule. Most people don't even notice because people don't usually side with them (nor have I, even though I've lost count of my number of play-throughs), but their whole side of the map is almost empty, and even the Brotherhood has more faction quests and everything. I think if that hadn't happened, we would have seen a much more fleshed-out and interesting faction, and questions like this would be explained.

  • Dragon Age: Inquisition is free this week on EGS
  • I personally loved it, although it's been since 2016 when I played it last. I put 95 hours into it and was disappointed that there wasn't more. I've tried a handful of times to go back to it over the years, and still enjoyed it every time, but something always ends up coming up where I can't put the time into it.

    It's also one of the few games of its type (out of the ones I've played anyway) that has romance subplots but doesn't have a hardcoded sex scene at any point, which I always appreciated. I assume that depends on the particular character you're romancing, but with my playthrough it never happened.