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3 days ago

  • All you forget that with prime you don’t pay the shipping cost, that’s the biggest convenience in my opinion

  • Not only that, but the super fast shipping included in Prime subscription, make it even harder cancel it

  • The last line of the post is in accord with what you said

  • I bet you wouldn’t be happy if something you made and that you’re trying to sell get copied and shared completely for free. Many people would use that without giving you a penny. It is not stealing in a stricter sense, but it would hurt your finances for sure.

  • BuyFromEU

    Is starting massively pirating things the right thing to do?

    Buy European

    Is starting massively pirating things the right thing to do?

  • I solved the problem. The issue arises when you enter your email and password in the login tab. The app attempts to find a username that matches the email precisely, which leads to an error. However, when I log in using my username instead, everything worked flawlessly.

  • Guess which one is the only country that didn’t state support. Why did you think of Italy? (I’m Italian)

  • Arctic

    Failed to load user details

  • It was a really nice discovery, I’ve quitted chatGPT and using it as main AI reference

  • Italian here, I feel ashamed of our PM. It is even more ridiculous how she endorsed the relationship with US just a couple of weeks ago and then Trump started doing even more shitty things.