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Tough Shit
  • Seethe and cope, shitsack.

  • Tough Shit
  • Your inability to read doesn't equate to my ability to argue. You're just an idiot, sorry.

  • Tough Shit
  • I don't assume they're a lady at all, in fact I don't give a shit about their gender? Same as the person who was originally corrected.

    Unlike you lot, who are incredibly arrogant in thinking that caring about a random individual who will supposedly like being "defended" or even needed that in the first place. That arrogance is so self-serving it's nauseating.

  • Tough Shit
  • That's just post-hoc rationalisation. You really just wanted to jump on the bandwagon. None of this whole thing is altruistic and the level of arrogant high horsing going around makes my blood boil.

    If it was in person, absolutely defend the pronouns of whoever, but on the internet? It's just for karma or whatever high people chase.

  • Tough Shit
  • You do understand that the person being defended isn't in the picture, doesn't know or care about it, and therefore that this is just selfish white-knighting, right?

  • Tough Shit
  • Not on someone's behalf, but at someone who is defending a person they don't even know needs defending. Like, what the fuck do you think you gain by "correcting" pronouns for a John Smith?

    It's all about the personal gain, none of it is altruistic. It's egocentric mania.

  • Tough Shit
  • Your first definition of gender not mattering is exactly right, and if the person doesn't show up to correct the use of pronouns then who cares.

    There is no "honour" to defend for a random unknown individual. It's just for self validation or so that people who do such things feel like they belong to the "tribe" or whatever. Tribalism is the stupidest reason to use pronouns.

  • Tough Shit
  • "Literally" not, I'm arguing for people to stop giving a shit about gender, especially about people who aren't and won't be a part of the discussion. It's asinine and vapid self-serving slop to "defend" someone who for all you know is a huge bigot? Like come on, you don't even know the person, why white-knight...

  • Tough Shit
  • Shitting?

  • Tough Shit
  • The whole getting offended on someone's behalf who isn't even part of the conversation, and when the "offense" wasn't meant as such is inflammatory bullshit. And you all know it.

  • Tough Shit
  • Could say that about their little gender quip too, but you won't because you're a hypocritical cunt.

  • Tough Shit
  • AlSo, wHy Do yOU aSsUme thE nUrSE iS A laDy?

    If gender doesn't matter then assuming doesn't matter either, fuckwit.

  • Where does the music go?
  • "soul"


  • Why are peole hating on .world?
  • How's it like living in fantasy-land where every single one of your opinions online is correct and you can never be wrong? (/s in case you're incredibly dull.)

    It's so incredibly stupid to not have downvotes fucking hell.

  • The Internet Archive is under attack, with a popup claiming a ‘catastrophic’ breach
  • SEO killed the internet. You're literally part of the reason why people go look for alternatives to viewing your website, no one wants ads.

  • and they didn't get up and get her the toy
  • Your American football brain damage is leaking, careful. You already lost your punctuation 🙄.

  • What's the most political colour?
  • You mean I downloaded Boost and used the default settings? I suggest you get your head checked, the stick you shoved up your ass is sticking out of your mouth and you're spewing bullshit now.

  • What's the most political colour?
  • Stupid AND a liar, no wonder you're the way you are.

  • Transphobia in the fediverse
  • Fuck off with your cohorts. You're not even fighting for equal rights anymore, you clearly all want the spotlight and thrive from the attention like whores.

    On top of that you're all buddy-buddy with the mods, it's like crying to your parents every time you have an issue. Clearly shows what kind of weak-willed brigade you are.

    Bet you'll go cry to your mod buddies and get this and any other disagreeing opinion removed.

    How. Fucking. Typical.


    Real LGBT community members wouldn't differentiate between themselves and other groups, since the goal is inclusiveness. You're all about division.

    So fuck right off with your fake reality TV star movement.

  • What's the most political colour?
  • It's not misgendering if it happens before you let anyone know that, fucking dumbass.