Soyweiser @ Soyweiser Posts 2Comments 1,074Joined 1 yr. ago
So AGI is 0.5-2 years away. After which the singularity happens and due to AI alignment we either are immortal forever, or everybody is diamondoid paperclips.
A normal human takes 18 years to grow to maturity. So for the sake of the argument (yes yes, don't hand it to ISIS) a supergene baby can do that in 9 years. (poor kid). Those timelines seem at odds with each other (and that is assuming the research was possible now).
I know timelines and science fiction stories are a bit fluid but, come on, at least pretend you believe in it. I'm not saying he is full of shit but... no wait, I am saying that.
That thread is quite something, going from "yud is extraordinarily thorough (much more thorough than i could possibly be) in examining the ground directly below a streetlamp, in his search for his keys", that 'he believes it like he believes in China' to 'honestly, i should be reading him. we have starkly different spiritual premises- and i smugly presume my spiritual premises are informed by better epistemology'
LaVeyan satanism
As I said. Nerds.
black metal bands
Again. (Love that there seem to be two kinds of Black Metal bands (well three kinds, but the popular ones are posers and not trve nor kvlt, except for their first album), the ones very proud they are basing their songs on lord of the rings, and the other kind you know the one)
you should always escalate every conflict to the maximum in order to dissuade hypothetical agents from blackmailing you.
Ah not understanding the escalation ladder (or knowing it exists, and just going all in every time because they don't get it) a common issue, slightly more common among younger nerds it seems (Made worse by Enders Game), but also fascists (somebody shared a story on bsky where they had violently (fists etc) gotten rid of some fascists at an event, who later returned to do a drive by shooting).
Yeah same, think a grenade toss killed me
An extreme Boss Baby tweet.
Presuming that Republicans ever asked “was it a fair election?!” in good faith, like a true jabroni.
Imagine saying this after the birther movement remained when the birth certificate was shown. "Just admit you didnt fuck pigs, and this pigfucking will be gone".
Finally something me and the crazies can agree upon, at least until it’s too warm out.
at least until it’s too warm out.
So you don't agree. Musk wears that thing everywhere (yes yes, not literally everywhere, but a lot. Also he seems to have several) that thing must have a horrible ... smell.
They believe in race and IQ, that people who code javascript blog a lot (no a lot) are superior (and should have all the money and power), and that the time of democracy is over. (and that some people should be reduced to biodiesel). They don't believe the world has gotten less violent, they believe in corporal punishment, leather jackets make you look cool no matter the situation, etc etc.
Ow and that you can build Skynet using Turing machines.
This is not to be confused with what the zizians believe, they believe a bespoke set of other wild things. But I have never really looked much into them.
No very good point, no known direct connections. Esp with Moldy sliding into peoples dms.
Technically he doesn't have connections to Thiel directly. They have connections to the lesswrong Rationalists (note, rationalwiki is not associated with the lesswrong Rationalists, and they don't like each other, this place is also on team rationalwiki). However enough Rationalists are (or are friends with) neoreactionaries (for a long time LW was one of the few places where they were sometimes welcome, or even talked about). But this is one of the places where (through heavy layers of snark and derision) you could learn about these groups.
However, as the lore is deep, very annoying, quite bad (A lot of IQ-anon type people), I suggest you don't start reading up on this. Ignorance once lost cannot be regained (There are also some very small (small as on low risk, but if you are one of the rare people high effect) mental health risks if you believe very specific things about skynet style AI and a few other silly beliefs). And you already got the important parts (Thiel and people close to him suck).
Yeah, I have reread the book last year. (Due to all the hot takes of people about the book in regards with Helldivers) and the movie is a lot better propaganda than the book (The middle, where they try to justify their world, drags on and on and is filled with strawmen and really weird moments. Esp the part where the main character, who isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, is told that he is smart enough to join the officers. You must be this short to enter)).
Prff, like you would be part of the 20% that survives basic training. I know I wouldn't.
(So many people miss this little detail, or the detail that it is cheaper to send a human with a gun down to a planet to arm the nukes (sorry Hellbombs) than to put a remote detonator on the nukes, I assume you were not one of those people btw, it is just me gushing positively about the satire in the game (it is a good game) and sort of despairing about media literacy/attention spans).
Certainly, for a lot of them it is even worse. See how the neo-nazis love American History X. (How do we stop John Connor from becoming a nazi, seems oddly relevant).
oh my God
Welcome to the horrible realization of the truth. All things the right understands comes from entertainment media. That is also why satire doesn't work, you need to have a deeper understanding of the world to understand the themes, else starship troopers is just about some hot people shooting bugs.
Amazon Prime pulling some AI bullshit with, considering the bank robbery in the movie was to pay for surgery for a trans woman, a hint of transphobia (or more likely, not a hint, just the full reason).
That’s basically the entire problem in a nutshell.
I think a lot of these people are cunning, aka good at somewhat sociopathic short term plans and thinking, and they confuse this ability (and they survivor biassed success) for being good at actual planning (or just thinking that planning is worthless, after all move fast and break things (and never think about what you just said)). You don't have to actually have good plans if people think you have charisma/a magical money making ability (which needs more and more rigging of the casino to get money on the lot of risky bets to hope one big win pays for it all machine).
Doesn't help that some of them seem to either be on a lot of drugs, or have undiagnosed adhd. Unrelated, Musk wants to go into Fort Knox all of a sudden, because he saw a post on twitter which has convinced him 'they' stole the gold (my point here is that there is no way he was thinking about Knox at all before he randomly came across the tweet, the plan is crayons).
Wait, you are saying the 'we should create incentives for less people to sterilize themselves' guy is for this? Damn. That is fucked up.
"radical Berkeley pseudo-intellectuals"
Necromancers are just genetically better, they quickly keep up in conversations and they seem to sparkle(), I suggest we make them the elites.
* please ignore my detractors who keep pointing out this could also be because they snort bone dust. They are just a snarlbunch, and we have noticed the skulls already.