Sovereign @ Sovereign Posts 0Comments 20Joined 5 days ago
This site is worse than reddit for hive mind
Its called supply and demand. There are less eggs… so they cost more. Lol.
So what I dont understand is, even if one were to do a week long blackout of buying anything, we would still need to get milk and eggs and crap. So is the idea to switch from amazon to other stores or not spend altogether? Because not spending altogether is a pretty stupid and unrealistic goal.
I’m not pro trump but I am a libertarian, this shit was downright disgraceful. Shows how mature he is.
Thank you for the links! So grants and budget proposals, that makes sense. Those are the only 2 vehicles for the white house to add funding, right? The white house cant just “increase the police budget” right?
Did you forget to take your midol today?
I stopped being an amazon customer years ago. I’m just saying this is objectively stupid.
So we dont buy anything for one day and then go back to ordering on amazon and that will have an effect on… something. Ok got it. Idiots.
It costs next to nothing to make coffee.
Yeah dude didnt you hear? If you dont spend money at your local mom & pop shop trump will get impeached
Yep. Its all just talk.
Aaaand we’re back!
Its apparently going to have companies “suspected of housing alien tech” literally the dumbest premise ever
What a horrible idea 🤣 I remember hearing about this and thinking it was a the onion piece
What does this have to do with finance? Can we keep policocks of one community please :(
…. What kind of a headline is that? 🤣🤣
Wow youre so smart!
Bruh literally lmfaoooo
Hahaha funny