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unusable mouse
  • They don't, though. I don't think I've ever had a USB port wear out from use on any peripheral with a removable cable, so if Apple is facing those kinds of issues, it's not because of stupid users, it's because Apple cheaped out on the build quality of the USB port.

    As for Bentley versus Honda reliability, Honda's warranty claim rate is apparently about 2%. I can't find actual warranty claim statistics for Bentley specifically, only for VW as a whole, but according to this, 93% of Bentley owners have to take their car in for unscheduled repairs every year. Which is pretty insane. So yeah. Luxury brands are expensive because their primary purpose is to show off wealth, not because they're any better than mass-produced consumer stuff. Often quite the opposite. Who knew.

  • unusable mouse
  • If that were the case, every other computer peripheral manufacturer would use a similar design or face similar warranty claim issues. Which they don't. So nah, that ain't it, chief.

  • What is the name of your cleaning robot?
  • "Well of course I know him. He's me."

  • Removed
    NATO’s secretary-general meets with Zelenskiy to discuss ‘ending Russia’s aggression’
  • Talking is not going to get them to leave Ukraine.

  • What is the biggest animal you think you can take on with your bare hands?
  • Depends. Do I need to win or is a draw an acceptable outcome? If it's the latter, the blue whale. What's it gonna do, beach itself?

  • Are you able to read in your dreams?
  • it’s considered common knowledge that you can’t

    I've never heard that before. What I have heard several times is that text is not static, so if you read something, look away, and then read it again, it'll say something different. That I can corroborate, along with the idea that this is how you realize you're in a dream and induce lucid dreaming.

  • Hi, you owe me 10 billion dollars now
  • As does Steam and Epic and every other digital store ever created.

  • What is your comfort activity (like comfort food)?
  • Replaying old games that I have fond memories of. We're in an incredible renaissance of classic games getting source ports or updates that bring them up to modern standards, and I'm loving it. Daggerfall, Blade of Darkness, Jagged Alliance 2, Morrowind, Jedi Knight, Caesar 3... I'm sure I'm forgetting some many. They let me forget the present and pretend that I'm back in simpler, happier times, at least for a little while.

  • Deleted
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  • Explain how it was a convenient excuse?

    Roosevelt wanted to get involved but had no way to get the public to go along with it. The Japanese helped him out.

    if the US could have used nuclear weapons right after the attack to prevent entering the war, regardless of their transportation method, they would’ve

    And how exactly do you imagine the US could've used such weapons against Japan without transporting them to Japan?

  • Deleted
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  • The entire reason why the US entered the war was because of the attack.

    No, that was a convenient excuse. Roosevelt must've thought Christmas had come early when he got the news.

    Do you think if they did, they would’ve used them immediately to force a quick surrender instead of dragging out the war for years causing millions of deaths?

    No, because B-29s didn't exist yet either, and they couldn't take off from aircraft carriers in any case. The US would've had to conquer its way across the Pacific to get within bomber range either way.

  • Leftover Humble Bundle Keys giveaway
  • Wow, that's extremely generous! Can I have Vane, please? I love games where you play a bird.

  • Rebel Scum
  • That's less of a peaceful reform and more of a war crime.

  • Rebel Scum
  • That's less of a peaceful reform and more of a war crime.

  • Why are there people like this?!
  • Worse, we're throwing piles of money at them.

  • Deleted
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  • I would describe something that rare as miraculous.

    Then you have a different definition of "miracle" than most.

    it just doesn’t help your argument to point out how unlikely life is.

    And what exactly do you think my argument is?

    I very clearly said that I thought the original point by the creationist didn’t make sense, so I’m not sure why you immediately assumed I’m making that argument.

    I'm not sure why you assume that I assume that. I said no such thing.

  • Deleted
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  • I haven't done any actual math in this respect, but I suspect this meme is still missing quite a lot of 9s after the decimal point.

  • Deleted
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  • If the vast majority of the universe is inhospitable, doesn’t that make it more miraculous and unexplainable that earth is?

    No, because the Earth being habitable doesn't violate any laws of physics. It's just rare.

  • The Ark of Bukhara is a spectacular-looking fortress located in Uzbekistan, built 1,500 years ago
  • They did. This is only the oldest, innermost fortification in the city. AFAIK additional layers of walls were build around it later.

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