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  • This reminds me of a story I saw once (screenshot of someone’s post). I’m probably butchering this, I can’t find it.

    They were talking to their very young niece or something about becoming a success, and the kid asked if it was a lot, and she said she needed to get accepted to college, take a bunch of classes to graduate, and find a job after, and the kid said “thats easy, it’s only three things.”

    And so I have a friend who also struggles with neurospicy, and we try to simplify each other’s lives by saying “yeah, but that (enormous thing you need to do) is only two things!” And when either of us gets a lot done, whatever number of tasks gets listed, we say “I’m so proud of you, that’s so many things!”

    So it feels a lot better to break things down strategically, but it can also help to strategically underplay them :). the external support has also been a blessing, but in a totally different way.

  • Anon learns how to lucid dream
  • This is a big part of why I don’t nap anymore.

    I was napping on the couch one time and I started having this lucid dream about meeting up with someone.. idk it’s kinda fuzzy now, it’s been a long time. Anyway it was one of those super emotionally charged dreams, even tho I’m pretty sure I didn’t actually know the person.

    So I started trying to wake myself up. What was happening is that I was waking up… only to find I was still asleep and get returned to that same scene. Dozens upon dozens of times. I could feel my actual body uncomfortably on the couch, unable to move, but my mind was stuck in this reoccurring dreamscape.. I’d do things like intense exercise to check my pulse, breathe in water to see if I drowned, check clocks and text for consistency.. anything to confirm I was still sleeping so I could try to wake up once more.

    It gave me weird feelings for a while after, not just about sleep, but it made me feel weirdly about being awake. Being stuck like that, knowing I was asleep and not able to do anything about it.. I still lucid dream sometimes, but I haven’t practiced in a while, and never naps.

  • What other movies wouldn't work today?
  • He was a rich boy, but how rich could he have been if he's hiring Quint instead of a proper crew on a research vessel?

    That feels very “those billionaires wouldn’t have realistically gone down on that titan submersible” to me

  • It did hurt, actually
  • Haha, I totally understand. I don’t trust those guides at all.

    I’m a language lover myself (I like learning, but after trying for many years with multiple languages, I’m not super into practice ;) so I learn about how languages work instead!) and if there’s anything I’ve learned about language it is this:

    It does not matter how you sound or what you actually say as long as the message you intended to get across actually gets across to whomever you mean to hear it. If people mispronounce, it is usually either regional (and thus correct for them) or something they read and have never heard anyone say. If they use the wrong word but it’s kinda right, they are probably language learners.

    This was galvanized for me when I took an art history class as a general education credit in college. I learned that clerestory is pronounced clear-story. I’d only ever read the word before that, and thought it was more in line with modern patterns to be CLE-rest-ory, which is embarrassingly wrong. I’d been reading it that way for years.

    Your sister sounds like a language prescriptivist, and they are always wrong, because language simply doesn’t work like that.

  • It did hurt, actually
  • That’s just rude. I like knowing random things and sharing them with people. I have a literal degree built around doing that. You don’t have to think I’m being genuine if you don’t want to, but this is my experience.

  • me_irl
  • This pairs nicely with anxiarrhea: the shits you get when you get really anxious, especially prevalent in the morning before work.

    I don’t think that’s a word, just what I call it..

    You stresslax over the weekend and bam! The anxiarhhea hits Monday morning.

  • I'm looking at you, ubisoft
  • I actually have a number of games that are Ubisoft that I love. They aren’t super new or anything, but they aren’t flops by my metrics (granted, I bought them used long after launch)

    I didn’t know they were when I got them, then the ubiconnect thing comes up and I just don’t do that, and it’s just a game that takes longer to load than it should.

    Idk about any super bad practices, maybe PC is different from console stuff? (which is how I play, hence used game market, because I can sell it later if needs must) or is this something that spans console as well? What sort of bad practices?

  • It did hurt, actually
  • It has gotten to the point where the people I know just wholly believe almost everything I say, unless I preface or follow up with “I’m pretty sure that’s right but now I’m gunna double check” (and if I’m wrong because of new info, or I misremembered something, I totally own it, and read the correction from someone else out loud)

    I could so very easily horribly mislead all the people I know, because I’m a random information machine, but I almost never say things I’m not entirely sure about without the preface or follow up combined with actively looking it up and setting the record straight. If I turned evil, it would take them years to realize it was intentional.

    New people are fun. They challenge me a lot on things I don’t need to preface or follow up. Never works out that well for them, but we get to learn about each other!

  • Building safe, green cities be like
  • I think this game is called car jam mania or something like that. The cars can’t turn and you have to figure out how to get them out before the timer runs out and the cops show up to start issuing citations. The more citations get handed out the lower your score :(

  • What are your red flags for job interviews?
  • I had this happen very egregiously once, years ago (tho not from the UK… sorry, didn’t really catch where I was before I commented). During the application process they asked for wage requirements. I provided my minimum, which was slightly inflated to about $15/hr. I’m in a fairly low cost area, but even then that wasn’t really asking for a lot, about average for lab work of any sort at the time. This was for an optometrist lab position; they can afford to pay properly.

    They called me in to interview, so I assumed their pay matched my requirements well enough. Maybe a bit of wiggle, but we’d be close. I’d been unemployed for a while and spent my own gas to get there, half hour drive and all, when I was living on borrowed money..

    She did the whole 45 minute interview then offered me $10/hr for a job requiring a degree. $3 above minimum wage for a BS. You what now?

    I let that cunt absolutely have it (I’m usually a people-pleasing conflict-avoiding sort, but that straw broke me). Loud enough the entire place could probably hear it. (It was very cathartic) “Why the actual fuck would you waste my time and money like this when you know full fucking well what you are offering isn’t even fucking close to my absolute bare minimum? I made more than you are offering 10 fucking years ago, before I went to college and got student debt, and it was shit pay then, are you insane? Did you think this was going to work out well for you, and you’d get a good, desperate employee from your deceptive dehumanizing bullshit? Fuck you, you oblivious piece of shit, I hope this place fails as much as you did in life.”

    After that, I don’t even apply to jobs without knowing the pay range. Or if I do, that’s the first question I ask if they call me. “What’s the pay range for this position?” “Oh it depends on qualifications and experience!” “No, it doesn’t, I’m no longer interested.”

  • Grocery Shopping
  • Afaik, the closest walmart is way further than an actual grocery store, since we shut down their plans to pave a marshy woodland to set up a super center eyesore just across the highway (walking distance from my place; that would have been a nightmare). idk, I haven’t shopped there in over 20 years. Don’t really plan to start now for the sake of convenience, since that’s how we got that mess in the first place, but I appreciate the info all the same :)

  • Grocery Shopping
  • Around here, that stuff tacks on a huge convenience fee for pick and pack, making it actively not worth doing. Last I looked, it was some $18 fee no matter how many items, and I’d still have to drive 20 min to pick it up, so might as well just.. do my own shopping. (For reference, I live alone in a semi-rural area, so each trip is like $100)

    Now if I could get it delivered (same fee, but nobody has a service area that overlaps my address), that’d be a different story.

  • arachnids
  • Wait, do people legit think these are not real, like birds deftly aren’t?

    I’m so confused as to why…? (Seriously, I’ve never seen anything meme-like about brown recluse…?)

  • "motivation"
  • That’s the exact thing that can’t possibly work if you are partially supporting your weight with your feet, that’s the problem. Even standing or sitting totally still, you are constantly adjusting muscles to maintain balance, which would absolutely throw off a scale sensitive enough for the amount you lose taking a dump. And I really think that would be true even if you weren’t touching the floor, simply because scales measure pressure, which can change based on position.

    It might work if you shit in the fetal position with your feet and ass on the seat, not moving, with something to support your balance.. (the mental image of getting this thing to be useful is giving me the giggles)

  • Working with intimidating tools

    I have very very old power tools. I cannot afford new ones. The problem is, if I’m being totally honest, I’m largely afraid of the tools I have. I’d like to get over this. How does one do that without direct supervision?

    More info: I inherited tools from my parents and grandparents. Things I could afford to replace, like drills and drivers, I did. What I have left are big bladed things (chop saw, table saw, tile saw, etc. no lathe sadly :( ) None of the users of these specific tools are still alive. They are all probably 30+ years old, and work fine, probably, but… are just super intimidating (tho my grandfather had a lot of pre-electrification manual tools and I love those - So nice to take a manual plane to a solid door and end up with something that closes properly!). Some of them have plugs that screw together so you can repair them and everything (those I probably won’t use, absolutely terrifying if you fuck up). I’m mid 30s so I remember most of these things being used but I also remember the table saw I have in my garage taking off half my step-dads thumb..

    I know power tools today are built to be a lot safer, but I definitely can’t afford those (I wouldn’t even be able to afford these but they were free for me), and I don’t know anyone with power tool skills (last learning I got was in hs shop class almost 20 years back) so how do I get comfortable with them enough to actually use them for the little projects I need them for? I don’t live in a big metro area, so there aren’t clubs afaik.

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