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Swiss government to draft bill regulating greenwashing
  • Does it have to? If they plan to regulate greenwashing, their draft will probably provide the information needed.

  • Proton is building quantum-safe PGP encryption for everyone
  • Personally I don't think it is a bad thing. as long as it is oss, i think it is fine.

  • The Beehaw project is considering leaving the Fediverse because of some significant challenges The Beehaw project is entering some significant challenges - Beehaw

    There is a lot of discussion happening in the background of our project here. We could not anticipate all of the challenges that we were going to face a few years ago. One of the reasons for this was because we had no idea what our choice of a platform would bring. Specifically, we chose Lemmy as th...

    Swiss schools told to speed up radon gas protective measures
  • I suspect that there is a certain combination of mountain stone, oxygen, melted water that can contribute into the creation of radioactive gases, but this is not more than a wild guess. Maybe someone really knows something about this.

  • Government gives green light to e-voting in 2023 national elections
  • Probably runs on excatly such systems.

    Edit: wait does this allow people to vote from home?..

    Yes it does.

  • OpenFarm – a free and open database and web application for gardening knowledge
  • Yes, i think they're in need of motivated devs go bring the code up to date and advance it even further. Edit: Typo

  • OpenFarm – a free and open database and web application for gardening knowledge
  • Sadly, it is not actively maintained right now.

  • Oracle, SUSE, and CIQ go after Red Hat and form the Open Enterprise Linux Association
  • The result will probably be open as their db /s

  • Mullvad VPN Infrastructure audit completed by Radically Open Security
  • VPN servers that run from RAM

    Basically it runs just in the memory and does not store information on a hard disk, so your information is only temporary in the memory and will vanish as soon as the server reboots or shuts down. I don't know if they have others, you can maybe ask support or maybe there is something on their site.

    Here is an interesting article i found from privacyaffairs dot com

  • Journalist refused access to files linked to Crypto scandal
  • Got it, thanks for clarifying.

  • Journalist refused access to files linked to Crypto scandal
  • Which names? Did we read a different article?

  • Swiss company Stadler Rail wins first European order for hydrogen trains
  • Thanks for looking it up, i appreciate it. As i understand it the main discussion is about the price and not which of them are greener. But i see the versatility of rechargeable batteries - you don't need to have contact wires everywhere.

  • Swiss company Stadler Rail wins first European order for hydrogen trains
  • Interesting. Do you know, if they added the creation and maintenance into the the calculation of the catenary lines?

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    Microsoft Exchange issues "bad sequence of commands"

    Some users may have some issues in sending mails through M365 Exchange and receive the error "bad sequence of commands"

    Any good alternatives to youtube?

    I don't really like the way youtube has turned into a moneymaking cashcow with lots of ads.

    Snek Snek
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