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Existential Pain
  • Even a Meeseeks isn't in this much pain.

  • Leg day, bros
  • Silverfish. They eat silverfish, and that is why I am on Team Silverware.

  • This is fine.
  • Where's the Mercury?

  • Nearly 3 in 5 incorrectly believe US is in economic recession
  • Worth adding that “unemployment” in this context just means people who are claiming unemployment benefits, a things that runs out, and when they run out, they no longer are counted by it.

    ✋ This is where I've been for the past year and a half.

  • one of my favorite things ever is the badass heavy metal drum fill that punctuates the end of the Golden Girls theme song.
  • I managed to do that with Abbey Road of all things, though a Round Trip example. Started the album on my way out. Paused it while doing some errands. Went home, and it finished up just as I pulled in. Of course, I had to get lucky with traffic flow, so I don't expect to be able to intentionally repeat it.

  • It's complicated
  • The point isn't there being a 'real' solution. The point is that there wasn't really a problem to begin with. This is more like when your party assumes a door is trapped and takes an hour to decide how to approach it, but the door was really just a rotted normal door ready to fall off its hinges.

  • Children to no longer be prescribed puberty blockers, NHS England confirms
  • They think that just because they never heard of puberty blockers before last year that they are some new and novel thing.

  • Ever had an enemy cower because your character was just that powerful?
  • I'm generally not big on that approach. But then again, I rarely play at levels where the PCs can really take that superhero approach. Could be interesting to roll with that some time.

  • Ever had an enemy cower because your character was just that powerful?
  • DMed a game where an otyugh dragged a PC into it's trash pit. Bit of a Death Star trash compactor scenario. But he got out and the party beat the otyugh within an inch of its life before it retreated.

    When the party passed by the same pit, I described one the otyugh's eyestalks sticking out before it Noped back under.

  • Reddit admits more moderator protests could hurt its business
  • One of the primary reasons Reddit cited for its API rule changes was LLMs profiting off its data for free.

    Its data? Seems to me that most of that "data" was actually generated by users. Which Reddit, in turn, profited off for free.

  • Embracer CEO says layoffs are "something that everyone needs to get through"
  • Only one punch? Letting them off easy, I see.

  • How do you deal with suicidal thoughts?
  • I tend to go with the "distract myself" method. Think about some song, movie, game, etc. Keeps the brain from ruminating on that shit. And usually can manage it long enough that the thought's barely a vague memory afterwards.

    Basically, the idea is: Don't feed the demon.

  • What should women do after a miscarriage? The answer is dangerously unclear post-Roe
  • Watts was reportedly turned into police by a nurse. Of roughly 1,400 cases where people were criminalized for their pregnancies between 2006 and 2022, one in three cases were instigated by a medical professional, according to an analysis of the cases by the reproductive justice group Pregnancy Justice.

    What a motherfucking bunch of evil assholes!

  • Facebook bans ads for award-winning Votes for Women board game’s new Kickstarter, claims it is a “sensitive social issue” -
  • He added, “A woman’s right to vote is not a ‘sensitive social issue’. It is established law and fact. A board game about historical events from over a century ago is unlikely to ‘impact the outcome of an election or pending legislation’.”

    Hey, now and then, I hear the suggestion that women's suffrage should be removed. Sometimes even from women that have totally bought into the patriarchy. Still, as far as I know, that opinion remains far from mainstream (thank goodness).

    Honestly, there's still a lot of leftover shit from the Civil War that's still affecting politics. And that's almost 70 years older than the 19th Amendment.

    So while I agree that Women's Suffrage is hardly sensitive, age seems to have little to do with it.

  • Young Capybara
  • Plenty of pics of capys chilling out alongside predators you'd think would attack them. They are like the definition of chill.

  • You don't get between a barbarian and their drink
  • Oh, yeah, can't forget him.

  • Trump 'Rehearsed' His Unhinged Fraud Trial Rant for Days Before the Judge Shut Him Up
  • The trial that has taken place over the last 44 days has no jury, and Engoron will directly determine the final penalties that will be leveled against the Trump family and its company.

    Totally makes sense to verbally attack the one person who will make the decision, right?

  • You don't get between a barbarian and their drink
  • Sounds like Crowley and his plants.

    And that's another David Tennant character from a streaming TV adaptation. Guess he's just good at that sort of thing.

  • Shhalahr Shhalahr

    Reddit Refugee

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