SharkWeek @ SharkWeek Posts 2Comments 3Joined 10 mo. ago

I've come back to this in case it's useful or interesting for others -
Polenar Tactical do modern tactical and competition stuff, they appear to have at least one woman on their team at any one time, and being European their videos are easier to watch for me.
C&Rsenal do very in depth videos about the history of guns which includes a lot of non-American stuff, and their regular shooter is a lady.
Tacticool Girlfriend has unfortunately stopped making videos now, though they're still up.
Thank you so much, I'll go and check those out :)
Looking for youtube channels for / by "progressive women shooters"
This is where Cinemawins comes in, fun positive takes on films (yet often with genuine critique thrown in too).
It's the channel that introduced me to how excellent the first Trolls movie is :-)