Difficult decisions
Difficult decisions
Difficult decisions
Mark Rober for me, seems like he wants to be Mr. Beast Lite or something lately.
Same here, seems like less and less substance each video. They're all just there to promote his monthly subscription box
Mark is very lazy recently. Nothing wrong with that, after doing the same job for so long, it's only natural, but I don't enjoy his content as I used to.
He was always very "science for the whole family" but recent videos seem to skew very heavily into kids content without much clever science content
Recently, I noticed that a lot of the YouTube recommendations I was seeing were folks based out of Utah. My wife calls it Mormon YouTube. Outdoors Boys, Matt's Offroad Recovery, Brandon Sanderson, and a few more Mormon adjacent channels started popping up everywhere. I started wondering what I had watched that started brining all these other things up.
It's Mark Rober.
Add JerryRigEverything to that list. His wife is literally a Mormon motivational speaker and they built a survival bunker (which is a Mormon thing, in addition to just being kinda cool).
Rich people with free time.
Been saying this for years! I think when Mark did the video with the huge air horn is when I caught on and stopped watching the Mormon crew. Weirded me out
Yeah, I wouldn't say really that his channel has gotten objectively worse, just that he has realized that 90% of people who watch his channel are children and he has aimed his channel towards them - I just have to accept that I am no longer the target audience.
Yup, it was more of a deep dive into the engineering and thoughts about how he tackles difficult tasks. Just watched his recent video where he was pretty much a shitty mythbusters without the engineering or the lead up to the test. Just stupid countdowns to explosions.
My wife was watching it with me and asked if that was a recap or was that the actual video? Because she felt it was so lacking compared to his earlier glitter bomb videos.
I was legitimately sad when I had to stop watching AvE.
His content quality had dropped but I still watched because I enjoyed his delivery. But when he started praising the Canadian convoy protestors, it completely ruined his channel for me. And then he kept espousing awful politics and I couldn't watch anymore.
The warning signs were there earlier when he pushed a crypto pump and dump on his channel. I'd already pretty much stopped watching his videos after that and then the covid stuff happened. I was also a bit sad to hit unsubscribe.
But thankfully years ago I discovered This Old Tony who scratches a similar itch for me, but better. Much slower uploads, but far higher quality.
I somehow missed the crypto thing. Gross.
Try Hand Tool Rescue
I dropped him when he showed a picture of snow outside his garage and said it was proof there was no such thing as climate change.
I might have given that a pass as a joke because at one point I thought he was a smart man. Knowing what I know now about him, I probably wouldn't.
People who say shit like that don't just need to be unsubbed from, they need a special department of the US government to land a chopper outside their house, deploy a team of skilled face-slappers to smash through the person's window with flashbangs, tie him to a chair and just slap him across the face as hard as they can and then leave.
I would pay my share in taxes to make this unit a reality.
Came here to say this.
Me too. What a waste.
Yeah, same here. Genuinely a sad moment when I decided I couldn't separate the art from the artist.
Despite dropping him from my subscribers list for a while, I still occasionally say doll-hairs and scookum as fuck.
Many of his sayings have stuck with me, too. But I'm find myself using them less and less due to the association.
I agree, when he started shitting on bourbon moth woodworking for some conspiracy theory about him faking content I had to quit his channel.
COVID turned his brain inside out.
My ex was very into ltt when they were just getting off the ground, and I thought the content was trash but I stuck with it so I knew wtf the latest video was about so I could be prepared to discuss it. Then started the bell curve of 'decent', then for a very short time 'good' and almost 'enjoyable', then sliding down the other side of the bell curve back to 'decent', and now it's just actual garbage.
I only remain a subscriber for the weekly wan show, and that is wearing on me too. Linus just can't shut the fuck up to save his life, and he interjects more than a helicopter parent. He seems like a decent guy but I want to punch him in the face regardless.
I've been a subscriber to gn for like a decade now and the quality of the content is just night and day. I feel like the poor editors at ltt are pumping out stuff that would be cool if if was 2004 and they were using windows movie maker. But it's just sad for everyone who got pulled into this toilet vortex, and the people who actually have skills are being ignored for the lulz and the most basic of internet humor. At least Arby n The Chief didn't try to cast itself as a serious, educational show. "my roflcopter goes soisoisoisoisoi" was great for that. Ltt at that level is just awful.
I'd absolutely love to see Emily (I think that's her name..) break away and start her own channel. Their knowledge dwarfs all the other presenters, and they actually know what the fuck they are talking about, instead of half-assing a script and going 'yolo lolololol money is no object for short-term internet fame'.
Yup, unsubscribe after Gamers Nexus called em out. A lot of shit came to light and there still hasn't been any update on the Madison situation. Finding out Yvonne was head of HR, Linus being anti-union, sexual harassment, etc. A lot of scummy stuff going on, and Linus turning into a rich out of touch douchebag instead of a regular douchebag.
Definitely agree that some of their talent should start there own channels.
I had seen a post here a few days ago where they hired a third party to go over the allegations that Madison made, and they were essentially cleared however long after, but were also told that they still need to work on reporting and hr stuff. Which to me indicates that there was probably no documentation made if they did happen, so it would be impossible to audit like two years later, because being ignored when she told someone about the sexual harassment was one of her complaints. However, maybe you trust a neutral third party because taking the side of the company every time means their reputation for neutrality would be worthless, which means their business is dead. But in LTT's statement they made it clear that while they did believe there was enough in their report to justify a defamation case, they just want to leave it behind them. Great stuff to include in your statement /s.
I have a similar sentiment about Linus. He seems like he is overall a decent person, and I bet we would probably even be decent friends if we were to meet at a time before LTT/LMG, but I agree about wanting to punch him in the face sometimes. Some of the things he decides to dig his heels in about and be stubborn are really annoying. If he were just one of my friends, it would be pretty easy to either have a rational conversation with him or decide not to engage seriously and roast him about it, but instead he has a very large platform and a certain amount of influence that makes some of his takes a little more frustrating/damaging.
All of that said, I have still had worse bosses and the bulk of my career has probably been spent working at much less fun companies.
I'm not sure where I was going with that other than acknowledging that nuance exists and that he isn't evil or anything, just annoying.
Cr1TiKaL for me. I used to love him like 12 years ago when it was mostly just stupid stories over gameplay clips. Once he started showing his face and doing mostly lazy reaction and drama videos I really lost interest. Good on him for finding success, but man, I miss his old content sometimes.
Oh man yes, video game content aside, the flavor of the month posting and hot take machine from a dude who is incredibly insulated and wealthy now. It's a drag.
The machine trys to feed it to you when you are trying to get good video game commentary now too. Practically have to block him and analogues of him.
His speedruns of unknown games were as good as it got
Game Theory is the same where it went to garbage when he started showing his face
I watched him since his team noble days.
Just dry ass commentary with a funny story.
Now? It's all about virtual signaling and commenting on shit he has no involvement in.
They're slaves to the algorithm. The algorithm favors the obnoxious.
Says a lot about where our society is going.
I know someone is going to make it sound easier than what it really is, but having to sift through the site, fighting against the algorithm's sorting to find something you like is hard.
I hate how it somehow decided I was interested in Brexiters' woes and keep pushing an insane amount of videos about it in my feed, and the more I tell it I'm not interested, the more they pop up. it legitimately makes me reconsider my YouTube premium membership.
having to sift through the site, fighting against the algorithm's sorting to find something you like is hard.
This has been me since... sometime in 2019, I believe. At some point around then, there was a very noticeable change in the videos being suggested to me. I noticed it almost immediately.
go tell the dude doing the sitting and smiling stream about the algorithm.
not every creator cares unconditionally about it
Babish the instant he became the babish culinary universe. No complaints, just unsub and move on.
I agree. He completely burnt himself out a year or so ago (a bit after BCU) and he wasn't even creating content for the channel. I'm still subbed, but I just watch the odd thing when I'm a bit bored.
Funny enough he's found a new niche he's been comparing tons of different brands for various food items and ranking them. Actually really informative and useful... I've found some new foods I love through that.
Alvin is now old babish and is a nice change of pace
Babish is more a personality now. So Alvin is the recreation cook
I'm honestly only subscribed for Alvin now. I like Andrew, but I don't really think "Basics" is basic any more.
I learnt a lot of cool things to help with my cooking from watching babish, that episode with that chef from New Orleans taught me a lot about cooking.
I used to follow HeelvsBabyFace because he liked to do out-of-bounds videos of World of Warcraft (going to places in the game you weren't suppose to).
Then he suddenly started posting MAGA-style rants (woke this, pronouns that) and I had to bail out.
Not a difficult decision, but I was very disappointed.
It's hard to tell if the youtubers are getting more annoying or if its my tastes that are changing. Probably both tbh
Damn, I don't know any of the YouTubers mentioned on the comments here. YouTube is so big now.
That's probably for the best lol
Codebullet. Went from absolute gem of niche content to over the top low-effort content aimed at teens, who presumably bring in the most ad revenue.
idk man his videaos are still entertaining and hes been doing this for a long time i honestly think that because hes done this for a while hes mellowing out on the effort part and just enjoying being a creator no need to burn yourself out for every vid
Yeah I agree. He jokes about things being low effort but they actually are as it feels. Maybe it's gotten better I haven't watched in quite some time but he uploads very infrequently too last time I checked.
Did the YouTuber regress, or did you outgrow the content? CB always took shots at the low prod values and laziness of his videos.
I still love the old binging with babish videos, but his new stuff just seems to cater to the algorithm. I only stay subscribed for the anything with Alvin videos. I'm happy for babish and his success, but his new content ain't for me.
Speaking of Alvin, for anyone who didn't know, he's recovered his own channel and has recently uploaded!
"Recently" meaning three months ago lol, but yeah Alvin's content is great.
I know he awful and his content has gone down hill but I still have a soft spot for jontron
You're telling me you don't like waiting 9 months for him to spend 2 minutes advertising the shittiest pay to win mobile game followed by watching some mid 2000s bullshit with a few reactions? Maybe you just aren't a real fan
PewDiePie after he reached 100 million.
There's no effort anymore in his content, just turn on the camera and record whatever is in his mind at the moment.
I stopped watching after he aided in the platforming of Ben Shapiro and said the glass ceiling didn't exist. That and the n word scandal.
He never struck me as someone who put any real effort into his videos. It was mostly just him just yelling about stuff.
I never understood his market appeal.
It was mostly just him just yelling about stuff
Seems to be the winning approach to videos, sadly
Eh, it's not like his videos were ever particularly effort-heavy. He's always just made what he felt like making, and I respect that even though I don't like his content anymore either.
He never gave up his integrity and now he's just doing what he loves and living life, while presumably also providing a great life for his daughter. So when he pops up on my feed I just feel happy for him, and I scroll on by.
Basically a family vlogger. We still watch it as it's cool to see Japan. Also he's a "familiar face" type of guy.
Wait, he lives in Japan now?
Joshua Weissman over here. Dude just became repetitive childish annoying memes. Papa needs to shut the fuck up and just cook.
God for real I feel like it really ramped up when he moved to the bigger kitchen
And it's a shame because his early videos out of the smaller apartment were so cozy and chill. Now it's all aggressive and tiktokified
Just another Monday for me by now... Have had to put so many once-beloved channels out to pasture. I really love YouTube for what it was (and still mostly is), making entertainment content something more personal than traditional TV... but it's changing. And change isn't inherently bad.
I will say that I'm having a harder time nowadays finding new content on YT that measures up. Just started a trial for Curiosity Stream today, and there are other platforms, too.
AngryJoe is getting there for me... Or as my wife says, AnalJoe.
He's so fucking anal about everything, he doesn't know how to balance his critics and Alex is just the worst. They're full of themselves and simply got money and fame to get to them.
They simply aren't enjoying things anymore and will divert their entire video to only ever criticising. The fallout review was a shit show. They're entitled to their opinion, but their high horse attitude and completely glossing over the valid criticism, they instead cherry picked easy to tackle comments and doubled down.
Bro he’s been there for years now
Complaining is his shtick, it's in the name. It's well-known that negative reviews get more clicks.
Years ago I stopped watching him when I realized he complained about video game developers making low quality non-innovative games but his video game reviews were low quality and non-innovative.
H3 / Ethan and Hila.
I thought they stopped doing YouTube to be honest, they stopped getting recommended to me years ago even though I was subscribed
Edit: Turns out their latest upload was 3 years ago so I wasn't far off
I stopped watching them while they were still making YouTube vids. The peak for me was the 2016 H3 Summer Look video. https://youtu.be/vDDCKvCQ0RA I haven't rewatched it recently but some of the stuff I've rewatched I haven't enjoyed as much. It's a combination of not aging well but mostly my tastes changing. But I loved the more casual videos on the Ethan and Hila channel. It looks like it has been renamed now though.
The Amazing Atheist after he became a stoner
I grew up in a Christian family/community where asking questions was met with hostility, and discovering his channel was a major source of catharsis for me. But hooo boy, did he become a raging, unapologetic asshole.
To his credit, it seems like he wanted to mark a new chapter on his channel with these 4 uploads, and I think he succeeded... He's gotten a lot better in terms of being a tolerable person, but his stuff now just doesn't match the sharp and witty commentary from his scripted days.
(edit): Same with Matt Dillahunty. He used to be so well spoken, skilled at respectfully pointing out fallacious reasoning, and was a pretty likable person. His old Atheist Experience shows were gold. Now he's a raging asshole and has lost all of his grace, even though he may be right about what he's saying. And with Tracy Harris gone, AXP has lost both their bottles of lightning.
Really? The misogyny, racism, islamophobia and general fascist heel turn didn't do it for you but smoking weed did?
Why the fuck are we federated with Nazi fucks like you?
The weed precipitated much of this.
My problem isn't the fact that he is a stoner, there are many decent stoners. My problem is the person he became, and the style of content he released, after becoming a stoner.
Thanks for calling me a "Nazi fuck" though, really adds to the discourse.
I get the misogyny; and to an extent i understand the perception of fascist, although i wouldnt go as far as to call him that. Could you expand a little on the Racism and Islamophobia though? perhaps i missed those.
You missed a few buzz words. Do better.
Sampson Boat Co has been solid. Really proud of Leo.
Yay! Finally a Youtuber in this thread that I've actually heard of and watched.
It will be touch and go whether Leo can keep making good content now that the boat is nearly completed though, that will be a big test.
I suspect he will do fine, of course.
Me with CinemaSins.
CinemaSins: nitpicks something
Me: "That's literally answered five minutes from now in the movie."
CinemaSins: nitpicks the thing that explained the thing they were nitpicking
Me: tears hair out in frustration
This is where Cinemawins comes in, fun positive takes on films (yet often with genuine critique thrown in too).
It's the channel that introduced me to how excellent the first Trolls movie is :-)
Yeah, I genuinely enjoy CinemaWins.
Same with Th3Birdman's "Everything Wrong With CinemaSins" series, where they sin CinemaSins' sins.
William Osman comes to my mind for this one. He used to do fun, cute projects, but slowly got increasingly "edgier" and clickbaity.
After he did a 10 minute dive on how he stalked, catfished, harassed, and doxxed (never mind fraudulently getting a signature on legal documents from) this guy for calling him a "loser", I was just left thinking "what the fuck kind of ass are you now".
For all the people in here down about their favorite creators, I'd humbly like to ask you to check out NKFHerping. Channel is basically Steven Irwin re-incarnated as some dude from Georgia flipping over trash and finding snakes and turtles.
Hopefully this makes your day better.
I love that dude, he's like a wholesome monster terrorising the wildlife by telling them how beautiful they are.
Laggin24x used to make incredible COD Custom Zombies videos. Then he switched to ARK and Fortnite clickbait and his content fell off a cliff.
Hate when that happens
How I felt when the Simpsons turned from hilarious to annoying. I was genuinely sad.
I hate when single YouTube channels start to become companies. I can see it is already happening with some channels I watch. That is, I can feel them making videos for the money, and not clearly for the enjoyment.
A good sign is sponsors and/or interaction reminders
If they’re in the video then just blacklist the channel
Cute with Chris? Anyone?
Or did he tap out before he went to crap?
He tapped out, but he got on another TV show again.
The Hanging Garden is still a movie that changed my life for the better when I saw it as a child. Highly reccomend.
Dunkey hasn't released a funny video in years. His new material is just so flat.
I never had to do that. But somehow I got subbed to Sniperwolf or whatever and I have no idea who they are but their notifications were booming until I unsubbed.
...and now she knows where you live.
Happens with podcasts too. Used to be an avid follower of MFM. Then it stopped being about murders and about mental health, survivors and having nice feefees all the time. Not that I’m against that. I have podcasts I listen to that dedicated to that stuff that built their content to a topic and stick to it.
But when you shift the major focus of your content especially when your title is leading a subject it’s super distracting and annoying and shakes some trust that a person gives an actual shit about their listeners and isn’t just waking off into randomness with an audience. Like just call it ‘the view’ then.
Save all the photos before leaving.
Facebook isn't cloud storage, take it from someone who has lost lots. back those pictures up and back them up again.
Understandably a lot of talk about YouTubers who have changed for the worse, but there have been a few who IMO have changed for the better. Granted, a good number are more towards the burnt-out end of the spectrum, and considering retirement within a few years.
Jacksepticeye for example, used to put on a more energetic "youtubery" persona that appealed to the algorithm, and now he's a lot more down to earth and considerably more pleasant to watch. That's not to say the persona wasn't still him, or that he was entirely fake for all those years, but I find his new content much more enjoyable than his older stuff - even if there is less of it.
I watched Phillip Defranco religiously from 2007 until bout 2018/2019. I'm not sure if he changed, or I just got older and aged out of his demographic. Always talking celebrity nonsense and no-name youtubers. Still seems like a good guy though.
I also dropped off of him hard until about a year ago. I'd say give it another shot. Not as much drama click bait as those days
A friend showed me some of his videos back in '07 and that's what I remember them being.
WorthABuy who is slowly turning into a right wing grifter
Not even into the workout but I watch Hybrid Calisthenics because the guy is just SO wholesome. ❤️
Hm... I don't get easily attached to people and I easily get detached to people. I was a fan of Patrick Bet David, until I realized he's just another Zionist shill. Same with Jordan Peterson, another Zionist shill.
You were a fan of the pos Jordan Peterson and only stopped watching that bigoted shit because his views of Israel? Says more about you than him tbh
Patrick Bet David is a right wing, jingoist, religion pushing, bigot who's primary income come from an MLM financial services company. So... yeah.
Oh looking at their comment history, eugenics idealization, anti-democratic sentiments, anti-DEI virtue signaling, and this is all before I had to hit next.
I have my principles. Chitting on stupid people is perfectly okay with me. Being a Zionist is not okay with me.