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My dog runs hot. How can I keep her cool during the winter?

My dog is a borador, with a short double layer coat. In the summer we'd have the air conditioning on and even then she wasn't much of a snuggler because she'd overheat. Now with the colder temperatures setting in I keep a blanket and/or a sweater on me at all times. She can't even snuggle for 5 minutes without needing to leave and sprawl out on the coldest spot on the floor.

How can I make her more comfortable? Would she appreciate a cooling bed, or are there doggy ice packs?

But nobody EVER roleplays using the bathroom. This is very suspicious.
  • Girlfriends, going to the bathroom together, spending a lot of time in there? 🧐 The team is going to start some rumors...

  • Lemmings who know where/when they contracted COVID, how long after your exposure did you become symptomatic?
  • It depends on what variant you get. Older strains could become symptomatic up to a week later, newer strains as little as 1-2 days. It's nearly impossible for the average person to know what strain they have and the older ones are still floating around.

  • Deleted
    Applying for a job where the scale is lower than I currently make. Is it ok to bring that up in negotiations?
  • At my last interview, I was already making 10k more than their ceiling. I just said "my current salary is x, I'm not looking for a pay raise but could you match it?". They did! I think it was a one two punch of showing off my worth with having a high salary but also being humble by not asking for more. It also helps to approach it as a matter of fact yes or no question and not as a negotiation.

  • Was that wrong? Should I not have done that?
  • My work sends out fake phishing emails and the people who click them get in trouble. Of course, they always come from one particular address that I blocked.

    I wish they'd do more realistic emails though. "You won a prize you didn't apply for!" is pretty basic. If it was one of those fake invoice PDFs I always get on my personal, I'd totally let a trojan onto the work network.

  • What are some book series like Harry Potter [quaint, pleasant, deep lore] but less childish and bigoted?
  • I tried reading Mort, but it's very... dense. While I do enjoy the occasional book with flowery, descriptive language, I got a quarter of the way through it and no real plot happened.

  • What is a well known 'public secret' in the industry you work in that the majority of outsiders are unaware of?
  • Accounting is a goddamn mess. There's lots of mistakes in accounting, finance, banking, etc but we're supposed to act to outsiders like they never happen. Publicly traded companies (US) get audited every year, but no audit company would give a paying customer a failing grade. New grads are funneled into working for public firms - the 10 or so companies that cater to the world's audit, tax, and consulting needs. They're supposed to teach discipline, but in reality they only teach you security theater. You're worked to the bone until you either burn out or agree to perpetuate the system to keep your job.

    And the only reason it continues to work is society's social contract agreeing that it has to work because we don't have any other options. All it takes is the rumors that the idea is failing - like in the silicon valley bank run - and we're all out of luck. With the speed of information these days all it takes is a few minutes for a situation to spiral out of control. It's bonkers.

    I got into accounting because I enjoyed bookkeeping in high school. Now that I'm in it I refuse to work for anything larger than a mid sized, non public company.

  • how often do you encounter doublespeak?
  • Where I live we call it "Minnesota nice". As a transplant I can't speak it well, so I have no idea what anyone thinks of me. It's pretty frustrating.

  • Coming of Age
  • Aslan didn't allow the oldest girl into "heaven" with the other kids in the last book because she... checks notes... wore makeup and liked boys. C S Lewis got reeeal puritanical towards the end of that series.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Permanently Deleted

  • Android Game Popup Ads
  • In your android settings, go to network & internet > advanced > private DNS and paste the link into the box. All ads will assume you have no Internet connection. Doesn't appear to work on YouTube, but covers anything from the Google Play store banners/videos/etc.

  • Deleted
    Fanart is Art
  • This looks 100% normal on mobile. What platform are you using?

  • Locked
  • "Female" as an adjective describes gender.

    "Female" as a noun is typically used by incel communities to refer to a woman as an object, not a person. In this context, it is either used to identify women as a sex object or to imply that her emotions/needs/feelings don't matter because she's not human. Coded language in English is called a dog whistle, meaning it's a secret way for someone to say how they really feel when an idea isn't socially acceptable.

  • My gf (f23) found an old video of me (m22) with an ex and wont talk to me now.
  • These giant images you keep using contribute nothing and make it harder to read a thread. Kinda funny that you're the one posting "shit advice award" and "blocked" when the only thing you're contributing is a bad attitude.

  • Looking for content related to acting or acting classes. Any chance someone here has good video sources?

    So... During covid lockdowns I pretty much didn't leave my house. I did contract work that required zero human interaction, my groceries were contactless pickup, and none of my hobbies required other people. I recently started a new job and my social skills are downright awful. What are you supposed to do with your hands when you talk? What facial expressions should you make? How is your voice supposed to sound?

    I did some internet research and found out I'm not the only one who lost their social skills after being isolated for 3 years. But anything I can find for advice is either generic/unhelpful, leads down the alt right rabbit hole, or is ungodly expensive. I'm hoping to find some basic introductory acting courses - voice training, method acting, improv, etc - that could help me stay flexible in conversations without freezing up. Is that possible? Are there any acting courses available to torrent?

  • Romantic killer was a lot of fun, but isn't that about high school?

  • is there anything much useful I can do with an iPad 1? (not picture frame)
  • The two big risks with jailbreaking are:

    1. You're running an old operating system that's missing modern security updates.
    2. Any app you install or website you visit has easier access to your root files, as opposed to the "sandbox" approach for a non jailbroken device.

    I wouldn't recommend doing anything that requires your banking or personal info. This device should get its own apple account and if you need to pay for something, use a gift card. Only use jailbroken apps from trusted sources - after all this time, most sources that are malicious for older app versions should be easily identifiable with a little research. There is also iSecureOS which can check if you downloaded something bad or have a third party connected to your device.

    The internet itself isn't a risk, it's what you do with it. Don't use your device for general web browsing, don't use the device outside of your home, don't use the internet after the device is set up, and use iSecureOS regularly to check the health of your device. As long as it is set up correctly and you're only using the iPad for one specific project, it should be fine.

    If you have questions about how to jailbreak or where you can safely find apps, I'd recommend checking out

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Wait, THAT was the issue? (I thought it was another program that got sold, and the new owner bundled it with malware or something.) Is there something wrong with MuseGroup? I've been using MuseScore for ages.

  • title
  • Snow White with the Red Hair is my favorite hidden gem.

    • main character is a strong, independent, brilliant woman. She isn't abrasive or obnoxious, just confident in who she is. Her success in the story is entirely from her own efforts.
    • love interest is a well rounded character, not an Everyman stand in. His own strengths and weaknesses are plot relevant and he grows independently of the mc.
    • the romance progresses at a steady pace and isn't a will they/won't they for two seasons.
    • romance is one of many plot lines, not the only one. It's also slice of life and medieval politics.
    • and of course, everyone's adults. Everyone has normal body proportions and healthy personalities.
  • is there anything much useful I can do with an iPad 1? (not picture frame)
  • Jailbreaking allows full access, so you can sideload and there's an alternate app store called Cydia. Sometimes jailbreaking instructions will include installing it, or you may need to install it separately. You'll also need legacy iTunes. I haven't worked on anything quite that old but there are some YouTube tutorials still floating around.

  • is there anything much useful I can do with an iPad 1? (not picture frame)
  • I don't think jailbreaking would allow you to upgrade your operating system, but you could download/install apps yourself instead of using the app store. That would allow you to use older apps that meet your system specs.

  • How can I teach my dog to entertain herself?

    I recently adopted an adult dog. She's sweet, affectionate, and well behaved. But it seems like the only thing she cares about is scritches! She's either sleeping or shoving her head into your hands for attention. She doesn't care about toys, or food, or anything else I give her. I can't teach her games since the only thing she wants is to please me. Any time I can't pet her, she sleeps just until I'm available again - she's great with a crate so I don't think it's separation anxiety.

    So is there any way I can teach her to entertain herself? I worry that encouraging this codependency will lead to her feeling unfulfilled.

    She SCREAM
    On the post hamburger menu, can the "edit" and "delete post" buttons be moved further away from each other?

    Or at least, can the delete button get a confirmation? I'm not the best typer and edit most of my posts 3-4 times. I've also deleted a ton of them by accident.

    How did Futurama have so many celebrity guest appearances?

    I've been going back and watching earlier seasons, which - I thought - had a smaller budget and less recognition. But after taking a closer look at the credits I realized there's a lot of celebrity heads that are voiced by the actual celebrities. The star trek episode actually had the full original cast - and those weren't bit parts! I get that the show's a social commentary, but wouldn't it have been easier to get sound alikes? Is there a story behind the show's giant special appearances list?

    Summer grooming of a very good girl - YouTube

    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

    - YouTube
    What is the BANNED tag?

    I love the new tag feature. So far I've seen:

    • YOU
    • OP
    • ADMIN
    • BANNED

    I'm wondering what that last one means though. Did the person get banned after writing that comment, or is it a warning that they're banned elsewhere? Did I accidentally block a user?

    Minnesota ✨Abigail Watson✨
    My Pillow has collapsed, and all of their equipment is up for auction

    Recently saw this and wanted to share. Even if you're not in the market for industrial equipment, there's lots here for the average person. There's Juki sewing machines, giant ladders, servers, fancy office furniture, conveyor belts, trucks, band saws, just all sorts of stuff. Most of it is at $10 or less!

    Just realized my fediverse is a lot smaller than everyone else's. Is this intentional or a bug?

    There are a lot of communities I haven't subscribed to since there were only 1-2 other users. I've also noticed that some communities started out strong and seemed to practically die.

    But today I was looking for a community and searched through instead of my own instance. Turns out the subscribers never left - I just can't see them. For example:

    • if I search ! using my home instance on liftoff, I see 2 subscribers
    • if I look up the same community using, I see 58 subscribers
    • if I look up the community in Google (not logged in), I see 58 subscribers
    • if I click on the ! link in my own post, I see 110 subscribers
    • if I search using my home instance for new communities, say ! , there's 1 subscriber and no posts
    • if I access ! through my saved committees list, I can see posts

    I've noticed the same issues on ! and ! , but I can only say that for sure because I know those instances should have more traffic. I don't think my instance has defederated with theirs.

    Does anyone know of this is an issue with liftoff, lemmy, or simple defederation?
