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robots.txt is a suggestion
  • I agree and I wish I was actually that cool. I just look at data all day and write rules. 🫠

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I'm consistently proud of Lemmy because of comments like this. It might sound weird, but clearly pizza is great in a multitude of ways. Not everything needs an edgelord's hot take.

  • robots.txt is a suggestion
  • I'm a blade runner. 😁

  • robots.txt is a suggestion
  • I don't think it's a bad idea but it's largely dependent on the crawler. I can't speak for AI based crawlers, but typical scraping targets specific elements on a page or grabbing the whole page and parsing it for what you're looking for. In both instances, your content is already scrapped and added to the pile. Overall, I have to wonder how long "poisoning the water well" is going to work. You can take me with a grain of salt, though; I work on detecting bots for a living.

  • A.I logo
  • I just farted.

  • ...
  • Please forgive me because after a really shitty day at work I'm going to be direct and say "it's not you." I don't know you or your work situation, but I have worked with so many people that felt this way. I feel this way sometimes too. I think a lot of people on Lemmy will say they feel this way at times. Hell I bet your coworkers feel this sometimes too.

    Work sucks. It sucks more than ever too. Most companies are running on skeleton crews. Someone leaves, takes a sick day, or takes PTO, and the whole thing falls apart. You're still expected to somehow optimize through all of this instead of the company hiring additional people.

    Fuck that. You're awesome because you show up and do your job through all the bullshit. I have worked with people that don't always put up the best "metrics", or whatever bullshit measurement your middle manager uses to make themselves look good, but those folks brought other soft skills to the team that made the day better.

    You're human. Vent. Rant. Be upset. Feel your feelings. We all know the current situation sucks and no one can blame you for needing to get it off your chest. More people need to speak up and point out how shitty it is because it's just getting worse.

    Anyway, if you want someone to vent with then DM me and we can complain together, maybe start a riot or something.

  • When you require more 'mechanical' in your keebler
  • I'm not sure they have the power to arrest Satan incarnate.

  • A heat dome will send temperatures into the triple-digits across the West as fires burn
  • Thank you for the response. This isn't my field of study but my Astronomy professor back in college pointed to Venus as a possible outcome for Earth if we continued with our current emissions. I know atmospheric CO2 levels in the past were much higher on Earth but I'm truthfully not sure I understand what mechanisms Earth has that Venus lacked. I'm not trying to argue the point; really, I just want to learn.

    Lastly, I love your username. It sounds delightful.

  • A heat dome will send temperatures into the triple-digits across the West as fires burn
  • Yes, absolutely, you are right. The comments in this thread and elsewhere are that Earth will be fine. Our current trajectory doesn't bode well for that assertion.

  • A heat dome will send temperatures into the triple-digits across the West as fires burn
  • Venus would also like a word.

    Edit: For anyone curious, I'm referring to Venus as a potential model for runaway greenhouse effect.

  • What do you spend most of your time on lemmy doing?
  • Well, I guess I'm here for a good time, not a long time.

  • What doesn't kill you…
  • Sick embroidery!

  • Teens charged with vehicle theft, criminal mischief after attempting to run away from wilderness therapy program - KRBD
  • I hear you and admit that I did misunderstand your point. Thanks for chiming in and clarifying. For the record, I didn't downvote you and I'm sorry you're being misunderstood overall.

  • Teens charged with vehicle theft, criminal mischief after attempting to run away from wilderness therapy program - KRBD
  • You can't blame kids for trying to get away from camps if they're abusive.

    For anyone not aware of what goes on in some of these camps, give this a read:

    Trigger warning.

  • Hallingdal - Gerhard Munthe (1890)🇳🇴
  • What an absolute baller.

    Also, on another note, I really love and appreciate your posts. They have introduced me to a lot of art and artists I wouldn't have otherwise known about.

  • ¡Ay, caramba!
  • Look at Mr.RichGuy over here getting to retire.

  • SerotoninSwells SerotoninSwells

    Just here for good conversation with good people.

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