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[Bi-monthly thread] What have you been watching? 19 June 2024
  • TV shows:
    Babylon Berlin - nearing the end of the first series. It's been very good so far. Heartily recommend.

    Atlanta - Working my way through series 4. Don't think it has hit the highs of S3 so far, but still enjoying it a lot. Well worth watching all the same.

    Films: Cam - ultimately underwhelming psychological horror that didn't do enough with the premise I think. Not bad, but just perhaps not ambitious or exploratory enough with its comceit.

    El Conte - another great premise, but ultimately underwhelming film. Went in wanting to love it and it started well, but botched the landing. Maybe if I was a leftist chilanos it'd have resonated with me more, but the whole "it's all corrupt and they all knew" thing just fell flat. I wanted it to go beyond that. Some good moments and nicely shot scenes though.

  • DF Retro Marathon - The Final Fantasy 13 Trilogy - Every Game, Every Port Tested
  • FFX-2 has a great battle system, and job based FFs were always the most rewarding to play.

    XIII was the point I just decided I didn't care any more. (Also, there's no way that XIII gets to count as retro already, right?)

  • June 24, 2024, Banned and Restricted Announcement - No changes in all formats
  • I think fixing will be much less good with rotation, at least initially. Plus fixing needs to be really good to make splashing a 1 drop viable.

    I also don't think it will sink the deck, but I do think it makes it notably worse.

    You're right that demolishing their own Yotian Frontliner post combat, or even the turn you play it after tapping it to something might still be good enough though.

  • June 24, 2024, Banned and Restricted Announcement - No changes in all formats
  • Epicure means that they have two different 1 drops that make an artifact which they can turn into 3 goblins the following turn.

    With only one 1 drop, there probably isn't the value in running Gleeful Demolition. Which makes their starts much less explosive.

  • Real-Time Strategy is incredible and you should play it
  • An actual rush is a very all in strategy, just don't fall too far behind on making combat units and you'll be fine.

    Its as true in AoE2 as it is in Starcraft(pick one).

    Great fun games, tickle me in a different way to slower, absolutely no rush, 4X games.

  • Timesplitters rated for PS4 and PS5, suggesting a PS Classics release
  • Still some of the best party shooters out there. A plethora of game modes, and a co-op story mode as well. The original and FP are great games. 2 took itself a little too seriously in my opinion (and didn't have character select lines) for it to match up to quite the same level.

  • Who is your favourite author?
  • China Mieville and Ursula Le Guin are both up there are authors who have written things that have felt momentous to read.

    But I'm not sure either of them could edge out Terry Pratchett as the author whose work I've enjoyed going back to time and time again, having read most of Discworld at a more formative age probably helps too.

  • Happy cat

    cross-posted from:

    > He's so silly! > > ##### This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot. > The original was posted on /r/completeanarchy by /u/antifa_angel on 2024-03-24 13:56:05. >

    New artist copyright infringement just dropped...

    Wow, Wizards really needs to better vet artists or indeed artwork at this point.

    Outlaws of Thunder Junction Part 5: High Moon Outlaws of Thunder Junction | Episode 5: High Moon

    At the stroke of midnight, Kellan's duel begins. Tarnation gets some unwelcome company.

    Outlaws of Thunder Junction | Episode 5: High Moon

    Kellan's duel with Akul takes place.

    Ral sets up the lead in to the conclusion.

    I'd love to see Oko in some antivillain roles in the future, or have him glorious bastard his way across Esper.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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