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Sorry for your loss that will be $100k
  • Thank you. Physicians are just employees of the hospital like nurses. They can try to keep the cost down by not ordering unneeded tests, but a majority of the time they can't do anything about prices.

    Whats cool is that physicians aren't allowed to own hospitals due to fear of "greed". But people whose entire career is business and making money can :).

    A baker can own a bakery, a lawyer can own a law firm, a doctor can't own a hospital.

    The US is a mess.

  • Pornhub blocks access in Mississippi and Virginia over age verification laws
  • I think it’s just highlighting that state governments are making crazy laws like this, and PH is one of the big dogs everyone knows

  • Gfycat is shutting down September 1st
  • I’m 100% down to go back to Wild West.

    The feeling and freedom of playing runescape on the early 2000s unfiltered internet was something I’ve missed. Maybe it’s coming back.

  • The creators of RPCS3 are working on a Playstation 4 emulator | DSOGaming
  • That’s such good news.

    The admins in fpPS4’s discord are insufferable and I would love to switch over to a RPCSx build

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