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I feel called out
  • You're being generous.


  • A Theory of Childbirth’s Evolution May Not Be What You’re Expecting
  • Babie's heads are already all mush when they exist the birth canal, and the fact that twins exist the oven way sooner than singletons points to a mechanism that triggers birthing once the baby matter exceeds some critical metabolic thresthold.

    Still think that pregnancy is a barbaric practice, and we should develop artificial wombs as soon as possible.

  • Today i installed arch linux for the first time
  • Brave also does sneaky shit with your data

  • Today i installed arch linux for the first time
  • Hardcore (tech)conservative here. I will survive the AI doppelganger crisis.

  • What the flip is happening to vegemite land?
  • Your first target: The dude in the article

  • Locked
    Why are folks so anti-capitalist?
  • Rich assholes spending their money on expensive luxuries fund the luxury economy, which finds its way to the regular economy.

    The word you are looking for is investment, while what you've described here is consumption. Investment is far, far better than consumption. One is adding to the market, and the other is removing things from the market that could otherwise have been put to much better uses.

  • Locked
    Why are folks so anti-capitalist?
  • Capitalism has been working so far because the economy has been growing, so even if you are poor right now and someone is filthy rich, you are still guaranteed to be better off in the not-so-distant future. However, the world's growth is slowly stagnating, and already has stagnated or even reversed in many developed nations. That spells doom for anyone who was not able to climb out of the economic pit. Living in a stagnant world ruled over by a handful of oligarchs for the rest of eternity, or until the next economic boom (unlikely) is not a pretty prospect.

  • Coders, what is your workflow on Linux
  • In that case, you might wanna check out VSCodium, a malware-free version of VSCode.

  • Coders, what is your workflow on Linux
  • Neovim (with NvChad or the like) + tmux is great, once you figure out the keybinds. Probably not so great for debugging, though. VSCode is a good all-rounder.

  • You better stop slacking
  • The real money is in being a plumber, electrician, mechanic, or what have you. As soon as you upskill a little bit, you're golden.

  • What do you like about your Linux Distro?
  • Running Endeavor OS. Painless installation, everything works outta the box, good community, no release/lts bullshit. If it breaks, just rollback.

  • Gaming on Linux has come a long way
  • Many games even run better on linux with proton than on windows, due to package bundling and stuff. Though the games I play the most already have native linux support.

  • SanndyTheManndy Sanndy

    Your heat wave is my beach rave

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