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Elon Musk Gets Viciously Booed by Stadium Crowd at Dave Chappelle Show
  • “That’s the sound of pending civil unrest … you shut the fuck up with your boos.” -Dave Chapelle

    Shit is at the same time hilarious and so dissonant.

  • Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds: a love letter to the pathetic people brigading

    Don’t you have anything better to do than bother us? Lmao. Y’all are pathetic. I think eating your boogers would be more productive than mass dislikes on a commie forum online. Like this idealist action would actually get us to shut up.

    Aren’t you the same kind of people that love free speech? Ah, what’s that? Just not for pinkos and reds, is that it? How ridiculous. I hope you can take at least two seconds to really ask yourself, why you are doing something so dumb with your energy and time.

    Sincerely, Samubai

    Western media: Tiktok is literally opium exported onto us by China

    Incredible anyone has the gall to hijack history like this. Demonizing the victim of brutal colonialist crimes and warmongering and equating them, China, to self imposed(lack of regulation) social, ideological and cultural decay.

    I just got into the most corny argument about China with a liberal I've ever experienced. (This will be long, my apologies.) This is all real. Word for word.
  • I wouldn’t engage with them without sourcing your claims, and if they source claims, breakdown their bias. Esp if it’s RFA or NED/wiki related. I would also not debate these kinds of people when they’re clearly so brainwashed and willfully ignorant. A debate then is about who is more “convincing” more than who is correct. It becomes a mind game more than a conversation. Don’t fall for their dumb mind games. Don’t participate.

    The worst part about being a leftist is that we always have to do 10x more homework than any lib. So, you can’t sound unsure or humble about what you know. It’s provable that the genocide is a fabrication. No doubt about it. And America imprisons millions of black people. It doesn’t have to hide it because the status quo doesn’t give a f-ck about black people. It also has concentration camps on the border. No need to hide it. As long as we can criminalize a minority population, liberals will concede to their oppression. America also has glorified concentration camps with casinos called reservations. No one gives a shit. Regardless of what China says or does, the facts are in their favor, and american liberals have zero authority with which to talk about genocide when they actively consent and participate in it.

    No offense but that lib “friend” or whatever is a complete loser and a hollow person if they are so sinophobic.

    “Only evil Chinese are capable of hiding genocide. We’re too good and much better than the y*llows. Our institutions our superior.”

    Is pretty much what that person was saying. And it’s a pretty horrible thing to say.

  • We should make a better effort at highlighting revolutionary communist women

    Disclaimer: this is just my opinion based on posts we make on lemmygrad.

    As the title suggests, it is of my opinion that we do not make a good enough effort at highlighting the accomplishments and contributions of women in revolutions besides Luxembourg and Kolontai. I myself am relatively ignorant on the subject, and it wasn’t until recently in history that we have started to take note of the vast contributions women made, oftentimes in the background, to revolutions or progress in general. I think that it’s a task that shouldn’t just be handed over for the socialist-feminists to deal with either. It should be a conscious effort to make women be seen in revolution and communist societies. It would help us become more approachable and make places like the ussr a real place that wasn’t just the place of great men like Stalin, Lenin or Marx. These happen to be the biggest names in communism but the revolution was not made by them but by the men and women that contributed their lives and careers in upholding communist nations. It is a positive thing to find the ones whose names we’ve forgotten, and give them new life in our minds.

    For example: Nadezhda Krupskaya was the secretary of the Central committee and held important positions as a newspaper editor and helped create the Soviet education system. There is also an asteroid named after her.

    Anyone got any favorite, underrated socialist women they know?

    Am I an asshole for wanting Russia to win the war?

    Dearest Lemmygrad,

    I don’t feel very sorry for the imperial core for getting inflation. Obviously poor people suffer the most, but up until recently that’s all who anything has ever affected. Now the commoner is being affected. It seems to me regular people in the imperial core have been the most passive slaves in history. They, and I could include myself at times, have been such comfortable slaves that they don’t really care what happens in the world. Not everyone obviously. It’s very much a NIMBY kind of attitude. But as soon as the consequences of imperialist military adventurism knocks on their door in the form of the Russian-Ukraine conflict, everyone freaks out. It turns into a both sides argument.

    To me, from a global south country, I say good riddance. People have often wondered what it will take for the west to rise up. I say, nows the time. If Russia has proven anything is that the west is full of shit and that they can be challenged. Much of the west is so full of racist, xenophobic, lumpen proles reactionary, colonialist and imperial leeches. It’s like, damn, something that happens in the world is actually affecting you? So sad. Cry me a river. Welcome to the club of what life is like for everyone else. Maybe now you’ll wake the fuck up and do something to get rid of those golden chains of unbridled consumerism you have so happily worn for so long.

    Maybe the white-supremacist ideology of the west will crumble once Russia has a victory in Ukraine. For we all know, if anyone cared ab Ukrainian lives, the west would’ve surrendered or entered negotiations months, if not years ago. No, Russia is not some sort of ally, anti-imperialist or even socialist. Maybe their govt is kind of a joke. It will not be socialist, at least under putin. But I don’t really care at this point. The west needs to humble itself. Overall, it’s good for communists worldwide to know their resistance can prevail! Especially now that the west has shown it’s true colors.

    Tl;dr I’m glad Russia is winning. The west’s racist ideology is crumbling. This probable victory helps show social movements can resist and overcome western aggression. The west can’t even beat their own pariah.

    I feel shitty for thinking like this, but I can’t help but feel justified…? maybe I’m just a big ol’ callous asshole. Maybe it’s both.

    Cheers, Samubai

    American People: “We need help with Covid!!! President Biden:
  • I love how sick Americans have to tighten their belt to give weapons to a hopeless endeavor. It’s like, “honey, kids, I know we’re short on food and medicine, but i gotta go gamble our money away. We’ll score big this time!” Totally delusional.

  • I quit reddit.
  • Yeah, fuck Reddit. I can’t believe they banned GenZhou. A niche educational sub. Wtf.

  • Samubai Samubai

    Just a commie interested in city planning and writing. Always asking pesky questions!

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