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Games SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️
In my steam reccs, Stalin bless
31 countries' delegates attend Russia's Navy Day ceremonies; China, India, and Algeria send ships to participate in parade and exercises

I saw this mentioned in Ray MacGovern's recent interview with Dialogue Works, and had to look it up and see if anyone had covered it here; "somehow" it has been largely ignored by western media. 😂

(EDIT)- changed "troops" in the title to "ships." I messed up, brainfart- it was ships. Troops naturally included.

I have no choice but to assume this is an experimental memetic kill agent
  • Honestly I support this dumpster fire (from a safe distance). AmeriKKKa is finally getting the representation it deserves- not what it needs, perhaps, but that isn't available within this genocidal, imperialist regime. Till it is overthrown, this is the next best thing as I see it.

    As a Klanadian we're no much better, with our parliament giving standing ovations to Nazi SS veterans. But sometimes medicine is a bitter pill to swallow, this is just the real face of the system. And if the medicine is truly puke-worthy, I suppose at least that forces change. Either that or kills the recipient, which in the case of the empire is perfectly fine by me as well.

    (I'm not an accelerationist, but in terms of merely embarassing cringe like this it works- and also, when the empire is literally in the early stages of WW3 and actively participating in industrial genocide, a whole slew of things become preferable and the opposite of accelerationism when looking at the bigger global picture)

  • Is this the new American dream?
  • Looking it up, the answer is no- debt collection, at least in the shady form it takes in the west, is illegal in China. Whatever debts are demanded due have to be presented by a lawyer to courts.

    If you ask me, that's a good thing- just as the credit industry should not exist in the form it does (and China has prevented their country from being flooded by cheap consumer credit), debt collectors also should not be allowed to exist, certainly not in any way akin to how they do in the west.

    It may sound bloodthirsty but if it were up to me? Such predators who target the working class in particular, and with such notoriously corrupt and coercive, often illegal means, should be sent for re-education- the repeat offenders, lined up and shot, and that is the generous treatment for them- as I certainly am also a believer in that there is a considerable value and importance in the societal concept and expectations of justice, if I had such power I would even publicly flay them if they were abhorrent enough, or have them handled by the mob. Because if worst comes to worst, medieval problems certainly can and do call for medieval solutions. Those who inflict cruelty have no place to complain when it is turned back upon them, and that satisfaction is something politically relevant, and I'd argue- psychologically necessary, for the individual and for society, to some large degree.

  • Russian support could give China's army "a decisive advantage in a potential conflict with the United States."
  • Perhaps then it shouldn't be nuked- though I think there's merit to the notion of taking out the core of the criminal bureaucracy that has overseen the most warlike, genocidal state in existence all the same- but it should certainly be occupied. And my personal take on it is that if I myself had anything to say about it, DC would be cleansed from existence, and its civilian population relocated to the outskirts and built new homes there. As the seat of modern evil in the 21st century, as the greatest monument to (many) genocide(s) humanity has ever seen, I think that there has to be something substantial done about it, either way- not merely a renaming of the city if and when it were taken, but a permanent military occupation, perhaps with the end goal of making it, if it were to remain, a living museum of the most warlike, monstrous state in existence.

    I feel that it's deathly important that humanity takes such a stance, to disavow not only the settler-state and all its horrors- but to disavow the American empire in particular, which I'd argue is the inspiration of all modern genocides and the culmination of all the capitalist and imperialist (as the highest form of capitalism, granted) crimes in history.

    Now, as for if whoever the US targets with a preemptive nuclear strike can't intercept all the missiles- that's another story. If you ask me, if MAD is invoked successfully, by all means survival- as well as maintaining MAD- becomes a matter of equal retaliation or worse. To do anything else would be a betrayal to the victims of such a preemptive strike, to the blood, sweat, and tears that went into creating such weapons to deter and retaliate against American aggression, and to the very notion of human dignity and equality across all nations, races, etc. as I see it. Because there certainly would be more incoming, and the precedent of the west getting away with invoking MAD and not receiving it in turn is frankly worse if you ask me than any other possible outcome.

  • Slovak PM's shooter protested suspension of Ukraine military aid – Slovak interior minister
  • Now that one thinks about it, I don't think I'd be overly averse to the idea of some Ukranian offing, or trying to off, Trump- not because I think it'd be a good thing for AmeriKKKa necessarily- frankly while he's also abhorrent I see him as the far lesser and more incompetent/disruptive (to the empire) evil- but because seeing things explode from there would be glorious, and hopefully weaken and destabilize the empire further.

  • Slovak PM's shooter protested suspension of Ukraine military aid – Slovak interior minister
  • I hope he lives. His politics may be a mixed bag, but where it is most important- in facing the greatest and most abhorrent contradiction in present times as well as of the past 500 years, imperialism- he is a stumbling block for the empire.

  • Russian support could give China's army "a decisive advantage in a potential conflict with the United States."
  • I don't see it as revenge, to strike back in equal capacity against the heart of the empire and almost all modern evils of the past century (and certainly the embodiment of the past half millennium of genocidal imperialism). Especially not in the hypothetical context of the US striking out with nukes first.

    I see it as a matter of decapitating the empire before it does something worse. Because of things come to that point of a preemptive nuclear strike - even if China, Russia, or whatever other target is able to intercept it- anything at that point is on the table, and I genuinely don't see peace with the AmeriKKKan regime as an option in that scenario- that would basically be the statement of intent, to rule over the ashes (and to truly burn the world to ashes in the process).

    What would be next? More nukes? Backing terrorist activities (well more than usual, and that would be saying something)? Bringing out the biowarfare and chemical weapons once again to unleash plagues and famine on the world, considering what we know of the US empire's repeatedly proven depravity? Trying to bring others down with it who may be less able to defend themselves from nukes like China and Russia might- for instance Iran, Brazil, South Africa, Venezuela, perhaps even India (I certainly imagine they'd attempt to strike India and Iran, anyways) pretty much any countries they can think of as a spiteful last genocidal gasp of empire? Trying to exterminate as many indigenous peoples and leftist organization at an accelerated, industrial pace within the imperial core itself to preserve the settler-state's foundations, setting the country aflame in scorched-earth tactics, and further intensifying their werewolf-adjacent (the Nazi insurgency plans) preparations? In such a scenario I'd expect all that would be on the table and more.

    If the west crosses that line- the line of unprovoked, direct nuclear war- I wouldn't call it revenge, to strike DC off the face of the map- frankly I'd argue it would likely be a necessity and a prime objective of the rest of humanity, if they have any sense. The sheer amount of horror the US has unleashed in its two centuries of existence, and the guarantee of even greater horrors to come if action is not taken swiftly and decisively in such a scenario, is undeniable. Revenge doesn't even factor into the equation here, I genuinely believe (and have good reason to believe- as surely much of the world also does) that the empire is that unhinged, and that capable and more than willing- and eager, even (and only restrained through the fear of retaliation) to destroy the rest of humanity, or perhaps even the entire species or biosphere altogether if they can't maintain hegemony.

    In that context, with my thought process explained- can you disagree? And would it be based on reason, or some moral imperative and idealism?

  • ...And overthrow/assassinate democratically elected governments
  • They know what they're getting into, tbh. Has the CIA ever, even once, done anything that could be considered beneficial to humanity, or even the average American? Frankly I don't think so- they were founded shortly after WW2 and have been terrorizing the world (and assassinating presidents, likely including American ones) ever since.

    They're basically the world's biggest terrorist organization and organized crime syndicate, and the second-largest drug cartel in history after perhaps the British empire.

  • Russian support could give China's army "a decisive advantage in a potential conflict with the United States."
  • Agreed, I'd prefer if there are no nukes involved. But unless massive change happens in the west to oust the neocons running the show in almost all western countries and institutions, I think this might be where we're headed- and that nukes may not even be the worst of the problems the world will have to face if the neocons aren't thoroughly stomped out quickly enough, even.

  • Russian support could give China's army "a decisive advantage in a potential conflict with the United States."
  • If that new age is ushered in, frankly China and Russia ought to make sure Washington DC and every major military base in the continental US is a irradiated no-man's land, even if all the nukes are shot down. Such a rogue state can't be allowed to exist with the nuclear capabilities it presently does- it's already bad enough as-is, but when and if they try a nuclear first strike, IMO no country is safe (not just China and Russia)- and assuming there's anything left of the ashes, the US will probably even need to be under a international occupation and partition in a manner akin to Nazi Germany's postwar treatment on steroids to properly de-Americanize (in a similar fashion to de-Nazification- rooting out all adherents of neoconservatism, Manifest Destiny and the Monroe doctrine, all alphabet agencies and those who make up the "blob," etc) the region.

  • How will dedollarization affect US allies? (such as EU and Japan)
  • By the looks of things so far, the US is deadset on dragging the rest of its puppets down with it. So I'd say- things don't look good for the "international community" (and good riddance, even as someone who lives in one such imperial core myself)

  • Chinese reunification with Taiwan to devastate US, Commerce Sec. says
  • Good. I'd say maybe the US shouldn't have invested all it's eggs in the imperialist basket, but then, it's very existence is imperialism.

    They may as well cry about how the (partial) abolishment of slavery and decolonization movements "devastate" the west next- well, they already do, and this counts as the latter.

  • Italy calls for Ukraine truce, peace talks with Putin
  • It's a wild world we're in where the bloody neofascists are the less bloodthirsty parties- which frankly, they tend to be nowadays in the west. I assume it's because they actually tend to want their nations to stay intact and/or prosper (for white people only), if nothing else- whereas the neocons have no such loyalty or values for anything and would happily see the world, and even their own countries burn if it made them an extra buck to squirrel away to their bunkers and private islands if shit hits the fan.

    Honestly, I think that's the path the US and much of the west is headed right now- either they win (and they have, granted, probably deluded themselves into thinking they will win) and continue their 500-year reign of westoid terror, or they collapse having extracted everything possible of value from even the imperial cores themselves. By their fiscal and foreign policies it really seems like that's the plan.

  • Why did the USA fund ISIS?
  • Why is it so surprising? The US govt. is a rabid dog, and everything it spawns is equally rabid in turn. NATO, far right movements all across Europe, Ukronazis, jihadis, Zionists, Falun Gong, countless tribalist militias, cartels, and right wing death squads, etc...

    The US is an empire of chaos, and that chaos even includes within the imperial core itself, where its population is pitted against each other with culture wars and systemic racism and divide-and-conquer tactics, while their own government wages what can only be called an opium war upon its own citizenry.

  • De-Dollarization Is Happening at a ‘Stunning’ Pace, Jen Says
  • I don't see how the unfounded fears of Russia and China can keep Europe (and the rest of the west, but Europe in particular) in line. Unlike the 1930s, they can't channel all that demagoguery to anything substantial for fear of MAD after all.

    All that societal pressure will just keep simmering, with mass austerity making it all worse, until something explodes IMO. As a Canadian, it certainly seems like that's how things will go here as well. For Europe, hell if I know how it'll go, but I expect we'll either see the EU begin falling apart in a very real sense in the future, and/or start cracking down on Euroskeptics of all stripes in an attempt to hold itself together and consolidate power within the sinking ship.

  • NSFW
    He fucked around and found out CW: settler down
  • Brought a smile to my face... rip bozo

  • US agrees to withdraw troops from Niger amid Sahel region’s pivot to Russia
  • It's amazing how you even use a keyboard, with so few working brain cells. Go back to the lib hole you came from.

  • Germans be like
  • Going by the metaphor, Germany still is a rapist, and fully supporting Israel's following in their footsteps. The only difference between the west today, and 80 years ago in that sense, is that nowadays, all the rapists cooperate hand-in-hand with each other (while bending over for big daddy AmeriKKKa) and claim they're giving their victims "freedom and democracy" rather than "civilization and Christianity."

  • US agrees to withdraw troops from Niger amid Sahel region’s pivot to Russia
  • Personally I think the west is going to try all the same. And it'll go about as terribly as can be expected, especially with Russia returning to its anti-colonial legacy.

    It can be delayed, and perhaps (depending on circumstance) should be, but IMO the imperialists will not go out without trying to take the world down with them. It's not in their nature, the nature of their ideologies, institutions, etc.

  • Chad’s government threatens to kick out US troops as Russia expands influence in Africa
  • Thankfully, the opinions of the west (though even these are changing) are becoming increasingly irrelevant. Africans, Arabs, Indians, Chinese, and countless others love Russia and appreciate its anti-colonial legacy, which is undergoing a revival.

  • Rare Tiktok W
  • Is it a rare W, though? I don't think so... TikTok collects Ws left and right.

  • Better Europe, anyone?

    I saw 's post and wound up making a larger version of it (with my own changes)

    Update- wound up making a expanded version


    and a notion of how it would look amidst a better world (not overly serious, borders subject to change) !

    SadArtemis SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️

    She/Her, certified AmeriKKKa hater (all my homies hate AmeriKKKa)

    Moving partially to Hexbear for the emojis and larger community (I'll still be here and using this acc)

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