RowRowRowYourBot @ RowRowRowYourBot Posts 0Comments 167Joined 5 days ago
Worth noting that "solution" was strongly promoted when I sold cars. If you do have some from of assistive cruise control you should use it.
I never said nobody intentionally made others sick. I said most were not intentionally made sick. Most Natives died before even seeing Europeans.
They do where servers are I believe
Cool are you willing to go to jail in their place then?
Yes, because at the time we didn't understand germ theory. The livestock the spanish brought over introduced these diseases to other people via other animals.
If you supermegavirus X to your pet rat which lives in your house and who then gives it to a bird who then gives it to a different bird and eventually kills me are you responsible for my death? No you are not and that is how many/most died. They had zero contact with Europeans.
I am confronting the fact that I have lost the ability to just be bored. I need to get that back.
Ozzy Osbourne called it the hardest drug to quit and that man has done many drugs
Someone at the end of the day owns the instance in question here. Many might not want the secret service knocking on their door.
I mentioned starvation specifically because of the needless slaughter of bison.
Many weren’t intentional though. There was diseases spread initially by livestock that killed many of that 3.6 million.
Yes, there absolutely were intentional campaigns of genocide but a lot of natives just caught the flu and had zero defense to it. Nobody intentionally gave them the flu because many of these people never saw Europeans.
Dredge was incredible. I got the good ending by mistake.Do you know if the dlc is worth it?
I seem to remember a different fascist nation who did crazy things that were all “legal”.
If you want to look into it the askhistorians FAQ is great
Of that 96% starvation and disease killed many/most. The USA absolutely waged genocidal campaigns against the various tribes but that 3.6 million includes other deaths as well.
Worth noting GGS is incredibly poorly received in the anthropology community. If this was reddit most of the major history and anthro subs have a bot to debunk much of it.
Jarred Diamond, the author of GGS, is an eye doctor and bird expert. He isn’t a good source for this stuff.
Didn’t Lewis and Clarke note how often they found abandoned settlements?
No eggs? Are you telling me no one ate one if the more nutrient dense foods or are you saying it just doesn’t make it into cuisine because eggs wouldn't be common to people who didn't farm birds?
Correct, I know far more many bitches who were/are cis-men.
The USSR under his first two five year plans got running potable water and electricity to the entire nation. That is a larger QoL improvement for most families whose life before Stalin mirrored most of their ancestors for centuries.
This is why he falls into the mixed bag category rather than being seen as an outright monster like Beria was.
Tesla firetrucks bring the fires to the houses